Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hi my pals, as you all no doubt know tomorrow May 15th  is a big day. There is a court hearing for our pal Sarge  Sarge who has been accused of a wrong doing. 


We all know Sarge could never do anything above the law and I hope it gets straightened out in Mayor Madi's Mayor Madi. Court.

I thought everyone might be hungry so I brought out the truck with free refreshments for everyone!!

I tried to make it easy for everyone to take in the court with them.

Squirrel on a stick

Waffles on a stick

Possum pizza on a stick

Poptarts on a stick

Strawberries and cookies on a stick

Frozen Beer on a Stick 

I hope you enjoy everything and now we need to help Sarge. Sarge helped me out many a time when Puddles got a hold of the pizza truck keys. He settled it with fairness and honesty.  He deserves our help and support.

Loveys Sasha


Cowspotdog said...

we will take one of everything :)

Scooter said...

Oh darling Sasha you fabulous and gorgeous friend! We crabby girls will whisper to Sarge so he knows he has your lovey and support. Thanks so very much, dear, for proving brunch for everyone during the court event. Your stick entres look delicious! Sarge is so lucky to have you in his world!
Ciao, darling.
Shelldon, Beachnut, Oceana

Ranger said...

Yummmmmmmm. What a pawsome idea. We''l all be hungary after a day in court.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD Chef Sasha.... You have pulled out all the Stop Sticks (that is a Pawlice Pun fur you) fur this "TRIAL". You are gonna be SOOOOO busy taking care of all the STARVING Customers... Just make SURE that they have made their Testimonials fur SARGE before they start Chowing Down... their mouths would be TOO Full to Talk for Sarge otherwise.

THANK YOU SASHA... fur helping to
S ave
O ur
S arge !!! YOU are the BEST!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

AND you can chew on the sticks afterwards!

We hope Sarge has a good lawyer because he's up against his pawrents. It has to be a win-win situation.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD - those all look so good. We hope things go well for Sarge. Hard to believe any of what has been said.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Millie and Walter said...

We'll take one of each please. We will be sure to make our statements before we get too full and fall asleep though.

Millie & Walter

Unknown said...

One please..of everything...just trying to be fair!

GOOSE said...

You know I am going to be there to stand up for our Sarge. And you are so thoughtful...free yummy foodables all on a stick. WOW! Can you put beer on a stick? Just asking. I will help ya out if ya need a load or two of sticks. Got ya covered girl.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a pawsome idea Sasha. We will all be hungry before, during and after the trial. We'll take some squirrel on a stick (we might even bring you a few deaded squirrels after what they did to our blog, MOL).

We will definitely be there to show our support for Sarge!

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

JacksDad said...

Jack would like just the stick please! :)

Unknown said...

Yummy yummy yum yums Sasha. We will take one of everything. See you tomorrow. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Declan said...

Errrrr.....have you got anything on a stick, Sasha mate?! Deccy x

Duke said...

We don't really know Sarge but if he's a friend of yours, then he's a friend of ours, Sasha, and he has our support!
You have to be the bestest cooker in the whole wide world! yummmmmmm

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

O...M...D we LOVE food on a stick!!!
Thank you Miss Sasha - we will be there.
Wally & Sammy

Lovable Lily said...

thanks Sasha for being there for Sarge. We'll be stopping by for poptarts and possum pizza shortly before heading into court.

Lily Belle & Muffin

My Mind's Eye said...

Chef Sasha you have surely saved the day. Your foodables will keep all jurors happy and healthy during their lengthy deliberations today.
Finger food is purrfect too.
I'm so glad you are my Chef in residence
Hugs madi your BFFF

Sketching with Dogs said...

Are those really squrrels on a stick?
Mum says she could eat one of the strawberries and cookies, yum!
Puddles will surely appreciate the beer on a stick when she wants to cool down, BOL.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Anonymous said...

I know Shasha this is unbelievable. I am gonna take a waffle (or two or ten) and bring them into the courtroom with me. See you there!

Anonymous said...

Sasha you are just brilliant - the idea with the frozen beer is the BEST thing ever. you can get drunken everywhere without buying a bottle or a can.and it's ecofriendly - no trash

Matilda the Boxer said...

Beer... on... a... stick!!!! It combines the best of both worlds!! Thank you for your support of Sarge and all of us witnesses and juror-folks.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh poor dog Sarge, I hope it goes better for him than the song says "I Fought The Law And The Law Won". I need food, I always think better on a full stomach.
Thanks for stopping by my blog
Sweet William The Scot

Scooter said...

Sasha, dear your foodables have been a wonderful part of today's event. We are so very glad you are here and we appreciate your S.O.S. support. Gosh, our three tummies are tiny, but we've stuffed them full several times today! We'll have to do a few laps around the crabitat to walk this all off. Oh, but it was all so very tasty and amazing!
Little Pinches,
Shelldon, Beachnut, Oceana

Reuben said...

Girl, you must has professionally trained at a county fair in the South - you gots more foodstuffs on sticks than even the finest North Carolina fair can boast! *nomnomnomnom*

Scooter said...

That was some yummy food Sasha!! but...you forgot the Tacos!! sigh!

Jazzi and Addi

bichonpawz said...

Seriously....that is THE most awesome partay food we have ever seen!!! We will take at least one of each! Thank you Miss Sasha!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug