Friday, April 12, 2013

Safe Housing Needed Please

Hi my sweet pals. I hope you are all looking forward to a nice weekend. I have a few fun pictures I want to share with you.

My Sisters boyfriend had a birthday and he loves cherry pie and horror movies. She made him a Jason Voorheis cherry pie. It was yummy, I got to have a little.

She also made him graveyard cupcakes for another party. These were also very yummy.

This is very impawtant.
 Are you ready??
 I heard Mommy making an appointment for a haircut torture session for me next week.
 Can any of my sweet wonderful pals let me stay with them until she gets over this phase???
 Please let me know.
 I travel light and don't eat a lot. I do require snacks throughout the day. I only need to bring my favorite squeaky Cali the dragon. 
Contact me ASAP and thanks

Loveys Sasha(who likes her hair just the way it is)


Matilda the Boxer said...

Momma thinks that's the best birthday pie she's ever seen. She'd like to request one for her birthday please. (Did you know she was born on Friday the 13th?! BOL!)

You are welcome to come hang out with Cinderella and me for as long as you like. Bring Cali along. She can meet Dragon, my fierce dragon stuffie I gots for Christmas.

Unknown said...

That pie sure looks yummy! You can come down here to Florida Sasha, but you might be to warm in all our heat an humidity. I actually can't wait to get a haircut, I look like heck!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

3 doxies said...

They law has mercy, I has nevers seen a such a beautiful horror pie in all my life! Your sissy REALLY did an amazin' job. And OMD, da cupcakes...gots any left fur a sweet little doxie? I just knows her boyfriend was super happies! I hopes he haded a good birfday.

Girlfriend, you knows you is welcome to my abode anytime you wants. I has plenty of snacks and drinks fur your whole entire stay at Casa de Puddles. We can go to da funeral home and has coffee too...then we can drivin' around da town with our heads stuck out da windows. Always mischief, what I does bestest.


3 doxies said...

PS: I just LOOOOVES your balck and white header foto, it is just gawjuss!


Cowspotdog said...

You can come stay with us - Mom won't let us go anywhere near those nasty old hair cutters!!!

Anonymous said...

How about we send Bites in the BPD Heli-o-copter to pick you up, we gots lots of room and you can stay till some sense returns to reasonable with her!

Your Pals
The Mad Scots

JacksDad said...

That looks like a magnificent birthday pie!!! YUMMM!

Lovable Lily said...

Of course you can make a stop here too at our house, we'd all love to have ya Sasha!

Now that's a pie we could all sink our teeth into :)

Lily Belle & Muffin

The Websters said...

Come on over Sasha...you know Mrs. Master is FAR FAR too cheap to pay for anyone to be cutting hair...I even catch her trimming her own ends from time to time.


The Websters said...

Come on over Sasha...you know Mrs. Master is FAR FAR too cheap to pay for anyone to be cutting hair...I even catch her trimming her own ends from time to time.


The Websters said...

Come on over Sasha...you know Mrs. Master is FAR FAR too cheap to pay for anyone to be cutting hair...I even catch her trimming her own ends from time to time.


Dachshund Nola said...

Come on over!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You know you would always be welcome here, Sasha - c'mon over and we will have lots of fun together.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

3 doxies said...

One more thing...when yuo comes overs can you brings da snack truck?


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You COULD come here, you'd be VERY welcome....but SHE has clippers and uses them when we're least expecting it.

That cherry pie looks scrumptious...not sure about eating dead cakes though.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Oakley and Swisher said...

Hey that was a very clever Pie idea.

And oh no Sasha. There's room in my crate you can come hide over here!

Good luck!

Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HERE Sasha... YOU can come HERE.

OMD OMD OMD O M D that PIE is a work of ART. Your mom must be starting to Practice CHEFFY Skills so she can be Famous like Our Beloved Chef Sasha!!! Darn, we gotta admit that she is Off to a grrrreat start with the Jason Pie and the deaded PUP Cakes!!

GOOSE said...

Sweet Sasha you can stay with me any time! I will have plenty of treats for you through out the day.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
The birthday party looked marverlous! All that good stuff to eat. YUM!
You can come stay with me - no problem at all.

Scooter said...

Come right on over, she will never find you here!!

Jazzi and Addi

Millie and Walter said...

Those are some really clever birthday noms. I see you have many offers for sanctuary but if you need another place to hide you are always welcome here.


bichonpawz said...

Awesome birthday treats! You are more than welcome to stay with us Sasha!! Xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Piappies World said...

Such yummy treats you got there. Hope you were able to enjoy some, Sasha. You can head over to us. We got lots of zoom zoomies time. Let's go!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Unknown said...

Wow Sasha the pie looks great. You can come over here. We will hide you in London. Mum will never find you. LOL now I am worried peeps might be having me groomed soon. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

The pie and cupcakes are so cool and they look so yummy! You can hide out here, Sasha. We'll keep you safe!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Jan Mader said...

What a terrific birthday pie!!1 Sasha you can come and stay with me....we could write lots of stories together!!!

Anonymous said...

That birthday pie and the cupcakes look awesome! Hope he had a very happy birthday! You can come stay with us :) We have this thing that we call Phe and Gator Day Out at our house! You could join us. Wouldn't that be fun!!!!!

Reuben said...

Sasha, you is always welcome to come stay in my castle. Even I will let you does peeings in my yard! That is how special you is. You know who else is special? The cake-baker who made the Jason pie! Is the most amazing pie I ever has sawed.


Sketching with Dogs said...

Quick, come over to England, they will never find you here :)
Wow, the cherry pie and gravestone cupcakes are sooooo cool, Mum would love them at her birthday!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Sasha...OF COURSE you may come to my house for as long as you would like...I'll even share my Fancy Feast with you.
Hugs madi your BFFF

The Army of Four said...

Ha roo, gorgeous! With our recent addition, I don't think Mom would notice one more! Come on over!
Play bows,
PS: Camo says thank you for the warm welcome!

SquirrelQueen said...

The pie looks yummy and just the right amount of scary. Our Mama really like the Friday the 13TH movies.

Come on over Sasha, you are welcome to hide out here as long as you like. We have lots of beds, toys and goodies.

Happy Weekend,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

But you don't even need a furcut! You look bootiful just as you at!