Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Tribute to my Sweet Remington

Hi my pals, it has been a month since my Remington crossed the Rainbow Bridge and became Angel Remington.  I miss him every day. I know he would not want me to be sad. I think of him across the Bridge and I smile now. He is running free and surrounded by friends, playing football and just catching huge sun puddles. He is happy and free and that makes me happy. I will join him one day and we will run together. For now I am happy to be here with all my memories and pals here. We are all lucky to have known him at all.

 Run free my sweet Angel Remington. I will howl with you every full moon.

 He always told me, he loved me to the moon and back.

We posed for a portrait. It was a wonderful day. We giggled together. Remington held me up so we looked like we were the same height.

Remington loved football and was a huge Vikings fan when he lived in Minnesota. He was offered a job working for the Green Bay Packers and his family moved to Wisconsin. He loved both teams and divided time between them offering his advice and training.

He always found time for me.

He gave me his ring and asked me to go steady with him. I said yes of course!

This was the event we went to for our first date 2/14/2012

He gave me this blanket and I sleep with it every night.

He was so smart and always taught us all what he learned

So handsome!!

I love this picture.

I know I will always think of him playing "snow football", his favorite sport.

I will always love you Remington, you and no other. I feel your free spirit running through me and it makes me feel safe knowing you are watching over me every night.

Please comment if you can with a wonderful Remington memory, a favorite post or anything that reminds you of him. Let's rejoice in his memory, I know that is what he would want us to do.  I have a very good feeling he is with us right now.

I will donate $1(up to $100.00) for every comment to Ocooch Mountain Humane Society, Rem's favorite charity.

I have more wonderful news! Mike and Beth are going to match  my donation!! 

 I am going to start with one of my favorite posts of his. It was December 11th last year. 

I need to earn some extra money
for an awesome present for
my girlfriend, Miss Sasha....
I will hire myself out as
a centerpiece for your holiday table....
I am available until 
December 15th....

Just call me at 5379047309473092
at your earliest convenience....

Remember --
nothing says Christmas like a
  Remington Centerpiece...."


I agree
Loveys Sasha


bichonpawz said...

Hi Sasha, we are working on a special post for Remington. This is a beautiful tribute. We really hope you are doing ok...Hang in there! Xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What a wonderful tribute to handsome Remington! (we popped over from Madi's) Have a beautiful Thursday. XOXO

SquirrelQueen said...

Dear sweet Sasha, this is a beautiful tribute to Remington. Every time there is a full moon we can't help but wonder what it is called. Remington would always give us the name and story behind it. We loved listening for him to howl at the moon and we would meow back as loud as we could.

We remember the centerpiece post, it was one of our favorites too. We miss him so much.

Soft purrs,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

What Remains Now said...

Coming over from Madi's blog to participate in your wonderful comment-a-thon. I was just getting to know Remington, so I don't have the long memories that many in Blogville have, but I could tell Remington was a special guy because of all his loyal friends. My favorite memory of Remington is him in the snow. What a beautiful and natural combination.

Scooter said...

That is a beautiful tribute Sasha. We all miss Remington so much, he was so special and gave us all SMILES!!! Me and Addi will think of him when the Vikings/Packers play and we look at every full moon special now!! We were happy to have known Remington and to have had him as our friend!!

Jazzi and Addi

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That was beautiful, Sasha. We remember Remington, too. Blogville loved him.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Mollie said...

Sasha, what a wonderful tribute to Remington, we loved him and he was such a funny guy. All his posts were fantastic, the way he loved his football team and the snow..He had a charisma like no other. We will never forget him. xxxx0xxxxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Mollie said...

oh and not forgetting the full moon :) xxxxx

Duke said...

What a beautiful tribute, Sasha.
Angel Remington taught us that each full moon has a name and his pictures were always stunning! We always think of him when we see a full moon.

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

We noticed last week there was a full moon because of Remington. NOrmally I wouldn't have even noticed. I left early in the morning to go to work and the moon was so big and so close, I felt like I could reach out and touch it. And I thought of him.
What a lovely tribute you have here Sasha. And this is such a wonderful idea.

Unknown said...

Sasha that is a fabulous tribute to Remington. We miss him and think about his peeps often. We are still very sad about what happened but yes we should remember all the good things. We will always think of Rem and the RRC every full moon. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

We had only known remmi a few weeks before he left ..but we loved seeing him reading his books and playing in the snow.

Asta said...

Dawling Sasha,

Yoow twiboote to youw sweet Wemington was bootiful and touching..I know he is watching ovew you fwom heaven and someday you will be togethew again..to the moon and back...what a wondewful thought. i loved his sense of hoomow, his calm stwength and sweetness. seeing him joyously wunning in the snow wif his football is one of my favowite memowies. I will always wemembew him and hold him in my heawt
smoochie kisses

tubby3pug said...

This is a lovely tribute to a sweet dog gone far to soon. There is very little else i can say

urban hounds

The Furries of Whisppy said...

This is a beautiful tribute to your handsome Remington. We miss our big friend and we remember his post after he arrived at the bridge where he told us there's a sunny section of the bridge AND a snowy section! We can just picture him playing snow football with his Bridge pals. :D

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Sasha this is absolutely beautiful...Mom and I got a little teary remember all the love Remington shared with every living soul he knew!! I remember the centerpiece post and but did that make me smile.

1. It just cracks me up every time I think about the times Remington called me Queen Madi...and on the mail I rec'd addressed to Queen Madi. I am sure my mailman Tony, not Earl, must have wonder what and the world was going in in my house.
2.I also always enjoyed the pictures of Rem sitting in Mike's lap. What a lap full of love and warmth. In Rem's mind he was always a puppy!!
3. Rem taught us all to enjoy each and every moment of each day...and that life is about quality time with loved ones.

Rem enjoyed each and every second of each day.

Sasha thank you for this wonderful day to remember all the good moments each of us shared with Remington. He was the finest of the fine!!!

Lots of love and hugs to you and your family and Mike and Beth...I know you are feeling the love today and thank you for sharing Rem with the world, yes the world!!

It was indeed my honor to have been his friend he made us better people for knowing him

God bless you all and Coach Rem I hope you are busy getting your heavenly football team shaped up.
Madi and Mom

Marg said...

We came over from Madi's too to pay our tribute to Remington. We were also just getting to know that handsome dude and thought he was just the best. I think our favorite post was his last one going over the bridge. He was just the best ever. We are so sad we didn't know him longer. This is just terrific.

GOOSE said...

Sasha sweety this is so beautiful. We could fill a big old book about all the wonderful things about Remington and what he brought to each of us. I hardly know where to begin. I was so honored to be his Christmas pal this past year. What an honor to shop for the big guy. I loved his moon reports and you can bet every full moon I was outside giving him a shout out. Still think of him every time I see that moon. But I guest mostly I just loved how kind he was with all creatures, even a SQUIRREL! That big heart of his had room for everyone and for me that;s what made him so doggone lovable.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How very touching and beautiful, Sasha!!! The blog is all decked out for Remington, who we remember as a great friend to all creatures. He would love this time of the year with all the birds chirping and readying their nests and all the blooms about to burst. Thank you for your pawesome tribute to one very pawesome guy!!!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I miss Remington because he gave me a laugh out loud every day when i visited him. and when we had the full moon last week, the first thing I thought was, Rem would love that moon, and now i don' know the name of it. my favorites were his costumes, he wore more clothes than i own for myself. I miss you angel Rem

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Sasha,
Your tribute to our BELOVED Remington is just BEAUTIFUL. You covered all the things that endeared the BIG GUY to us. He taught us sooooo much. Like not to HATE squirrels..even though we Chase them. And to appreciate all of nature, esp. the full moon.
We know that he is watching us to be sure that we are continuing to follow his loving examples.
It is so KIND of YOU and Beth and Mike to help out the shelter.
Ernie and I want to tell Beth and Mike how often we think of them and of REMINGTON.

Linda said...

This is a touching post in memory of Remington. I surely will not forget him when I see a full moon or snow in my yard. He commented on a post of mine once and my Mom almost peed her pants with joy. He will always be in our thoughts and prayers.
We Love you Remington.

XO Cinnamon, Linda and Jeff

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We're not quite back in the swing of things when it comes to blogging since the events of the last couple of weeks, butt I made Mommy take a break and visit your blog today.

Remington was such a HUGE part of Blogville and he'll always be remembered. I think of him every time there's a full moon. Most of the time there are too many clouds and we can't even see the moon from my house. BUTT, the full moon in March was big and bright for the FURST time in a long time. I know my pal Remington arranged that for me.

Thanks, REM!

The JR said...

I only knew Remington thru Madi and Mom. I was sorry to hear about his loss.

I lost my own sweet girl Country on March 5th whom had been with me for 18 years.

I surely hope that she and Remington are running and playing together.

Kathy said...

Hi Sasha,
I can not look at a full moon without thinking of dear sweet Remington and his "Full Moon Report"! Even though I never met him in person, he was a sweet and gentle giant we all sorely miss! May he be running in snow and playing football!
Kathy and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

What a lovely tribute Sasha. Remington was one of the first blogs I started following. Like so many others I will never be able to look at a full moon again without thinking of him. Some of my favorite stories about Remington were with his kitty siblings, especially when Ozabella and Mr. Ripley were tiny babies. He was the definition of a gentle giant when playing with them. We miss him and know he is happily waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.

Cindy & Millie

Two French Bulldogs said...

It's still shocking knowing that Blogville lost sweet Remington. We always think of big boy when we look up at the moon
Benny & Lily

Val said...

Sasha, Such a wonderful way to honor a special dog and his family!!
I so miss the moon reports and loved seeing all the wildlife action in his yard.Yep, we loved Remington to the moon and BACK.

Idaho PugRanch said...

We did not know Remington for very long but he made a BIG impression.
It was obvious how much he was loved by his brave pawrents and all his blogville furiends. The first thing we thought of when we saw the full moon last month was Remington. Hugs to Mike & Beth and to you Sasha as we all remember this special boy.
Bailey, Hazel, Greta & Mom

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Sasha!
Wesa will always remember the full moon and Mr. Remington.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Unknown said...

Sasha this is such a wonderful tribute. I didn't know Remington long but I would see his wonderful photo with some of his friends and assuming yours' too! I loved seeing his manly, strong handsome face, so in honor of him I have that photo on my blog to show everyone that we cared too!
He was loved by so many, and today we learn of your love for him and his for you.
Yes, we will all remember him especially now...Your tribute will keep him in all our hearts'... Thanks to You Dear Sasha.
Purrs & Many Hugs...
Miss Kitty-Kelly & Mum

The Army of Four said...

This is so incredibly beautiful!
I love that Remington was always POSITIVE! He had nothing but wonderful things to say about everyone - his kitty siblings, his Beth and Mike, his beloved Bailey and Trevor, all the "wild" animals that made his yard their home! I love and respect that!
Zim and I couldn't look at the full moon last week without thinking about Remington! I loved his zest for life and love of football.
OK… Mom's getting all wet-faced again. I need to take care of that. This was such a beautiful thing for you to do, Sasha!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

sasha; we noe ewe dont noe uz, and we had just met Remington short lee bee fore him went to live at RB; but we wanted ta pleez leeve R commint for him; az R way oh sayin

Remington ...dood...ewe rock...

thiz iz one awesum memorial for him !!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sasha, that was such a touching post, tears were running here... but when I close my eyes I see you and Remington together at Mollie's Valentines Ball ... what a wonderful couple :o) Thanks for this wonderful tribute to Remington, Sasha.

Ruby said...

Oh, and I loved the ways her loved footballs, too! (even though we loved different teams....)

Ruby said...

Oh, and that he was always sweet and thoughtful to my BFFF Sasha.
I always loved that abouts the handsome dude!

Ruby said...

Oh, and that he took you on so many wonderful dates...and always remembered to bring you special treats!

Ruby said...

Oh, and that he loved you so much.
(okays, that's it...Ma said I couldn't hog the comment page anymores!! hehehe)

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was such a loving tribute to that handsome Remington. Hugs from all of us.

Murphy said...

Remington may be gone but he left lots of love behind!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

3 doxies said...

Thank you dear Sasha and mom for doing this wonderful tribute for Remington. This was such a wonderful idea.
I still miss that big guy so much and still think of him and Beth and Mike everyday. I don't think a day has passed that I don't.


GizmoGeodog said...

Your tribute to Remington touches hearts Sasha...It's the full moon that makes us think of him...He was one of a kind and sorely missed

3 doxies said...

It may sound odd but I always remember how excited I would get and couldn't wait to get his Christmas card in the mail. His was always the first one I would receive so I knew the holiday season was fast approaching...I always got in the spirit once his card would come. He would always have such a beautiful photo and card.

He taught us to have compassion for all things great and small no matter the species. And still, he never held a grudge when I would go hunting....he was still my friend and still loved me.
And how he worried about sweet Ozzabella when they found her at 3 weeks old. He was such a good nurse to her. Of course, they thought she was a he in the beginning. That gave everyone a good laugh.

I will always remember the love he had for Beth, Mike, Trevor, Baily, his Blogville family, and YOU!

There are so many things I will remember and so many memories I will always cherish. I miss Remington everyday.

PS: Remington, ahain thank you for introducing me to one of my most special and dearest friends, Miss Sasha.
I love you Remington

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! SWEET And Beautiful Tribute. We miss seeing a post from Remington. The MOON always reminds us of Remington. Golden Love. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

We are late, but here goes, we didn't know him very long, or best memory is he just reminded us of a giant Teddy Bear to hug and snuggle with!

The Mad Scots

JacksDad said...

Remington always made me smile. I do miss him so.

The Island Cats said...

What a wonderful tribute to Remington! We didn't know him well but we can see he was a very happy woofie!

Author: Arlene said...

Hi Sasha! I'm Remington's half brother and my mom was one of the ladies that brought Remington to Beth & Mike. Mom says she remembers the ride to Wisconsin to meet up with Beth & Mike and how excited they were to finally get to take their special boy home. Mom said her and Mary, Remington's breeder, cried as they drove off, partly because they were sad to see Remington go and mostly because they were so happy that he was going to such a wonderful home. I miss my brother too Sasha, my mom would always let me know what he was up to. Well,I guess I better get going. Love to you and your family, Ben Rosendahl

Unknown said...

Dearest Sasha,

We unfortunately did not get to know Remington and so cannot share any favourite posts or stories but what we can say is that we find your love and devotion to each other inspirational and just the most aroootiful thing ever.

We hope that your heart will eventually stop aching.

Licks & love,
Wally & Sammy

Declan said...

Well here is your 50th dollar guys! Run fast run free Remington. Sorry for your loss Sashya, but this is a great thing to do in your fella' s memory. Deccy x

Lovable Lily said...

Oh Sasha, it's so very hard to type through our tears. We shed some tears that are happy and we shed some too that are sad. We know that Remington would not want any of us to be sad. Instead he would want us to rejoice in the fact that we knew him, that he had a totally pawsome life and was soooo loved! But we still miss him just the same.

When we went out and howled at the last full moon we did it for Rem. We howled with joy in our hearts for a life well lived.

This is a beautiful tribute Sasha to your one and only.

We pray that the memories from the love you two shared out weigh the sorrow you feel in your heart.

When you talk to Beth and Mike, please give them a doxie hug from us.

Much Love,
Lily Belle & Muffin

Corbin said...

I hope I'm not too late! We thought of Remington the other night when the moon was full and bright. He'll always hold a special place in our hearts!

The Websters said...

That was a beautiful post Sasha!

I really liked the centerpiece one at the end b/c it made me laugh.

That Remington was a great guy!


Jans Funny Farm said...

What a lovely tribute to the handsome Remington. We loved his blog. And what a nice way to honor his memory.

Piappies World said...

We are sorry for not being to coment last Thursday. We have been so helpless with mom at work. We just want to tell you that we are very touched with your tribute to Remington. He truly was a very special friend and we think you really had a special bond. We did think of him during the full moon last last week.
We thank you for the memories you have shared. You were lucky to have shared special moments with our dear Remington.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Piappies World said...
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Piappies World said...
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Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Remington was such a handsome guy and I loved looking at all his pictures on his blog. We were very sad to hear about Remington when he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and we shed lots of tears for him and his family. You are awesome for doing this Sasha and always remember...Remington loves you to the moon and back!

Grady and Leonardo said...

This is wonderful