Friday, April 26, 2013

Park Day 2013

Hi my pals and Happy Park Day to all of you!!!
I am having fun and joining in

 Gizmo  and  Finn

We have the pizza truck all tuned up and ready to go. We will be traveling throughout the parks all day long. Just listen for our theme song "Cheeseburgers in Paradise" by Jimmy Buffet. 

To make it easier to eat at the park, we made the squirrel and possum pizza into roll ups. You can eat more and you can take them with you.

Park and peanuts just go together, but be careful for the squirrels. They will try to rob you.

We have multiflavored take along bags of popcorn. Try the barbecue muskrat flavor, it is really good.

Choose your own refreshments and help yourself please. We will be having some limits on the beer for some pals(I wonder who??) to avoid any possible problems with parkers.

Feel free to sit a spell if you are tired. Have a great park day everyone!!

This is me and my Sister on a previous visit to the park. We are discussing our plans for the day.

 I love the park.

 I will be going out tomorrow if our weather is nice enough,so I will have more park pictures of me soon(I hope).

We will be around so just look for us and listen for our song. Enjoy everyone and thanks to Gizmo and Finn

Loveys Sasha


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Those pizza roll ups look droollingly good, I'll have 87!

Unknown said...

Wow Sasha what great foodables. I am coming over for some munchies. Have a fabulous Friday and happy Park Day.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Oh I want such a squirrel pizza roll ... maybe with some peanuts? Or wait... I'll take 23... or 36... not sure :o)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We'll have a three squirrel scrolls and three possum scrolls...and some peanuts (we're going to try to catch our own squirrels.)

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

SHE's never heard the Cheeseburger song! We thought Jimmy only had Margaritas.

tubby3pug said...

wow great foodables

urban hounds

Mollie said...

Sasha, you never let us down..youz the best..Happy park day and that pizza was yummy :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Ranger said...

I'll take 2 pizza and possum rolls, please. And some water.
Alls the food looks yummy. You are such a pawsome chef Sasha (and pretty).
Thank you for cookin for all of us.

AnnStaub said...

Everything looks super delicious Sasha! Happy Park Day!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh Sasha I need water, I've been through so many parks this morning I am parched. Then one of everthing.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Unknown said...

WOW! What a spread you got there! I think I will try and catch some squirrels too! Have fun!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Matilda the Boxer said...

FINALLY!! I've been waiting and waiting in my park, and I finally heard the magical sounds of Cheeseburger in Paradise!! I need TWO possum pizza rolls, a cheeseburger, and some peanuts for my momma please. And a beer for both of us.

GizmoGeodog said...

Chef Sasha you have totally outdone yourself...Thank you so much for such a pawsome menu for Park Day! Momz made me wait till now to come over but it's almost lunch time and I am ready for about 87 of those squirrel and possum pizza rollups and at least one beer...I'll be back later for some BBQ muskrat popcorn...Great to have Jimmy along for the ride today...Maybe we can get some dancing going later on...And remember, Park Day lasts all weekend so post your park pictures anytime!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We were out on our trail earlier - we think we missed your pizza truck. But Mom says we can go out again later if it isn't raining and look for you. We all want to try that muskrat popcorn.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Chef Sasha the Scrolls are Delicious... Roxy and I (ERNIE) have already SHARED 2 of EACH ... NOW we would like some MUSKRAT POPPY CORN.

THANKS fur the super drinks... I pawmised Daisy and Bella that I would only let Roxy have WATER.

Frankie will be along later... he is still riding his HORSE around the park.

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are definitely hanging out with you next time
Benny & Lily

Idaho PugRanch said...

mmmmm!! Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger please!!
Oh yes and some water too please.
Thanks Sasha!!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Unknown said...

Hi Sasha nice to meet you! Love Dolly

Reuben said...

omnomnomnomnom.... oh, Sasha, I is happy to supply you with some local, free-range chickens - I will catch them personally myself! Thanks for the grub and the beers, what a lovely day!


Ziggy Stardust said...

Ernie you And Roxy look so nice together and you are such a gentleman. Be careful with peanuts, the squirrels might try to rob you.

Loveys Sasha

GOOSE said...

I HEAR THE TRUCK COMING!!! I will take 3 paradise cheeseburgers and a tub of beer. Don't worry all that beer is not for me, I plan on sharing. This little red haired dog (whom I have never seen before) came up to me and said she could not reach the window of the truck and asked if I would get her a beer or two. Why not I said nice way to make a NEW friend (like I said I had never met her before). Oh through in a few of those popcorn thingys, they look most tastie. Thanks for helping us with our hunger pains and keeping us hydrated on Park Day! You are the best.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Sasha and a great big thank you for helping out with the Park Day refreshments and beverages. You are the best Chef in all of Blogville, USA
your BFFF

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, you make the bestest foodables EVER! Your pizza is lip slurping perfect and these cheeseburgers are delish. Hey, that singing peep's name is perfect! Get it...Buffet!?!? Lots of food...Buffet. ahem.
Grr and a Drooling Woof,
Sarge, Park Ranger

The Websters said...

Don't tell Master but your popcorn is the best I've ever had!


Duke said...

We are drooling just thinking about the foodables you're serving up, Sasha!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

2browndawgs said...

Those look like yummy yummy treats!

Unknown said...

Hi saw ya today at Gizmo's place and thought we'd say hello and nice to meet you on Park Day! Max want's to come hang out and eat and join your blog!
Max and Max's Ma

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Is there any food left Sashy? I wish I could have gone to the park with you too. What a fun day you had!

Lovable Lily said...

Sasha, you ALWAYS outdo yourself! That was a GREAT feast for Park Day.

Lily Belle & Muffin

p.s. I like mine with lettuce and tomato....

Lorenza said...

Glad you enjoyed it!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sasha its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow luk at all that yummy food!!! we never hav a bankwet like that wen we go to the park!!! ok bye

Anonymous said...

Yea . . . so glad someone remembered the beer! You are too fun . . . not that there's such a thing as "too much fun"!

Oskar said...

Wow, Sasha, those roll ups were fantastic!

Sorry I haven't been around much, my mom person has been slacking off.

Nubbin wiggles,