Monday, August 20, 2012

National Dog Day is coming!

Hi my Pals, I hope you all had a nice weekend. Thanks to my sweet Remington Remington  and his most excellent medical advice, I nursed her back to health. Mommy says thank you very much for all of your nice wishes. We are taking it a little slow and will be around to visit all my Pals very soon. Thank you for  the love!


 I just have to tell you about a special day coming up for us doggies. We have a day just for us!!! I am so excited. I think it is so important to especially honor all the service dogs and rescue dogs that do so much to help others and make us all proud to be dogs. So lets all celebrate the joy of being dogs together.

National Dog Day

An Animal Welfare Holiday to Adopt and Honor Pets

Some go into law enforcement. Some go into medicine. But they all appreciate a good belly rub. Whether they're saving lives or simply enriching them, rescue dogs, police dogs, therapy dogs and family dogs are selflessly devoted to making the world and their homes a better place. But with four million adoptable animals put down every year, many dogs never get the chance to put their big hearts to use.

 August 26 is National Dog Day, a holiday to celebrate dogs and all that they do for us, and to welcome those in need into our lives through animal rescue.

 National Dog Day founder Colleen Paige was inspired to create the holiday after looking a coffee table book that depicted the horrors and triumphs of 9/11 without a single mention of the hundreds of rescue dogs who put their lives on the line at Ground Zero to help the emergency crews.

"The lack of attention for what these dogs endured and accomplished made me weep," said Paige. "It also made me realize all that they do, unconditionally, and how so many are abused and abandoned. I felt that they needed a day of recognition, a day for us to say "thank you" for saving our lives, lowering our blood pressure, guiding our blind, protecting our streets, our homes and our families, and to show our appreciation by helping to celebrate them and save lives in return."

With the support of the Animal Miracle Network, National Dog Day has grown annually with events expanding as far as Puerto Rico, England and Italy. Affiliates are welcomed to host their own National Dog Day events ranging from dog shows, walkathons and photo contests to picnics, adoption drives and fairs.

If you're already a proud pet owner, take some time on National Dog Day to show your dog how much you appreciate him. Paige¡¦s recommended holiday activities include having a picnic at a dog park, inviting the neighborhood dogs over for a pool party, coordinating a costume parade on your street, taking your dog shopping to pick out a new toy and planning a pet-friendly getaway.

If you're looking to give a homeless dog a loving home, visit www.adoptapet.com to meet your new best friend. With pet adoption, you'll find that National Dog Day will be the first of countless great ones to come.
Colleen Paige is the Editor-in-Chief of Pet Home magazine. Visit www.nationaldogday.com and www.colleenpaige.com for more information.

Have a great day

 Loveys Sasha


Sketching with Dogs said...

So glad your mum is feeling much better.
What a great idea to honour all the service dogs, they do a wonderful job!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

bichonpawz said...

We are very glad to hear that your mom is feeling better! Awesome post!! Those dogs deserve special honors!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

National dog day? Do I get a present? If so, sounds like a great idea!

Unknown said...

Glad mum is better thanks to your diligent nursing. Have a great Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Finn said...

I am sure you are doing a great job as nurse! Hope Momma is feeling better!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Sasha you are the pretties nurse I know and we love your accessories.
What a wonderful day in honor of Dogs.
hugs your BFFF

ShellePenn said...

Glad your mom is doing so well!! :) You're the best nurse EVAH!!

What a great way to honor dogs and those people who love them. :) Thanks for telling us about it!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

GOOSE said...

Good job getting you mom back to being better. You make a great nurse.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

SASHA... you look LOVELY in your nursie stuffs... BUTT.. BUTT... I gotta ask.. Did you use that therMOMeter on your Mom???

Remington said...

We made a great team my sweet lady! I am happy your mommy is feeling better. I will be by later to check in on her.

What an awesome way to honor dogs....thanks for sharing that with us....you do an awesome job of keeping us informed! Hugs!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Glad your Mommy's feelin better. You are a very good nurse, Sasha!

We hope we can join you for National Dog Day and honor our cousin, Chase...the K-9 Cop!

Millie and Walter said...

Glad to hear your mom is feeling better. I don't know how she couldn't with you to help her.


Matilda the Boxer said...

Glad your mom's feeling better! I chased the nasty bug out of Momma's tummy too, so we're all doing good now.

OMD, I had no idea National Dog Day was coming up! We'll have to do something extra special.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thank goodness you took Remington's advice. Good job
Benny & Lily

Ruby said...

You are the bestest nurse EVER Sasha! I knew those wet slobbery kisses would work! National Dog Day sounds like a fab day to me! I'll see if I can trick Ma out of some special treaties! hehe



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so happy to hear that Mom is doing better - you are a wonderful nurse, Sweet Sasha.

National Dog Day sounds like a great idea.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Duke said...

You are such an adorable nurse, Sasha! We're so happy that your mom is doing better!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Mary Lou said...

There is a National Dog Day. This I knew!! But. Did you also know that there is a National Mutt Day, also founded by Colleen Paige? Yep!! It's on December 2nd!! ;)
I am glad that your Mommy is feeling better!! You were a good "Comfort Dog"!! I am certain that your duties were taken seriously!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Sasha you mean I have a special day and look the National Dog Day has two Scotties saying It's Time to Celebrate WooHoo. Thanks for giving me the news.
Glad your Mommy is feeling better.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Dachshund Nola said...

Glad she's feeling better!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I knew you would be the best nurse ever,. and see you made your mom all better

Scooter said...

So glad that she is feeling better and that you are a great nurse!! Thanks for sharing the info.


SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Sasha, we are happy to hear you and Remington nursed your mama back to health. We hope she is feeling lots & lots better now!

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew