Saturday, August 4, 2012

Take a Break with me

Hi my sweet Pals. I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful Olympic events and festivities. Thanks to Jazzi Jazzi's World and Sweet William, the tank that Bertie and Addy were driving around is no longer a problem. I am hoping that the traffic will get better now.

Mommy has been baking for the weekend so I hope you will all get over for cherry pie, oatmeal mice and squirrel bars with bacon and brown sugar and fresh milk and water.
We will also be serving the usual beer, cheetos and fried squirrel of course. The kitchen is open from 3 until 9 for the weekend. Now I would like to offer you a little break from all the events for a little comedy club. Grab your beverages, snacks and sit back please.

Well thats the show for today. Drive home safely and if you need a cab let Mommy know.  Please come back for more refreshments tomorrow and don't forget to check out all of the daily events that are going on.

Thank you so much to Mayor Frankie for bringing this very nice and well organized event to make our summers so much more fun and exciting. Mayor Frankie, the first piece of cherry pie is for you my pal.
Puddles has digging, Murphy and Stanley have marathon chewing and Declan has Tuneful Farting. 

 Keep Away hosted by The legacy Chronicles

 Best Nippy Faces by Troublin Times

  Fierceful Yawning by Three Tabby Cats in Vienna

Loveys Sasha


SquirrelQueen said...

Oatmeal mice? Yummy!
We'll be over for a visit this weekend Sasha, let us know if we need to pick up any mice or squirrels on the way.

Thanks for the laughs, we almost fell out of our cat tree when we got to those.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Scooter said...

Thanks for the yummy snacks Sasha!! Loved them all and now I gotta go check stuffs out!!


Keith Andrea said...

.,Hi Sasha that was a one yummy snack...ehmmm

Dog Fence, Electronic Dog Fence

3 doxies said...

Bwhahahahaha...hehehehe...Oh dat was a knee slappin' hilarious comedy break Sasha. Them kittehs are sooooooo funny.
MMmMMMMMMmMm...OMD, these oatmeal mice and squirrel bars are to die fur, I has nevers had anything quite like dis befores, they is so moist. I must gets da recipe. Oh and dats a neat pan by da way.
Go ahead and tells your mom and dad dat I is gonna need a cab.


Unknown said...

Sasha you are so kind with the yummy snack. Thank you. Have a great Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

PIE???? YES! Thanks Shasha!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

GOOSE said...

Squirrel bars WITH bacon!! OMD dog I am in heaven. I just might never leave here. But I must head over to tuneful farting. Maybe I coud share a ride with Puddles.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Those look like good noms Sacha!
Those are so funny, Mum loves those LOL Cats.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha your post cracked us up thanks for the belly lol/mol
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Ruby said...

BOL! Those are some great funnies!! Oh, those munchies look fabulous!!!! Let me know if you need more deaded squirrels ~ I saw some this mornin'. Yeah, I'm gonna have to go in on that cab with Puddles and Goose.



peess: That pie looks AMAZIN'! VERY pretty! Very talented Moms!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Thank you fur makin' my butt wiggle today! :o)

Oh, I'm on da way over to your house fur some of da goodies. And...me might need a cabby too!

Matilda the Boxer said...

The cherry pie looks yummy, but a squirrel bar for me, please!

Duke said...

We're on our way over to enjoy your yummy treats, Sasha!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

So funny, we needed the break
Benny & Lily

Quill and Greyson said...

So nice to meet you Sasha! Thanks for visiting my cat-o-lympic post.


Elaine Pritchard said...

Thanks for the great refreshments. It really helped me keep going.

Love and licks, Winnie

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
Do you still have some treats? I want to come over now?
See you soon,

Bijou said...

Hi Sasha!

Long time no see. You look as cute as ever and I gotta say that was a terrific pawtay. You are the pawfect hostess! We loved the toons and funnies and of course the snackies!!

Bijou and Banjo

Sharon Wagner said...

Squirrel bars. Ha!

bbes tribe said...

Sasha, mmmmm those freshments sound verry tastee!!! We can almost taste them..
Thanks for stopping to visit. Sasha is doing Much better. Drugs are helping...she is more like her oldself and not feeling pain. Infections are improving :-)
Thanks for the good wishes!
Ernie and Sasha

Lakeland adventures with Lola and Milo said...

Them snacks were great and washed down with a cold beer as well. Sheba says can she have a doggy bag please.

I am now following you.


Sweet William The Scot said...

That cherry pie looks like a winner at the county fair.
Sweet William The Scot