Friday, May 4, 2012

Sashy's Public Service Announcement

Hi my pals, I hope you are all having a good day. Mommy and I saw another article about bad treats from China and we wanted to make sure everyone knew about it.

April 5, 2012
By   (Dr. Jean Hofve of Little Big Cat)
On the Veterinary Information Network, several veterinarians have reported cases where dogs have developed symptoms of kidney failure (Fanconi’s syndrome) similar to dogs who have been poisoned by Chinese-made chicken jerky treats.
So far, the brands implicated are all made in China:
  • Beefeaters Sweet Potato Snacks for Dogs
  • Canyon Creek Ranch Chicken Yam Good Dog Treats (FDA has issued a warning on this product)
  • Drs. Foster and Smith (exact item not specified in the report)
  • Dogswell Veggie Life Vitality
There was also speculation that the problem may also extend to pork products (pig ears) and cat treats made in China. Australian veterinarians have reported similar symptoms from chicken jerky treats, as well as several cases associated with “Veggie Dents,” a dog treat made in Vietnam by Virbac, an American company. Virbac recalled one batch of Veggie Dents in Australia in 2009.
The FDA still claims that there is no pending recall of Chinese-made pet treats, even though it has repeatedly issued warnings about the problems associated with chicken jerky treats since 2007.

 Symptoms of Fanconi’s syndrome include: Increased drinking and urinating “Accidents” in the house Reduced appetite Weight loss Weakness Blood and urine tests show azotemia (high BUN and Creatinine), dilute urine, and glucose in the urine (that isn’t diabetes). Most affected dogs have recovered over time with good supportive care.

 We strongly recommend that you check the source of all cat or dog treats you may have purchased, and do not give them to your pet if they were made in China. It would be best to avoid any pet food or treat products made in China, and probably a good idea to avoid all dried animal parts, because they are not heated to a temperature that will kill pathogenic bacteria.

My pals, we can never be too safe, so please be careful and check your treats.

Thank you for visiting and I love you all!!

Loveys Sasha


Declan said...

I don't know that we get those brands in the UK, but well done for letting us all know, mate! Deccy x

Asta said...

Dawling Sasha

Thank you fow that wawning
How scawy to get a tweat and then be sick fwom it
I am just getting my dwy kibble(Hills) and little nibbles fwom Mommi's food(if it's stuff not bad fow me)
Thewe awe no snacks that awe good hewe, so we don't buy any
Smoochie kisses

Remington said...

You are always watching out for all of us....thanks for the information. I'll be by about 2 for our walk, if you get busy call me on my cell. Hugs!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Thank you for posting this. For quite a while now we sit and read all the labels on things like pet food and treats to make sure they were made in the USA. We won't even buy toys anymore that were made in China. And that leaves very few choices. It seems like every pet toy was made in China. We checked this at Walmart for instance and couldn't find one single toy that wasn't made in China. So sad. (We haven't received a new toy for a long time now)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

THANK YOU SASHA fur getting this info out to everybuddy. It is sooooo scary. I wish EVERTHINGY we could buy was MADE IN THE U.S.A. .

The Websters said...

Mrs. Master makes us treats. We LOVE them. No store bought treats for us. Sometimes I think that's mean but I guess it's good!


3 doxies said...

Oh goodnesses me, me and my mum thanks you tremendously furs dis info. We had heard some stuffs but didn't has many details on it.
We will definately be checkin' all da labels betters.
Heck, what is I talkin' bouts...has you seen how littles I be? It's obvious I not gets fed enuffs anyhows.


Unknown said...

WOW! Thanks for all this info Sasha! Maybe my Mom will just start making all my treats!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

GOOSE said...

Well will have to read our labels. Or I think MOM could just make all my treats and stuff.

The Daily Pip said...

Thanks Sasha! This is super scary!

Your pal, Pip

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha...you are the best journalist we know and we thank you for all the info. It is getting pretty scary when you hear about food being tainted. We'll be extra careful.

Hugs and happy weekend,
from your BFFF,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is getting so hard to know what is safe now. Mo says she is thinking about trying to make all our treats now. L
Takes time with four of us, but we think we are worth it.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

JacksDad said...

Thank you for letting everyone know! You did a very good job!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you Sasha for helping to get the word out.
My moms don't let me eat anything from china at all, and are very careful about what i do get.

Lorenza said...

When we read about these things happening with the treats... I feel happy to not have pet shops here!
Thankfully my mom makes my treats!
It is great that you inform us about it!
Kisses and hugs

SquirrelQueen said...

That's great information Sasha, thanks for keep us up to date with the latest news. All moms should be on the look out for these products and avoid them. Our mama reads every single label before buying us treats especially if she doesn't recognize the brand name.

Duke said...

Thank you for posting this, Sasha. We can't ever be too careful, can we!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly