First I got a yummy looking award from my gal pal Coco at Cocorue , please go visit her, she is so pretty and so much fun to know. Thank you Coco for sharing the love with me.
Next I would like to thank some other gal pals Martha and Bailey at Martha Basset for this great award that they gave to all their friends. I am proud to be your friend and thank you. Please visit them soon.

Martha and Bailey are staging a protest on the flashy beast. As a dog, I feel I must join them in this. We need better wages for the torment we go through by the flashy beast. More treat is all I am asking. I want to be rewarded for each session, that's all. It is fair, I bring my family so much entertainment, a reward is in order. So this is how I will be posing until my demands are met. Thank you for your support.

I just hope Mommy doesn't get mad and stop giving me treats and making me homemade cookies. I hope I can hold out. I love you Martha and Bailey.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Good work Sasha - we love you too!!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Stay strong Sasha! WE WILL OVERCOME.
I don't really know what that means, but I heard some protestors on tv chanting it.
Congrats on your awards. I see you are guarding your hot dog from the Halloween creatures.
Miss Cindi says good luck on your protest.
Hugs & Purrs,
Judy and Miss Cindi
What a tasty looking award. Don't worry Mommy won't stop giving you treats. If she does, I'll get Mommy to send some of mine over.
Sally Ann
That is a tasty looking award Sasha
Benny & Lily
Congratulations Sashy, I was distracted again by yummy cake!
Coffee and Oreo
Very pretty awards. Now I'm hungry!
Congrats on your awards.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Hi, Sasha!
Good job!
Congratulations on your awards!
Kisses and hugs
Cute butt Sasha!!
I soooo feel your pain, but my Mama is very sneaky, I will have to think of a way to hide my most beautiful parts from her!!
Growlie Loves,
The confusing part is that the people actually call those out-takes. As if there is any photo of your lovely self that is not worth studying.
Congrats on your awards, Sasha. And great job on shunning the flashy box. We are trying too and hope the humans get the message about needing more bribes, we mean, rewards:)
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Power to the dogs !!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute Anne lol. Alex was asking about you. Take care and all the best to you and yours. Oh May May says meow to Sasha.
We think that it is stellar of you to join paws with Martha and Bailey to protest the flashy beast! You is a furry good furend!
Congratualtions on your award. I can't think of a more deserving pup! Many hugs...
Khongrats on the pawesome awards!
Good lukhk with the flashie beastie 'thing'
Hay Sasha,
Congrats on your award !! You really deserve that award, you are so cute.
All our animals do have to suffer through our peeps, but if truth be told, they would not have it any other way.
Love Bambi Happy and their Mom
Hi Sasha! Congrats on all the awards. Love your rear photos...keep up the protest!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Congrad's on your awesome awards..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Dear Sasha, my dog died today. He was 10 yrs old and had heart failure. I loved him so much. Please send up a few prayers for me. Thanks.
Congratulations on the awards!!!! We were noticing the hotdog. Looks good enough to eat. Thanks for visiting us you sweet thing.
Ernie & Sasha
Um, mama? Treats are really not too much to ask for.LOL!
Our Trio Just cant live without cookies!!
xxLicks and Slobbersxx
The Fl.SunDog Trio
I agree sasha- entertainment has a price.
Congratulations on your new award Sasha! Way to go.
I was thinking- isn't life really about rewards?
Misty won't eat her treats. She wants my food. Lol.
Sasha, I hope your protest doesn't last too long. I respect your demands, but would miss your beautiful face!
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