To all of my wonderful friends, when I started out blogging I must be honest I did it to make money with adsense. Along the way
adsense disabled me for a reason I am not sure, but no matter. I have discovered that I love blogging! It is therapy and education all
I learn everyday about other countries, new flowers, recipes, and of course animals of all kinds. The photos and stories are incredible.
I feel like I should be paying most of you to look at your blogs. Thank you all for letting me share your blogs and lives. When I am sad, I know just which blog to go to and when I need a laugh
and so on and so on. Thank you.
My friends MzzLily and Squirrel Queen(Judy) have sent me this award! Thank you. Please visit
them. They are fun and happy places to be, and 2 of Sasha's friends are there,
I have also received The lemonade stand from Al at Burnt Chicken Republic
Please visit them soon, you will be glad you did.
I am passing this love on to some new friends I have met.
Please take time to visit the folowing blogs and spread the love
It is too hard to start and stop with spreading the love!!
Thanks again and Happy Blogging to you all!
Anne and Sasha
This is so nice of you!
I love your blog, and Sasha is adorable!!
Sasha, guess what? You got the same award from me, we've got to quit meeting like this, it's in the last paragraph of my post. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your well deserved Awards. We are glad you love blogging - so do we!
Sasha you are very sweet.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Congratulations Anna and Sasha! =D
Anne* sorry ^.^
Thanks Sasha... can't you talk some sense into Squirrel Queen?!
Khongrats on your awards!
We are happy to have recently met woo 'here' -
It is khwite an edukhational past time!
We help each other through bad times and then share our good ones!
Tank woo fur mentioning me!
Your blog is so cute, and I just love Sasha! I've been wanting a dog forever...hopefully the time is coming soon! :)
Your blog is absolutely adorable and puts a smile on my face =)
Thanks Anne and congrats you are a great friend thanks again
Awww Anne, you know what, you're one of my most admired blogger, you support blogs, you spread the word, and you deserve all the praise and awards and a happy life. I never thought I could find a friend here on blogsport like you and Sasha. Have a nice day! :)
Hi me again...one more thing...my travel blog is okay now, please click my profile, title is caramel macchiato. Thanks Anne.
I guess Sadie is going to have to take a front seat once in a while. Seems she's quite well liked here in Blogville. Hmmm... Maybe her peanut butter video!
Hi, Sasha! Thanks for giving us such a nice award! I wonder if you COULD talk the Squirrel Queen into having a summit with Tank about calling off her squirrel hordes... I wonder if he would believe her. They would have to quit stealing stuff from around here for me to believe them, but maybe in your area?
Is that purple bone in your sidebar the new award? It's great! Thanks for trying so hard to do your part! Dott, OC & BG
Congratulations on all of the awards, I can think of no better place for them to belong.
OK, I'm curious about the purple bone. Does it have a story?
Love you both,
Hi Anne and Sasha, the return from this blog may not be dollar and cents, but the love and friendship from around the world where money can't buy. Keep up the good work, ya!
Aww! What a nice post! I will have to check out some of those blogs & see which ones I want to add to my reading list. I love going into my dashboard to see which of my favorite blogs have been updated!
Incredible, Im glad to see that youve found something that you like. I really enjoy reading Sassy sacha's blog and I'm happy for you that you like it. I too started blogging for dollars and found out that just blogging like that is fun anyway. Good luck anyway with the moneyside, we have to live off something anyway and would be incredible if it would be blogging. Good luck
Oh my goodness, 154 followers Sasha! Wow could you tell me how you got there? I think you should be blogging about how to build a good blog!
Thank you for the award! Lindsey is going to be so excited!
I absolutely love your blog! : )
It makes my day every day.
We just dropped by from Khyra's blog to say hello!
lots of woofs
Clive and gang
We love blogging for the same reasons. We have met so many wonderful friends. We share sorrow and joy with everyone..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Lemonade ... that cool refreshing drink ... congratulations on your awards!
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