Saturday, December 26, 2015

Howl-i-daze Begins With Aunt Dory's Birthday

Hi my buddies and I hope you all had a great Christmas!!

Ours was so pawsome and so exciting.

Now it is time to begin Howl-i-daze with a very Happy Birthday to my Aunt Dory

Aunt Dory and Uncle Bilbo, Uncle Jakey and Uncle Arty all adopted me as their nephew so I want this birthday to be super special to thank Aunt Dory for being such a great buddy to me.
Angel Sasha is very artistic so she made this lovely cheese tree.
Jakeys Jolly Jewels
Dory's Delectables
This is for Uncle Bilbo when he has to wear antlers or a hat(snickers he and Angel Sasha were just alike).
Arty's Acre of Antelopeburgers
Angel Sasha's Possum Pizza 
Madi's Mouse Minis
Mayorz Mouzze
Ziggy's Zesty Wings  
I hope you save room for dessert

Now it is time to pawty at Dory's Backyard!!
Ziggy and Angel Sasha Out!!


Duke said...

Dory and her guests sure won't go hungry! Everything looks fabulous, Ziggy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Mara said...

We are drooling here! Hope you all have a great party!

Brom and Miss Oswin from Norway

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Eating healthy will star tomorrow, all you treats look fantastic!

Samantha said...


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Ziggy thank you ever so much for all the wonderful birthday wishes and delicious foodies!!! I am soooooo lucky to have such a wonderful nephew!!!
Love you soooooooo much!!

Murphy said...

We saw on Barkbook what a fun Christmas you had over at your place!! Does your mom know you were twerking over at Dory's?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Little Miss Titch said...

What a great Spread for Dory's barkday bash,xx Speedy

Idaho PugRanch said...

Ziggy, you have become a wonderful chef! the foodables all look wonderful for Dory's Birthday!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

The Army of Four said...

Look at all that yummy food!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Yum YUM and Triple YUM YUM YUM! Sure hope some buddy saves me a hunk of that cake! :o)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Merry Christmas Ziggy... Could we have a DOUBLE order of your soon to be FAMOUS ARTY's ANTELOPEBURGERS and an order of Sasha's AWESOME POSSUM PIZZA... ?????

OMD you are doing a GRAND job of Following in Angel Sasha's Paw Steps... the Truck looks grrrrreat... and OMD OMD the DELICIOUS SMELLS coming from it.
Way to Go buddy...

Poodle At Play said...

Oh yum yumyum! You've got this whole chef thing down, Ziggy! Look at all this delicious food!....no, I won't just look...give me some of everything!

Millie and Walter said...

That is a super spread you put out Ziggy and Angel Sasha. We are stuffed!

KB said...

Merry Christmas to all of you - a day late!

You put on an incredible spread for Dory's party! You are learning really fast Ziggy (with some divine guidance). Way to go!

Marty the Manx said...

Your foodables are fabulous Ziggy! Way to go! We can't get enough to eat!
Marty and the Gang

My Mind's Eye said...

Ziggy the mouse minis and the antelope burgers were out of this world wonderful!! You have learned a lot for a wee pup
Hugs and love your furry sis Madi

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Food please,,, I am hungry!