Monday, June 8, 2015

I Dedicate My Post To Da Weenies!

Hi my pals and I hope you all had a nice weekend. 

It was kind of stormy here, but I managed to get plenty of rest and do a little dreaming in between.

I want to dedicate my post today to our pals at Da Weenies of Florida
Sissy Shelly came home, but only because her insurance wouldn't cover any more physical therapy, but she needs more. 
She is with Da Weenies and I just know they are giving her lots of love.
Her Mom and Dad are trying their best to care for her at home, but it is kind of hard and they really need our love and support! 
Please cross paws with me and send lots of POTP their way. 
I am sending a fresh batch of magic bubbles right over their house.
 I know that Blogville is full of love and support and I know that they will be fine, sometimes we just need to send a little extra loving.
Paw Out My Pals
Loveys Sasha


The Daily Pip said...

Thank you for letting us know. I hadn't heard about this latest news. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha this is a beautiful and heartfelt post. I know they are all feeling the love and support.
Fresh bubbles full of love and prayers heading their way
Madi your bffff

rottrover said...

Thank you, Sasha, for the update on Shelly. POTP is activated!

Ruby and Otto

Lovable Lily said...

Beautiful post Sasha! Miss Shelly continues to remain in our good thoughts and prayers. We know that Amber and the pack have their hands full right now so are sending them lot's of love.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Murphy said...

We hope there is a possibility that somehow there will be more insurance coverage available. Isn't ACA supposed to prevent this from happening? Our prayers go to Shelly and the family!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

POTP times 5 coming her way.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We did not know that either, Sasha. Thank you for telling us. We always have extra POTP and prayers for all of Amber's family. Insurance is cruel, plain and simple:(

All paws crossed for the family.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you Sashy,, for updating us on the latest. Your post is so full of love,, and I know those magic bubbles are going to help so much!
We of course will continue to send POTP.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

POTP on its way. Thanks for updating us.

Kinley Westie said...

Sendin lotsa POTP dere way.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We love the DaWeenies. They are getting all our love and prayers

Sully said...

Thanks for the update and of course continued prayers for Shelly and family.

Aroo to you,

Scooter said...

Paws crossed here for the family.


Ruby said...

Oh noes! Thanks for letting us know Sashy! I had no idea, frickin' insurance peeps! Is her GoFund me page still up? This is terribles...you knows I am sendin' them all the POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens I can!!!
Paws crossed!!!!
Ruby ♥

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are sedndng lots of POTP and snuggles from our pack. Thanks so much for the update Miss Sasha!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Dream kisses from Bilbo

easyweimaraner said...

I sometimes have the feeling that only heartless pawsons work for insurances... POTP to the house of the Weenies... and hugs&Weim-kisses
easy rider

Julie said...

Sending lots of POTP their way, they've been through so much
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

Tons of AireZen and POTP is on its way!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Sasha,
This is so SWEET of you... I know that Amber and the rest of her pack will really appreciate it.
They are surely having a Rough way to go... We are really Angry at the insurance company. They are a Bunch of MEAN Squirrels.
We have our paws crossed fur all of them... esp. Miss Shelly.

Cookie's Comments said...


My mum, kitty sisters and I all send Amber and her pack the POTP. We know what it is like to be sick.

BTW--did you receive my e-mail with my snail mail addy? If not, let me know and I will re-send it.

Thanks and Toodle Pip


stellaroselong said...

That was so nice of you Sasha, we think of them each day and wish they could find a wonderful place to help their Shelly....insurance places stink at times!!
stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

As long as you got dreamy time in is all that matters
Lily & Edward

Sweet William The Scot said...

It is sad that insurance has such limits and so many times people can't truly get the help they need. Shelly is always in our prayers.
Thanks for the news Sasha.
Sweet William The Scot