Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Suspicious Activity!

Hi my Pals, there has been something going on around here and I am gonna get to the bottom of it. Lately Mommy and Sissy and Boyfriend have been leaving me and walking over to our neighbors and staying there a half hour forever.

Not all at once, but each at different times. I love our neighbors, they are the best, they cut the grass for Mommy and are always here when she needs them. If there was a hall of fame for neighbors they would be in it for sure.

Here is the suspicious part, each time they finally come back, they smell of another dog and  a cat. I have a very good nose and believe me I know. I took Mommy's camera when she was busy and here is what I found.

Someone called Lila

Ears up.

Ears down. 

As you can guess Mommy and I had a long talk. She told me that Lila's Mom and Dad had to go away and they are going over to keep her company and take care of her during the day. 

I guess I can forgive her, but next time she needs to ask my permission first. As long as she understands that I make the rules we will be fine. 

Lila is pretty cute and I wouldn't want to be home alone either so it is ok, just this once!

We worked it out and I got some extra treats so its all good again here. 

Mommy loves me!

Don't forget to go check out the great auction HERE

There is such cool stuff and it is for a very good cause.

Our very own Police Commish  Sarge has a super pawsome event going on to help us all meet and make new pals. I love making new pals so I am super excited. Check out his great blog for the info and get recruiting!!

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha


Kinley Westie said...

As long as ya gets extra treats . . .

Daisy said...

Ahhh...she looks like a stuffed animal! I bet she would get scared by herself so it's great your family is taking care of her...AND you get extra treats. Everyone wins!

Backcountry Brodie said...

The humans, they is not to be trusted. My mom gets the big sniff efurry time she walks in the door. A dog cannot be too careful. At least my mom brings the other dogs here (mostly) and they stay in my house when their peeples is away. I really like that since my sis Sydney went to the bridge and I be all alone now.

My Mind's Eye said...

Lila is a most adorable little pup. She is also very lucky to have you all as neighbors. You have a very big heart to ignore the smell mail your peeps have been bringing home.
I'm working up quite an appetite practicing cheers today...and dreaming of your food truck
Hugs madi your bffff

The Daily Pip said...

Well, she is very cute and that ears up and down trick is super cool, but they need to remember that you are the number one priority. You definitely deserve extra treats for your patience and good will.

easyweimaraner said...

you have the bestest mom. and she loves you so much that she even has some love for the little doggie of your neighbors. it's great that your mom is there and the little dog is not alone for the day :o)
easy rider

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Maybe they could take you over to play with her?

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD Sasha.... Little LILA is DARLING... Maybe you could RECRUIT HER to start Blogging...
We are sure she appreciates that YOU have Pawmitted your peeps to help her OUT while Her Peeps are away...

Two French Bulldogs said...

Lila is adorable
Lily & Edward

Idaho PugRanch said...

You are very sweet Sasha to let your peeps watch over Lila while she is home alone. But still - extra treats should be in order!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Noodle4President said...

Sasha, I COMPLETELY understand your disappointment. That being said, Lila is seriously cute. At least your not being left behind for a scruffy, mangy beast, right?

Murphy said...

Yes, she is very cute. Make sure you document the hours they are spending over there so that you get 3 times that amount of attention on you!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

The Army of Four said...

Well, yes, but she isn't as cute as you - so there's nothing to worry about!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wellllll...as long as you get extra treats! If you get too lonely while they are over at Lila's let me know and I will jump in my magic bubble and come over right away!!
Growlie kisses!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Well I think your mommy checking on Lila is just the nicest thing. Why it is like they are making a new pal like Sarge wants. You never have to think twice how much your mommy loves you.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We wish you lived next door to us so you and Sissie and Boy Friend and Mommy could help take care of us when the Momster and Dadster go away - we have to go to the kennel - Boooooooo!!!

Your family is very kind to help out. And Lila is pretty darn cute too - BUT not as cute as YOU!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Duke said...

Lila is a cutiepie and you are the bestest to let your peeps sit with her for a bit so she doesn't feel so lonely, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sully said...

BOL oh I'm pretty sure your mom knows you're the boss.

Aroo to you,

KB said...

I'm glad that your mom is taking care of Lila but I'm glad you worked out an agreement about it!!!!

I'm also so happy that you have "hall of fame neighbors". That's wonderful!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Glad u r getting extra treats.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

very suspicious!

Millie and Walter said...

We always give our pawrents a good sniffing when they come home smelling like other dogs too. It's just not right.