Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Girlz Night Out 2015


Thanks to Dory Dory and the Mama

Check out her post for all the great activities going on tonight.

I would like to start with a cheese tasting. My family is from Wisconsin so cheese is a very impawtant in our house.

 Help yourself to crackers to go with the cheese.

Here is a nice mild "ColbyJack", it is a combination of Colby and Monterey Jack cheeses. It is semi soft ,very mild. It melts very nicely so it goes very well with Mexican food. 

This is "Gouda", it is a Dutch cheese made from cows milk and named after a city in the Netherlands. It can also be pretty mild tasting. It goes well with beer or red wine.

 Now we have some "Swiss" cheese. There is a long and boring technical explanation of the holes. Basically, it is gas bubbles that form while it is getting ready to be eaten. It's made from cows milk so it's like little cow toots. The bigger the hole, the stronger it tastes. There are different kinds, "Baby Swiss'' is made from whole milk. "Lorraine" is made from low fat milk. It has a sweet and nutty flavor.

 I want to introduce you to a cheese that my Mommy loves. I am not a fan. It is called "Blue Cheese". The "blue" part comes from mold, yes I said it mold. It is stinky and yucky, but I thought I should try to show you all kinds of cheeses.

 "Ruby, don't eat too much, it might not agree...please get Ruby a bucket or something".
Lets move on.

 "Cheddar" cheese, it can be mild, medium, sharp or extra sharp. It is the second most popular cheese in the USA, behind mozzerella. 

 "Cheese Curds", this is a family favorite,
  It is also called "Squeaky Cheese" cause it squeaks when you chew it. 

Finally, I am going to end with America's favorite, mozzerella. What better way to taste it then on a pizza!!

I hope you have enjoyed the cheese tasting portion,now on to the treats that you have all chosen as your favorites.


I asked for requests and most of you wanted fruit and ice cream. It is so wonderful how sophisticated we are. What a lovely choice. The Boyz would have never thought of that. Thank you Girlz!!

I will have fresh fruit trays spread everywhere, so help yourself.

To make it easier to wonder around, I have put my personal favorite wallymelon on a stick.

Dory's Delights

Tweedles Trio

Here is something I made just for tonight. It is luscious, I call it  "Madi", because it is filled  with sweetness, love and a little sass.  I hope you like it.

Here is a table of frozen treats, help yourself to ice cream, cones, cookies, toppings, whipped cream.

Go Crazy and Enjoy!!!

There is so much to do tonight, please go and check out all the other great activities going on. 

Ruby, it's time for a famous RubyRita. I am ready!!







Kinley Westie said...

All dat cheeze looks delishus! I are gonna have to try some of everything!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...


I think Bilbo just fainted after seeing that last picture Sasha....he said "So...beautiful..." and then just swooned!!

Thanks so much for preparing all this beautiful AND delicious food!!


PeeEss....Bilbo wanted to tell you he got your "special card" and Mama will post about it Thursday!!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... all that cheese. There's going to be some awful sick Sheilas' around tomorrow.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... all that cheese. There's going to be some awful sick Sheilas' around tomorrow.

easyweimaraner said...

that's the wonderland of cheese and fruits! I love it!
do you have a recipe for that squeaky cheese? it sounds interesting to get food what makes noises :o)
easy rider

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

If the boyz saw that! They'd be gate crashin'. Such a wonderful spread. You had us at cheese. We're ALL cheesehounds--even HER!

Unknown said...

Fabulous Sasha and we loved the water melon flowers...how cool. Thanks for a swell spread. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Julie said...

Oh cheese, I luffs cheese!!!
I haf never tried watermellon so I'm gonna give that a go as well.
Thank you Sasha for a wonderful spread, yous the bestest chefs evers
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

yummmmmmmmmm - We love cheese - all kinds!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha I love colby cheese and crackers and OMDs I love cheese and fruit. Jumpin' Catfish you outdid yourself today. I love the "Madi" cone too.
Brilliant colors and ohhhhh so sweet.
Girlfriend you might need another
ME-ssage after all this hard work.
I just love that last photo of you looking over your shoulder.
Hugs madi your bffffffffffff

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Our Mommy likes Blue Cheese too, it must be a human thing cause eww...Even Fenny doesn't want any.

Sasha you did a lovely job with the cheese tasting and the fruit & ice-cream. It is all delicious and looks so purrty.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

I will just grab my glass of wine, a plate with your yummy food and a comfy chair to chat with all the lovely ladies. thanks Sasha!


Cowspotdog said...

we do love us some cheese and so do Mom and Dad :)

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'll pretend to be a girl if it means getting some of that CHEESE!

stellaroselong said...

Oh sasha we cannot stop eating this is alllll so good....you did a great job!!
stella rose

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

♪ Ding Dong ♪ Ding ♪ Dong...

OH HELLO.... you must be the FAMOUS Blogville CHEF... SASHA... we have heard so MUCH about you... We are NEW to the Area and we are PAMPERED CHEF Distributors... I am FranCINE and this is my Sister ErnesTINE... we thought we would Stop by and get to know some of the WIMMEN in town... and offer to sell you some of our Pawducts //SLAM//

DARN ERNIE..... that is the SECOND door to be Slammed in our faces.
WELL, I Told you Frankie... We needed to wear EAR BOBS to pull this off.

Two French Bulldogs said...

I can't get away from the cheese table
Lily (& Edward)

Murphy said...

No meat? No steak? No BBQ? We boyz had real foodables! How can you girlz live on those dainty foodables? Just sayin'!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The pawfect assortment of goodies for all of us girls, Sasha. I love all cheeses (except maybe that voldy bleu cheese), wallymelon, and of course, ALL ice cream. Thanks for such a fun time.

Woos - Ciara

Sketching with Dogs said...

Ooo, you did a wonderful job with the food Sasha, the girls will love it!
Dip and Elliot x

The Army of Four said...

Oh, that all looks so good! I might want to roll on bleu cheese! HA roowooroo!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Oh Sasha!! What yummy goodies for us ladies! We will have some cheese and then ICE CREAM!!!!!!
Thank you Sasha !
Hazel & Mabel

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh does this dog ever need a sex change. I get stuck with pharting and you get cheese platters. Something is wrong with the world that it has treated me so badly.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

LBJ said...


Abby Lab

Scooter said...

Wow, Sasha your foodables look drool-worthy as always! BOL I pawmise not to crash the party, but that all looks delish. Personally I'd add a little more meat and potatoes, but that's just me. BWAR HAR HAR Have fun ladies!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Guy Dog

Millie and Walter said...

Ha ha...Frankie and Ernie were foiled again. Sasha this is a great spread. I love all kinds of cheese.


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pizza! Can we crash Girlz Day?

Wyatt said...

So happy to see all the cheese. Love Cheese, More Cheese PLEEZE!


Brinley Westie said...

All dese cheezes is so yummy, Sasha! Be sure and head ovfur to Whit's and my Cocktail Pawty and Barbeque!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

thank you so much!! I ate a little of everything, and loved the ice cream and it was sooooo pretty... and good!

Daisy said...

Thank you so much for the cheese and crackers...they are my favorite! Great catering as always!

The Daily Pip said...

Am I too late for a little possum pizza!