Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Christmas by Sasha

Look Santapaws really does watch over me!

Christmas Eve walky before bed.

Do you like my Christmas dress??

 It isn't on right cause...well...I am not very cooperative with clothes...sometimes.

Santapaws brought me a rubber ducky!!

I also got a squeaky alligator.

 I named him "Al"

I made a special mug and shopping bag for my Sister.

She loved them soooooooo much!!

I also got a whole bunch of my favorite "Pupperoni and Beggin Strips" and greenies.

That was such a fun night and now I am very tired. 

I hope you all had a great night.

I am so excited about the pawty that Sarge Sarge  is putting on. 

Please go and visit his page and check out all the info.

I have been practicing dancing and Puddles is going to let me help open drink umbrellas for her special drinks. 

I hope I can do it. 

See you all there.

 My dance card is empty so if anyone has an extra dance just come and find me by the bar please!!

I am starting to get ready, I want to have fresh breath.

Loveys Sasha


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
Your Christmas looked like so much fun. You had snow- and you had Santa and your house was decorated so pretty- and you had nice prezzies! You were such a good little girl- I can tell that by the photos! I love looking at your Christmas and I wish I could have come over to share some time with you.
Oh Sashy,, your smile is the bestest smile ever!

And I know that you brushhied your toofies- so your toofies are sparkking clean.
your tweedles

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

you can open a few umbrellas to get ready for us!

What a great Christmas....and you got snow!

We don't cooperate with clothes either--so we are WITH you on that!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

See you on NYE.

bichonpawz said...

Looks like you had an AWESOME Christmas Sasha!! Just look at all those pretty gifts!! LOVE your dress! We are a bit behind and trying to catch up!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

Unknown said...

Sasha we can see the big fat man in red sure shimmied down your chimney. Glad you had a great time. Have a serene Sunday and enjoy some big easy.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Fresh breath is very important, Sasha!
You look beautiful in your Christmas dress!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cowspotdog said...

A wonderful Christmas you had.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Looks like a perfect Christmas. Phod is going stag to the party and would love to dance with you Sasha. He will look for you at the bar. Lee and Phod

Millie and Walter said...

You sure had a great Christmas Sasha. We can't wait for the New Year's eve bash. Will you save a dance for a young pup like me?


GOOSE said...

Miss Sasha I would love to have a dance or two with you. Please save one for me. You look beautiful in your Christmas dress.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD SASHA.... Your Christmas DRESS is DIVINE... so Frilly and PRETTY... Just like YOU. We see that GOOSE has already Claimed a couple spots on your dance card... We KNEW that it would NOT stay empty long after the guyz got a GANDER (that is a Goose Funny fur you) at YOU in your Gown. RED is YOUR color.
OMD... we love AL and the Mug fur your sister is perfect.
You did have a MAGICAL Christmas.
Save a Dance fur Ernie and ME.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Santa and the family were all so very good to you - a magical Christmas indeed. We bet that dance card is overflowing with suitors once the big bash begins. Enjoy.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow Sasha, looks like you had a most beautiful Christmas with lots of pressies!!!

We are also certain that your dance card will be full by the time you get to the party!!

Dory, Bilbo, Jakey and Arty

Mary Lou said...

I love your new Blog background and Header picture!! ;)
Wait. What?! You were blessed with Christmas Eve snowfall?! I have to admit. I am a bit jealous!! Oh well!! God gave us a mystical, magical, deep, thick, eerie fog!! Which Santa would have needed Rudolph's shiny, red nose for!! ;)
You got some fun presents!! ;op
--Raelyn and Rose

Sully said...

Aroo what a great Christmas!

Aroo to you,

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks like you had a really fun Christmas Sasha. We love your Christmas dress. If your mom thinks you are uncooperative she should try putting clothes on one of us. MOL!

Mr. Spooky, Adam and Big Boy would love to be added to your dance card. Watch out for Adam though, he sometimes steps on paws.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Daisy said...

There are going to be drinks with umbrellas in them? Are you kidding me?! I will definitely stop by the bar to see you. I'll have to have non-alcoholic drinks, though...I'm under age.

Patrice and Higgins said...

Looks like you had a pawesome Christmas!!! I luvie you Christmas Dress too!!!


Matilda the Boxer said...

That looks like a totally pawesome Christmas! I loves your pretty dress too. Please save me a dance at the pawty!

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha what a grand time you had.
Are you going to wear your new dress to Sarge's Bash?
I'm looking forward to working w you at Puddles Bar.
hugs madi your bfff

Taffy said...

Hey Sasha! It looks like you had a great Christmas! I love your little rubber duckie :0) I can't wait to see you tomorrow at the big pawty!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wow! You really did have a white Christmas! Very different to our Aussie experience!

Kari in Alaska said...

What a great Christmas

Stop on by for a visit

Mollie said...

See ya later Sasha for the super bash xxxxx

Sweet William The Scot said...

Sasha your dance card is not empty because while Jazzi is off gambling I want to dance the first dance with you.
Keep those cherries coming and I just love those fancy umbrellas.
Thanks for being my friend this year.
Happy New Year Sasha and Peace & Love.
Sweet William The Scot ~ AKA Rockin Wills

The Daily Pip said...

My dance card is empty, too. Maybe we should grab a couple of those umbrellas and dance by ourselves!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

SASHA..... we LOVED your Comedy Club JOKE... THAT was a TAIL SLAPPER fur SURE...
Could I have an Extra Cherry in my next drink.... I hear FRUIT is good fur a hangover... Sorry you got Poked with one of your umbrellas...