Sunday, December 15, 2013

I Am 10 Years Old!!

Hi my pals, today December 15th is my 10th birthday!!!

Do I look older??

Mommy says I still act like a puppy, so I am young at heart

I had a great day, we started the evening with a drive to see pretty lights on houses.

It was a  little snowy, but not bad and that made it even prettier. 

I also got to have some Arby's in the car which made it all the better.

 The fun ended for a little while.

When we got home, horror of horrors, I had to suffer through a molten lava torture session bath.

Mommy says it is in the birthday handbook that you must have a bath on your birthday. 

I can't read so I hope she isn't lying like a #$%&##  fibbing me.

I got a new toy that I named "Gobbler".

 He has a really cool squeaky noise that really seems to get everyone's attention.

I also got eggs and bacon for breakfast and lots of yummy treats.

I think these are pretty self explanatory. 

Wasn't my cake beautiful???

It was delicious.

After all of that I was pretty tired and this is how my day ended.

It was a great day. 

I have lots of extra cake, so if you want to stop by this week, I would be happy to share.

This is for Puddles and anyone else who has one of those elves.

Loveys Sasha


KB said...

Happy Birthday Sasha!!!!! You don't look a day over a year old. It looks like you had a fabulous day. You're a lucky dog, to be loved so very much.

Duke said...

Bummer about the bath but the eggs and bacon and Arby's and birthday cake made up for it! Happy 10th Birthday, Sasha! You look fabulous!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wishing you a very Hap-Pee Hap-Pee Birthday. And I hope you saved me a piece of cake!


Millie and Walter said...

Happy Birthday Sasha! You sure had a great day except for that bath thing. You sure are a loved girl.

Millie & Walter

stellaroselong said...

Oh Sasha guess what the three of us had bathes on Sunday to celebrate your birthday also, isn't that just great! WHAT!!!! Happy Happy Day sweet sasha. Your cake was just grand looking I am on my way over right now!
Stella Rose

Cowspotdog said...

what a pawsome birthday - except for the bath part - but the rest of it look wonderful. Love the barbequing of the Crissy elf!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...


OMD what a MARVELOUS time you did Have... LOVE your Cake... Love your new squeaky toy... and you got to go to ARBY's!! Their Roasted Cow is delicious..
WHAT a very Grrrreat day you had... except fur that BAFF thingy... THAT was UNCALLED FUR. AND we are SURE it is NOT in the handybook thingy. Report THIS infraction to Santa Paws... IMMEDIATELY.

NOW about that Chrissy ROASTING... THAT is just BRILLIANT. TOTALLY BRILLIANT and GENIUS !!! Do you suppose We could do it with SnowFreaks??? {{SIGH}} never mind... dad says they would Melt and Put the Fire out. {{SIGH}}

Matilda the Boxer said...

Hsppy happy birthday, Sasha!!! I hope you had a wonderful day. I hate to tell you, though, your momma might be, um, stretching the truth a little. I've NEVER had a bath on my birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you sweet Sasha. We hope your day is a magical one filled with fun and treats.
Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

rottrover said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Sasha!

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Two French Bulldogs said...

Sasha today should be a holiday!! Happy Birthday sweetheart. That cake looks tasty

Sketching with Dogs said...

Sasha, we would never have believed in a million years you were 10 - you look about 6 months old when you have just been in the bath!
Happy Birthday Sweetheart, have a wonderful day, we think your cake is bee-yootiful!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Jenn said...

You don't look a day over two! Happy birthday, Sasha!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Good idea about that elf...they are TROUBLE!

Happy Birthday, Sasha...double digits..

Remember it is just a number, of course you are still a puppy.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

3 doxies said...

HAPPY 10th BIRFDAY TO MY BFF!!!!!!! Girl, you so not look 10! ut it not matters cuz you and me acts da same so dats what matters.
Nows, I needs to talks to your mommy bouts dis baff thing. See, you ain't REALLY suppose to has a birfday baff...actually, you is NEVER suppose to has a baff cuz it takes da aroma off and dats not good.
Nows lemme just grab da keys and I will be overs momentarily fur my piece of cake. And I wants lots of icin'. I brings da beer fur a real celebration.
And thank you dear fur da superb idea furs Chrissy! But you has to say it likes dis..."CHRIIIIIIIISSY"
Now where is dat lighter.


Idaho PugRanch said...

Happy Happy Birthday Sasha!!! What a wonderfully pawsome day you had, except for the bath.
love and hugs
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, a huge big HAPPY HAPPY BARKDAY to you, my wonderful furiend! You look fabulous today. I like your new gobbler toy and your barkday foodable look amazing. I'm so glad you had a special day today and I'm sending you my wishes for a fabulous year!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Furiend

SquirrelQueen said...


We would never have guess you were 10 years old, you look much, much younger. It looks like you had a fabulous day. Sorry about the baff thing though.

We loves the last picture. Do you thing Bumbles will share the roasted elf?

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Anonymous said...

Oh Doggie, Sasha, a big, Huge, Large Happy Birthday, yep you better take a nappie poo after all that, what a day! Oh Barharhar, lets rid ourselves of elves.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Sasha - we can't believe you are 10!!! We thought you were only about 4 or 5. That cake is beautiful - save some for us. And Gobbler looks like he might be in for some fun adventures:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Tweedles -- that's me said...

My sweet Sashy
The day you were born- was beginning to be a journey for you and for me. Because you were destined to be my Sashy.
You have been a gift to me-- your friendship, your love, your always beside me and picking me up when I fall. You are such a gift to me. And now I want to say Happy Birthday my Sashy. I thank you for coming into my life.
Happy Birthday and a happy dance because you are sooo cute and are so young at heart.
Happy Birthday Sashy,,,
you are my Sashy, and I am your Tweedles,, and I also thank you for the wonderful Mini Me- cause you made me smile- just like you always do.
I am your Tweedles and I loves you
forever and ever.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy Birthday, you don't look a day over 5. Sorry your day was made a little worse with the bath. We think that is a lie.

Lee and Phod

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday SAShA!!


Sully said...

Happy belated birthday Sasha! Your mom was just wrong for giving you a bath. I bet you didn't stink at all.

Aroo to you,

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Looks like you ALMOST had the bestest birthday ever!!! I really don't think it is in any handbook about birthday baths!!


My Mind's Eye said...

Happy happy belated 10 th bark day Sasha!

You do not look a day over 8! I
Madi your bfff

My Mind's Eye said...

Ps we have the gift exchange post tomorrow.

Ps I love your bday cake too

Jane said...

Well Happy Belated Birthday to ya, Sasha! You had some great goodies on your Bark Day! He-he! Love what you did with the Elf! :)

The Daily Pip said...

OH no, I missed your birthday! I am sorry …Happy Birthday! I hope it was wonderful!!!!


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Happy belated birthday.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh Beautiful Sasha I am late as always but that does not mean my wishes for your birthday are any less. You look darling my dear.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

The Army of Four said...

Happy belated birthday, youngster! You don't look a day over 3, if you ask me!
Hope you enjoyed your special day!
Play bows,