Monday, September 9, 2013

"After" and POTP



I don't want to talk about it.

POTP please for my sweet pal Tweedles @ Tweedles -- that's me

Tweedles is having some problems with her back and having some difficulty walking.

I love Tweedles, she is my best pal ever and I can't stand to think of anything being wrong with her.

Please, lets blast her with POTP and she will feel our love!

Loveys Sasha


Idaho PugRanch said...

My goodness Sasha, that's quite the haircut. We love sweet Tweedles, we will head right over and let her know we are sending tons of POTP

Ruby said...

Oh my sweet pal! Your moms stole your furs!!!!!! OMD! Why do they do that?! Well, I thinks you look beautifuls!! Then agains, you always looks beautifuls!!!!!
Oh noes! I am so sorry to hear abouts your pal Tweedles! Sendin' lots of POTP!!
Ruby ♥

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh do you look ...shaved! But gaw-geous.
All our feets are crossed for Tweedles
Benny & Lily

Millie and Walter said...

Sasha you're nekkid!

We are sorry to hear about Tweedles and have all our paws crossed for her.

Millie & Walter

Unknown said...

OMD Sasha you have been to the fur stealers. We feel your pain. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Mollie said...

That's what Mom wanted to do to Alfie but his furs are so thick. We think you look stunning. Poor little Tweedles, will pop over. We lub'z your hug pictures for Benny, adorable xx00xxx

Mollie and Alfie

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Oh Sasha, better pull that blanket over you until it grows back.....unless it's dinner time.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Sketching with Dogs said...

We have just been over to Tweedles, hope she is feeling better soon.
Wow, you are looking very chic today Sasha!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Duke said...

You will be so much cooler now, Sasha!
We're heading over to visit Tweedles.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Dexter said...

You are very nekked. It's kind of embarrassing.

I will keep your pal in my thoughts.


Cowspotdog said...

Eeeeeepppp you should have included a warning about naked dogs......woofers that is short!

tubby3pug said...

you look so pretty Sasha. We know about poor Tweedles booo booo and have good thoughts for her. We know she will be ok

urban hounds

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD....Sasha, you're neked! Go get some clothes on!

We'll go visit Tweedles. We had no idea! Guess we're getting a little behind!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

You are NEKKID... What were they thinking???? Don't they KNOW that it is almost SNOW TIME... how will you keep Warm???

Lovable Lily said...

Hey, what did you do with Sasha? We don't see her anywhere.

Seriously, you are so NAKED girlfriend! Mommy said you should cover yourself up bcuz all the Boys of Blogville are gonna be drooling.

We will go over and see Tweedles right now. We are so sorry to read the news!!

Lily Belle & Muffin

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All those beautiful furs will grow back, Sasha. Meanwhile if it is as hot there as it is here, you will feel a lot better. We still think you look beautiful.

We didn't know about Tweedles - we love that sweet girl - all paws crossed for sure.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Unknown said...

Wow that's quite the cut. You look great Sasha!

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMDs, what an after!! I'm so glad I don't have to go to the groomer. We'll keep our paws crossed for your furiend too!

The Army of Four said...

You STILL look beautiful!!!
Play bows,

stellaroselong said...

Oh we loves the new do! Our mom does that all the time to hers hair, sometimes alot and sometimes a little!
we love tweedles also, so we stopped by and checked up on hers.
stella rose

Tweedles -- that's me said...

my Sashy--
you are beautifuls no matter what. I love your furs and your skin. You make me smile and feel love and so many things make you so specials to me. Thank you for finding the magic bubbles you are sending to me. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts so the dr can find the reason why i am having these scary things happening to my legs and back.
The bubbles are in the sky- I see them- and I feel the love from all your friends.
your tweedles

KB said...

You are always beautiful, Sasha.

I saw that Tweedles had a "boo boo" (her words) but I didn't know it was her back. Oh no... We will surround her with the POTP.

Unknown said...

OMD Miss Sasha!! Somedoggy stole all your furs!!!
Wally & Sammy

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Sasha...they took ALL your furs!! They took Dory and Arty's last week and are taking Bilbo and Jakey's tomorrow....we must STOP the fur stealer!!!

Lots of TPOP for Tweedles coming from us!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo