Sunday, November 11, 2012

Can You See Me?

Hi my Pals, we had a great weekend. The weather was nice and warm and I got to play outside a lot. My Sister and her Boyfriend took down all of the spooky stuff outside and I got to help them.

Can you see where I am hiding?? Look real close...

I jumped in the bin and played hide and go peek. It was a great place to hide.

It was quite comfy actually, so I just stayed in there a while after they found me.

When I came out, I helped them hold down ghosty's from the wind. "I got you ghosty, you won't get away and spook anyone until next year"

Every year, Mommy always says, we should put up the Christmas lights outside while the weather is still nice. Every year, they are out in the freezing cold and snow putting lights outside. This year Sister surprised Mommy and put all the lights on now, so after Thanksgiving they will be all set to be turned. 

Mommy was so happy, she almost cried. We still have a few things to put out, but the biggest job is done.

It was a good weekend here, I hope yours was super pawsome!

I know my Remington is happy because The Vikings won, so I am hoping for a nice walk and ice cream stop this week.

Loveys Sasha


GOOSE said...

What a wonderful hiding spot. And how nice was that of your sis to put up the lights. Very nice. Enjoy your time with Remington.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

you're lucky they found you and you didn't get packed away!!!

XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

bichonpawz said...

That sure was nice of you to help out your sister with the "un" decorating and the RE decorating for the holidays!! We do the same thing...everybody is running around in the snow!! This year we are doing it early...probably tomorrow as it is supposed to be only 60. You sure did look cute in your hiding spot! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug (and by the way Mama read it wrong...she'll send you an email about the exchange!!)

Unknown said...

Ha ha we were going to say lucky you didn't get packed away too Sasha. Love you Xmas lights. Have a lovely Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

I had a pretty great weekend too!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! I found you, Sasha!! You look so cute in that liddul bin

Millie and Walter said...

You are so cute hiding in the box. It's a good thing you were there to help hold down ghosty too.

Millie & Cindy

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You look so cute in your box! Now you and Puddles can fly together....her in her laundry basket and you in your bin!


The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Sasha! Your sissy is pawsome for hanging the Christmas lights for your mama.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

The World According to Garth Riley said...

It must be cool to be so small that you can hide in a storage bin! Looks like you were a big help!

Mom wants to know if you could send your sister over to put up Christmas lights for us? They always wait too late and have to put them up in the cold, and sometimes they don't even put up lights at all if we get an early snow or freezing rain. But the lights make them happy, so I'm hoping they will put them up early this year.

your pal,

The Websters said...

I totally couldn't see you in that first pic! Good hiding place!

We have 1/2 of our lights up. Something about the light holders all snapping in half b/c we'd left them out side all year. Huh?


Kari in Alaska said...

Great hiding spot!

Stop on by for a visit

The Army of Four said...

Sasha, where are yo---oh, OK. I see you now. Only cuz you moved over to hold down the ghost.
Our mom hasn't even thought about the outdoor stuff yet for Christmas. She and Dad will be out in the cold, wishing they had started earlier. It's sort of a tradition, I think.
Play bows,

Remington said...

Sorry I haven't been around much Sweet Sasha....this month is birthday central at our house....two more parties this week! I will try to get to your house soon....I promise a nice long walk and ice cream for sure! Hugs!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Ohhh, your lights look beautiful Sasha! Your sister did a good job.
You were very helpful with the decorations :)
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha your Christmas lights are spectacular!! Your sis and her beau hung them purrfectly
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, what a fun bin to hide in with all those severed peep parts from howloween! Love the cut-off head and the feet. Congrats on getting those decos up so early. Gotta enjoy nice weather while it lasts!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Unknown said...

That sure is a super hiding spot Sasha! We got our light up too! I really like them!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great hiding spot, Sasha, just don't get stowed away with the Halloween goods:)

Mom wanted to do our Christmas lights this weekend, but we got rain and then cold. At least she got all the lights sorted out, now to find a good day to do the outside stuff.

Have a great week, the house looks great.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I stopped by with some love and kissys for you.

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a scary bin full of frightening things. You sure are brave snoopervising that thing
Benny & Lily

AnnStaub said...

You're such a good helper! Your house looks awesome too by the way. :)

Duke said...

We had to look really hard to see you in your hiding spot, Sasha! What a great spot to hide!
Your sister was very smart to get those Christmas lights set before the weather turned cold!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You were very sneaky to hide in the bucket! It looks very warm and cozy!!

Your Christmas lights look very purdy...our Daddy is thinking about putting ours up tomorrow!


Teddy said...

I found you hehe Isn't it fun getting involved with everything, I like to get into boxes too :)
The house looks lovely!
Teddy xxx

Cowspotdog said...

I am glad you got out before they put the lid on - they could of been looking for you until next halloween!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a great place -

I khould barely see woo ;-)

Thanks fur sharing the pawesome dekhorations!


Sweet William The Scot said...

You'r weekend was so busy, why it exhausted me just to read all the work you did. Well with your lights up I am sure Santa Paws will be able to find your home.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Scooter said...

Oh, you are so cute Sasha. Nice looking house.
BTW I need your mailing info and some things that you will want for Christmas. Send to dcraftsalot@yahoo.com
