Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Sister

Hi my Pals. Today is a very special day around here and very special to me. It is my Sisters Birthday!! Sissy is my second best friend(Mommy is my best friend) in the world.

 Here she is with her Boyfriend and I love him too.
She loves to hold me and make me feel all lovey inside.
Here we are at the park. She takes me there lots and lots and we run and have fun and sometimes do a picnic. 

 We like to hang out on the deck and have a barbecue. I love barbecues!
 This is my Sister and I love her ever so much and she loves me no matter what. Sometimes I get mad about things and growl at her by mistake but she always forgives me. I am a lucky pup and I want the world to know it.

 Here is a great big magic bubble just for you full of love and happy wishes.

Happy Birthday Sissy!!

Loveys Sasha


GOOSE said...

Happy birthday to your sister. I am sure you will shower her with loves of love and licks.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Happy birthday to a very special human!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I say Happy Birthday to your sissy toooo!!!

Oakley and Swisher said...

Happy Birthday to your sister! Hope she had a great day!

Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Birthday to your Sister!
It is nice to have a hooman who loves us and plays with us. We can tell from the photos your sister loves you very much Sasha.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Sketching with Dogs said...

Hope your sister has a very Happy Birthday!
You obviously love each other very much, love the pictures, awww.
Dip Bridge Elliot and Lynne x

Unknown said...

We wish sister a very happy birthday and go knock up a possum pizza for her Sasha. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Happy Birthday to your sissy, Sasha! We hope you share cake and ice cream together!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

I hoPe your sis has a great birfday! I know how pawesome sisters can be and yours seems great!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD you gave your sister one of your super Special Magic Bubbles fur her big day.


Finn said...

Happy birthday to your sis!!! Hope she has a great day!

The Websters said...

Happiest Birthday to your sister!!!!

Make sure to give her lots of love today!


The Army of Four said...

Happy birthday to your sister! She sounds like she's a LOT of fun! I wonder ... would she pick me up and snorggle into me like that?? I'd LOVE that!

Scooter said...

Happy Birthday Sissy!! She looks very nice and looks like she wuvs you for sure!! Have a fun day Sissy!!

JaZZI and Addi

Asta said...

Sweet Sasha
Happy Biwfday to youw Sissie..she looks vewy lovabull and lovely
I'm so glad youw Mommi is a suwvivow, so is my Daddi and I hope the evil C nevew visits them again
smoochie kisses

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

A very special Hap-Pee B Day to sissy!

Ruby said...

Oh, that is soooo sweet Sasha!!
Happy Birthday Sissy!!!
What a great Sis you have, and she is very lucky to have you as her pup!



Remington said...

Happy Birthday to your sister! I hope you have a great day....did you make her one of your famous cakes? I'll call you later! Hugs!

3 doxies said...

OOOOOOOOH Sasha, PUUUUUULEASE tells your most BEAUTIFUL sisy HAPPY BIRFDAY from me! I thinks you has an awesome sissy dat is really ables to put up withs you...bwhahahaha.
Seriously, you is really lucky to has somebuddy so specials. I wish hers da bestest day evers!

PS: Sorry we hasn't been around...mum has dat bum elbow AGAIN.

Jan Mader said...

Happy Birthday to your sister. No doubt she had a special day...she was with you and your mom!