Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday with my Daddy

Hi my Pals and happy weekend to all of you. I hope you all have wonderful plans. It has been raining here, my Sister took me for a long walk and we got caught and were soaked. I wasn't happy about that, but I got treats at home, so I quickly put it behind me.

On Saturday this time of year, its football around here. Mommy and Daddy both love football, but Daddy is kind of...well...nutty about it. Here I am helping Daddy get ready to put the flag outside after eating some cheese for strength.

Here is a sample plate that is ready for the tailgate pawty. We have lots of cheese around here. We live in Michigan, but Mommy and Daddy both grew up in Wisconsin(where my Remington lives now) 

This is an old picture of me with my Wisconsin Badger Halloween hat. Do you like it??? Well that's what I will be doing for the weekend. I hope you all have great plans. Mommy and I will also be working on pizza dough. 

Look at my most excellent pawsome and other wise super great and wonderful backpack that Sarge   @  Sarge's Blog   made for me. Do you see the magic bubbles?? Do you see the heart with the R in the middle, can you guess who that is for??? 

Loveys Sasha


Reuben said...

Footballs, huh? I no has an understand for this "sport." Peoples run all around the field, trying to catch the ball, and when they does catch it they holds it for a little bit, but always gives it up again? Does they not know how to protect their own squeaky footballs?


SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Sasha, we love that pretty backpack. Sarge did a fantastic job! We think we know Who that R is for, would it be Remington?

Looks like you are all ready for the game this weekend. Mama says we are going to watch NASCAR (whatever that is) and then a little football.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Sankissjuice said...

Wow! That backpack is so cute. So, you and Remington is a couple, ei? Looks like I got to start matching my boys and girl with a good-catch each.

Football season. Oh yes, I've heard Americans love their games.

Have a great one.

I'll be back,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Oooooo, cheese. we hope you have lots of cheese on the pizzas.

Your school bag is wonderful.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Declan said...

Please send cheese! Deccy x

Unknown said...

Oh Sasha the Football word is banned in our house as I need to make sure all the attention is on me. Loving the backpack and well done Sarge. Have a great Saturday.
Best wishes Molly.

Duke said...

Your backpack is just perfect, Sasha!
We'll be watching football this weekend too and having our dindin in front of the TV. That's our tailgate pawty treat!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think it would be lots of fun to meet Bukhky Badger ;-)

I bet he likes cheese too!


Checkers & Chess said...

Hey Sashy - Football huh? Me and mom get pretty sick of football - if there is an SEC game on we're stuck with it - and today dad will be flicking back and forth between SEC game and tennis

Maybe getting to pick up Chess today - until then I'm sticking close to mom

licks and sniffs
Checkers the Peek-a-Poo

Unknown said...

YAY for football I say! That sure is a great backpack! Happy weekend!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words Sasha... I'm just glad I got out of that "resort" alive!

Have a good weekend. I like your backpack!!

The Websters said...

Those snacks look so so good.


My Mind's Eye said...

Cheese is good for so many things!!
We love your back sack..I'll have to post mine soon. It looks just like your sweet personality
Happy weekend
Hugs madi your BFFF

Finn said...

I looooove your backpack and we are looking forward to your pizza! My pops is a bit nut about football too. I lie your cheese platter!

Millie and Walter said...

I love football season too and your backpack is perfect for you. Sarge did a great job.


The Army of Four said...

Isn't this a great time of year?!?! I mean - football AND tailgate snacks!!! What could be better?!?

WFT Nobby said...

Happy weekend Sasha, enjoy the football. Oh and that backpack is just great. I do so wish that Gail had got it together to order one for me.
Oh, and talking of Gail's failings Sasha, I just want to apologise on her behalf. She was messing around with my latest blog post (she published it before she intended to) and accidentally lost your lovely comment.
You just can't get the help these days, can you?
Toodle pip!

Unknown said...

Love the backpack! It's perfect motivation for going back to school!
Lots of love,
Indigo the Great Dane

kissa-bull said...

In our house our mimmish is the nutty one for the houston texans teehee
Pibble sugars

Ruby said...

Very pawsome party platter there Sasha!! Your peeps really know how to throw a football watchin' pawty!!
I just love your backpack!!



Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sasha your backpack is LOVELY!!!

I am not surprised that your mom is bizzy makin Pizza Dough... Do you have enough Possum fur all the pies? I was out lookin fur some today,butt I think Ernie and I have already gotten them all.. on our hill.
Enjoy your football snacks.

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

mmmm... cheese!

Lorenza said...

Those are yummilicious snacks for a nice time watching football!
Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

Boy that plate is looking good. Guss it was worth getting wet
Benny & Lily

Remington said...

I am "hoping" the R is for me.... Hugs!