Hi my pals, I am the happiest pup in the world today. Mommy and I went out to get the mail from the Maillady,( she gives me a biscuit, even if I bark at her, isn't that cool) and guess what ????? There was a package for ME and it was from(feeling a little light headed) my handsome and thoughtful friend Remington.
Here I am modeling my new dress, I am trying to look very sophisticated.
I am truly "happy to be me" today and everyday(but today is special).
Thank you Remington for making my day. You are so special and thoughtful and I am so lucky to know you. I have more pictures with my new "bling" on but I am saving those for another post.
Here I am modeling my new dress, I am trying to look very sophisticated.
I am truly "happy to be me" today and everyday(but today is special).
Loveys Sasha
p.s. Thank you to Mayor Frankie also as he is the one who suggested that Remington and I go to the Valentine Pawty. I will always be your humble servant Frankie!
p.s.s. Do you think Remington thinks I am kind of "special"? I have never felt this way before.
What a lovely dress Remington sent you. He is so thoughtful and yes, I do think he thinks you are special.
Oh Sweet Sasha you look beautiful in the dress! I took Beth with me shopping because being a guy I don't know anything about girl clothes....so she picked that out. However, I did pick out your diamond charm....because I know how much you like diamonds! Really? You haven't figured out how special you are to me? Well, we will talk about that on our next walk to the ice cream store....big hugs to you Sweet Sasha....
Wow, Remington and his mom have sure been busy!! You look very BEEYOUTIFUL in your new clothes!!
You look lovely. That Reminghton sure knows what to get a girl.
Sasha. OMD Remington is thebest shopper with the best taste and the biggest heart in the USA.
Your dress is purrfect fit and style. love the bling too
I bet you are floating about 10' in the air
Hugs from you BFFF
Aww! I just read Remington's comment, he's such a sweetheart! And OMD girlfuriend, DIAMONDS?! What does THAT tell you about being special?
Dachshund Nola
Oh Sasha, Remington is just such a great guy - so very special. He is a true sweetheart.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Oh Sashy
What a sweetheart Remmington is- to go shopping and buy you that most beautiful dress! It looks so perfect on you. Wow.. he is truly special and he loves you!
Oh Sasha, you lucky girl. Remington knew exactly what you would like.
Yes, we know he thinks you are very special.
Happy Weekend!
Remington is such a gentleman and always so thoughtful. You look beautiful in your new dress, Sasha!
Love ya lots,
Haroooo Sasha! :D
Aren't you the cutest lil darlin. :)
That Remington is something isn't he :)
Smashing outfit on you!
Waggin at ya,
Followin your tail ;)
You bet Remington thinks you are special! We all think that, pretty girl!
Lovies, Miss Mindy
Sasha, you look beautiful i your new dress. Remington is great and a keeper fur sure!!
Dawling Sasha
I am shoowe Wemington thinks yoo awe vewy special and he loves you
That dwess and bling awe gowgoos..what a thoughtful boy he is! You look so sophisticated and gowgoos in youw new dwess.simply stunning
Smoochie kisses
He has a crush on you!
I think that he really likes you & that you make such a wonderful couple! He's got to be crazy about you to send you those beautiful things.
Nubbin wiggles,
Remmy sent you suuuper duuuper presents!
You look adorable wearing your dress!
Kisses and hugs
Gifts are fun! You look snazzy in your new dress! :)
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Remington gave you a diamond heart with a bone. Oh this relationship is getting serious. Diamonds are a girls best friend.
Sweet William The Scot
What a cool and thoughtful gift!
Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley
How nice to get a present!
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