Hi my pals, we have had some storms lately so I wanted to show you how I prepare for them. I don't like to admit it, but I am so afraid of storms and the loud noises. I get very nervous and look for places to hide. I have tried hiding under the sink in the bathroom, but there is lots of Mommy and Sisters girly junk in there so its a tight fit and Mommy worries I will get hurt on something.
I have found recently that my tunnel is a good shelter. It is nice and snuggy, comfy and the noises aren't as loud in here.

What do you do when there is a storm?I am always looking for advice.I don't do well with storm shirts,cause, well I just don't do clothes. Mommy did get some calming herbal chews from my Vetlady and lately those have been helping.
Have a safe day.
Loveys Sasha
Your tunnel looks like a great spot to me to stay safe, Sasha!
Love ya lots,
Whatever makes you feel safe is where you should be, Miss Sasha....
Sasha I hunker down near Mom during storms. I don't like loud noises at all.
Stay safe sweet friend.
Hugs from your BFFF,
I'm not afraid of storms but a lot of my pack is. Rusty runs and hides in his crate and Annie hides under the bed. April hides in the pantry with all the food. (probably in case she gets hungry while she's hiding). Mom hides in the closet!!!
My Thunder Shirt Really did help me to be LESS worried about storms.. butt sometimes I still go downstairs and go under the bed.
Storms are just plain SCARY.
I'm not scared of thunder storms, probably because here in FL in the summer they're almost a daily occurrence. I'm sorry you're scared Sasha, maybe your mom could try this pheromone thing you can get at petsmart it plugs into the wall and has no smell to humans but it it's suppose to calm us down
Dachshund Nola
OH NO! We are so sorry that you are afraid.
The storms don't bother me so I don't have much advice. If you come up with something good let us know b/c we never know if a foster is going to be afraid of things.
Glad you have a way to feel safe
Stop on by for a visit
Stowms can be soopew scaiwy. I looove youw tunnel..it's pwetty and looks vewy cozy and comfowtabull and SAFE. I just know nothing will happen to you thewe.
Thank you fow the good wishes fow Mommi and Daddi. you know what made this aminevewsawawy special? it was the fiwstest time that I was pawt of evewy thing they did..we had lunch out togethew, then a big walk in a pawk, then an ice cweam, then a nap, then went out and sat outside at a lovely westauwant fow dinnew..all togethew the thwee of us
it was pawfect!
smoochie kisses
Shhh, don't tell Mom we stopped by, we are supposed to be busy entertaining our guests, but we wanted to tell you that Phantom would be happy to share any of those good hidey spots with you during a storm. No worries for Remington, just as a good furry furiend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara,and Lightning
Awww, I LOVE your tunnel! My hu-sister made me a tent in her room -- I like that, but only when my family's in the room. ;) I'm not scared of thunderstorms, but my furry sister Nala is TERRIFIED of them. She's tried a Thundershirt, but that really didn't work for her. I think now she may not hear as well as she used to 'cause she doesn't act as scared of the storms anymore. Funny though -- she may not hear the thunder as much, but she has NO problem hearing when someone opens the refrigerator!). Teehee!
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
you have great spots Sasha. We don't get many storms, but if we do momma blasts the TV so we are all deaf. Then we can't hear the wind or rain
Benny & Lily
Hi Sashy
I like you tunnel. It does look like a very safe place to hide.
Sometimes we get storms, and those thunder boomers can be so loud in this old farm house.
So mommy sings real loud- and then I look at her like she is crazy. It kinda gets my mind off stuff. Another thing moms do- is they open the peanut butter jar- it kinda distracts me.
I am glad you have a safe place to hide.
Glad you found a good shelter!
You look very comfy there!
I am not afraid of storms!
I bark at them all the time!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Sasha's Mom,
My airedale was insane about storms and would try and go places where he could get hurt (like up the chimney). I did finally get a prescription for valium for him. The trick was to dose him well before the storm arrived. Otherwise it took too long to kick in. I don't think it did too much to make him less scared, but it did slow him down enough so that he would stay in one spot and not get into trouble.
Mango Momma
We hav a designaytid thunder shelter in this howse for Bears. It's the airing cupboard, ware Mummy puts the laundry after it's washed and dryd. The heet in the cupboard from the hot water tank finishes it all off an makes shor it's dry proply befor it;s put away. Well this means that it is very comfy in thare cos of the piles of soft stuff, an also that thare is always a grayte chance of lots ov underwear to play wiv an take our minds off the storm. Sumtimes we don't come out for hours after the thunder has gone.
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