Hi my pals, Mommy wants to take over for a
minute so please be patient with her. Blogging is my thing, not hers.
I just wanted to let you all know why Sasha got
such a short trim yesterday. She has been itching like crazy lately and benedryl only helps so much. The Vet wanted to have her trimmed all the way down, so she could see her skin better and it is much easier to bathe her like this( she hates baths..."what no I...oh wait yes I do, never mind"). She does have a minor infection and so will be on antibiotics and also prednisone. I hope this helps, I feel so bad for her when she is itching so much and I find fur patches all over from her itching. So far she has been a really good girl with her medicine which I hide in pupperoni..".what Mommy??"...nothing Sash go back to sleep. I am going to try cheese also. They did refer to her as a Senior now, but Sashy is the most active dog and believe me, she is not a Senior in spirit. She loves a good game of football and a romp in the park.
I have one other concern that I ask your prayers for. The Vet thought she heard a heart murmur. She checked her after she was very agitated from the trim, so she wasn't sure, but ordered a chest x-ray. The x-ray looked fine and the other Vet at the end of the day, didn't hear it and thought it might have just been that Sash was so upset and her heart was pounding from that earlier. They did some special blood tests and we won't find out the results until next week. We lost our first shih tzu to a heart condition and so this scares me. Sasha doesn't have any symptoms so I have no reason to think that she is sick, but extra prayers never hurt. She is my little lovey. Ok Mommy out.
Ok my pals, I am sorry for the interruption and I will be back tomorrow sometimes you gotta let the Moms win. I have been feeling great today and for some reason I am getting a lot of extra pupperoni, which is just fine by me.
Happy St. Patricks Day and thanks for all your nice comments, I am not a Cougar after all.
Loveys Sasha
p.s. Mom again, I forgot to mention that I almost needed medical care after I saw the bill lol, but of course she is worth every bit of it
Hey, my papa has 2 shit-zus and they itch likes dat aaaaaaaall da time and da vet man say it tends to come withs da breed. But back to Sasha...I likes her haircut to be honest and it'll be easier to care fors when we goes to pawties...I mean when you gives her a baff.
Since I think I knows everything I think da murmur part was cuz her was so nervous. But ya'll is definately in our thoughts! Sending da vibes overs.
Poor thing! We are keeping our paws crossed for you!!
Hey SHASA.. guess what ELSE is good about your super furs do..
1. You won't HAVE to get Brushed
2. You will be able to Run FASTER with no Wind Resistance!
3. It will keep you COOLER so you won't itch so much.
Like Frankie said.....it's better to have short hair. Much less muss and fuss!
Pip used to have very bad skin allergies that often became infected. Our vet gave us some medicated shampoo that really helped him. Thankfully, he grew out of his allergies.
I am absolutely positive she was just nervous. I think it is not uncommon for this to happen when dogs or cats or even people are nervous. Paws crossed for normal blood results!
We happen to love the short "DO"! It sure shows up our girlie figures right Sasha? Sure hope that itch stop though. Thinking only good things from the blood work!
Lovies, Miss Mindy
you still look adorable. All our paws are crossed for you sweet Sasha
Benny & Lily
Isn't it amazing how fast those tests add up? But all for the best for Sasha. We hope the meds clear up the infection and baths won't be so needed. And most importantly we have our paws crossed that Sasha's heart is just fine.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Sasha we hope the itchy skin stops soon. Lee says every time I go to the dogster she needs a tranquilizer to face the bill.
Sweet William The Scot
Hi Sashy
Your momma told us all about your vet visit- and also the reason your hairs got beautified.
First, I want to tell you that I know your heart is just fine
because I have my paws crossed, just all your other friends
-and I hope that soon all itchies just go away.
Sometimes my ears itch so bad that it drives me crazy. Do your itchies drive you crazy too?
I love your new hair cut- and I think it would feels so good when your mom and dad stroke your furs!
You look so silky and pretty! Soon it will grow back- and then you can go get another hair cut!
Now- no worries for you or your mom.
Nitey nite
your tweedles
Hi Anne,
Hopefully the medications will clear up the infection quickly so Sasha will be more comfortable.
Knowing how stressful those vet visits can be I'm betting that was the cause of the murmur especially since the vet didn't hear it later. Hopefully the blood tests results will bring good news.
We will keep Sasha, and you, in our thoughts and prayers.
I think you look wonderful with your shorter haircut, Sasha! Paws are crossed for a good report!
Love ya lots,
A heart mummer in and of itself is no big deal. My Airedale had one and lived to be almost 13 years old and it was not his heart that caught up with him in the end, but dementia.
Sorry Sasha has bad itchies. I hope that she feels better soon.
Mango Momma
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