Ok here goes I am ready to howl at the moon. ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOroooooooooooooooooooooooooooROOOOOOOOOOOO. YOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWL.
Did you hear me?????? I will be out listening for all of you(especially Remington). Happy Howling my pals and try not to let it make you crazy.
Loveys Sasha
Sasha...you look possessed in that one foto! BOL Sure you didn't get hit by a solar flare? Luv the last pic too!
I'll have to practice my howl. I'm much better at barking and whining (or so I'm told.)
I am NOT ONE BIT surprised that you have become a follower of the full Moon. Just one more thingy you and the BIG GUY have to discuss and enjoy together.
I'll be listening fur you BOTH tonight.
You certainly do look Cute practicing.
We hope to see that moon tonight too - Mom says we have been on the wild side today, must be that moon. We will be listening for you AND Remington.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara,and Lightning
Hi Sashy
When you go outside tonight listen for me, cause I will be howwwling to you!
Maybe we can scare a few peeps!
No wonder Humphrey was howling a little while ago! Happy Howling!!
If Sasha will be the one to howl at night during Full Moon, I guess the feeling won't be that creepy anymore.
Dog Fence
Sasha, I have to say you are looking pretty crazy there, even before the moon appears....
Toodle pip!
PS Thank you so much for you nice, supportive and fun comments on my blog today!
I heard you, Sasha - loud and clear! It was a beautiful but foggy moon.
Love ya lots,
OMD, I DID hears you howlin'...did you hears me?
Okays, I couldn't helps but laugh at dat last foto of you.
I looooves dat pumpkin your sister decrated. We gets da fake pumpkins...hehehehe.
I howled really loud for every one but I had a bone in my mouth so didn't do very well....BUT I did take it out and howl a "very" special howl just for you....did you hear me.... I just sat and looked at the moon thinking my Sweet Sasha must be looking at the same one....I miss you....big hugs....Remington
Sasha OMC girlfriend you have your high beams on WTG!!
Hugs from your BFFF,
Just comin' by to lets you know we is thinkin' bouts Remington too. I knows you must be very worried bouts him...so I sends you my hugs too.
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