The Magic Bubble Spreads Healing Love
Hi my pals, I think it is time for me to call on my pal Tweedles. Tweedles has been my pal for a long time and she stuck with me even when I left blogging for a while and came back. We have taken many journeys together in our "Magic Bubble" to spread love and comfort throughout blogland. Sometimes love is just enough.

Hi Tweedles, I think it is time we went in our very special"Magic Bubble", you know the one we save for special occasions. "I agree Sashy it is time for us to take a journey together". Ok Tweedles lets get in.
Here it is all shined up and ready to go. Lets start in California, we have some friends there that need extra comfort right now."Ok Sashy off we go"
First we will stop in to give some love to Corgi Country for Mama OC has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and they might be feeling sad right now. OC was very sick at the end and she is running free now. "Let the love bubbles flow"
Next our pals Benny and Lily may need some comfort. Lily recently had surgery on her leg and she is better but I am sure they could use a little extra love right now. "Love bubbles on their way" Good thanks Tweedles. Hi Benny and Lily.
Now we are off to Colorado. I made a new pal recently, K and she has the C monster and is getting chemotherapy. K and her family really need some extra love. " I am sending a double dose for K" Great Tweedles I hope it helps, I am sure it will.
On to the New York now for Corbin. Something pinched a nerve in poor Corbin's back and he has not been the usual cracker dog that he is. He is on sleepy medicine to help but maybe some healing love bubbles would help too. "Ok Sashy they are going down right...NOW"
On to Conneticut to spread some love and comfort at Mitch and Angel Maggie's blog. Sweet Maggie crossed The Rainbow Bridge recently. " I bet Mitch and her family miss her a lot" Yes I am sure they do Tweedles, lets both send down some loving bubbles.
What a day that was, it is time to go home and take a nap and dream. If we have missed anyone who is sick or needs some healing "Magic Bubbles" please let me know and we will make another journey.
Tweedles I love traveling with you in our bubble, take care my pal and have sweet dreams about us spreading our love and all the smiles we may have left behind.
Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. ~Jean Anouilh
It is astonishing how little one feels alone when one loves. ~John BulwerLoveys Sasha
Sasha and Tweedles.... what an amazing journey to spread some good thoughts and lighten the load fur our beloved furends. THIS was so very much kind and gentle of you both. THANK YOU Tweedles and Sasha
Sahsy---this magic bubble is just the right size for you and me!
Thank you for being taking lead in our bubble trip to spread joy.
Look at all the love that is still jam packed full in this bubble!
And we will keep filling it up- right Sashy?
There is enough love for everyone!
This "bubblin up" trip was so much fun! "What the world needs now, is love sweet love"!
your tweedles
What a great way to help!
Dachshund Nola
Sasha and Tweedles, you are both just so sweet to spread good cheer across the country in your magic bubble. We hope all the happiness you shared comes back tenfold to both of you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Look Sashy!! I see the love bubbles floating down to Corbin! Do you see them too? Oh my gosh-- look at them float through the air!
Tweedles, I do see them, I think you actually got them all over Corbin(giggles) but now he is covered in love
Loveys Sasha
Here go more bubble Sashy-
watch them go!
down down on Mitch and Angel Maggie's family!
Bubbles are everywhere!
They are still swirling,
and now on OC's family! This telescope is awsome- I can see clear over the rainbow!
Look at the bubbles fall over the Rocky Mountains- where K is at!
And I see them swirling around Benny and Lily!
We saw you, we saw you, we saw you! K and I were on a mountaintop watching sunset when the most magnificent bubble floated by. We saw your two beautiful faces beaming down on us... spreading love to us and all around us. You are such a generous soul, Sasha, and so is Tweedles. We are very lucky to have you as friends.
You and Tweedles are the best, Sasha. We feel so blessed to have sweet friends like the two of you!
Love ya lots,
All we need is love, right?
Sasha and Tweedles...what a very lovely and healing post. I had no idea one could travel in a bubble but I love the thought.
Once mom bought me some bubbles in a bottle and they were scented with nip.
Hugs from your BFFF,
we just got swished with so many love bubbles you made our day!!! Thank you sweet made my day
Lily & benny
Oh bubbles floating in the breeze
what a gently way to spread you love and care! I'm glad your my friend.
Sweet William The Scot
Did you by chance see Allred while you were floating by. Probably not, because you were out doing sweet and kind, wonderful and loving work.
Cute and thoughtful. Two charming pups spreading some love. You are great.
Oh Sasha, you and Tweedles are both so wonderful. We know that all of the love you spread is much appreciated by our blogging friends all over the country.
Lots of Kitty Kisses and Hugs to you both,
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew
Oh my Sweet are so kind and caring....all the best traits! Hope we can see each other again's suppose to snow -- maybe you would like to play some snow football? Or just watch, up to you....Happy Fat Tuesday -- or maybe we should go to New Orleans tonight! I think they are having a little party there....I'll call you later....Hugs!
So many of you guys sent me Juju when I needed it, so we are sending TONS AND TONS of magic bubbles to OC's family, Lily's leg, Corbin's sicky spine, and to Maggie's family for some comfort bubbles.
Thanks Sasha and Tweedles for helping us transport all the magic feel good bubbles!
Lots of licks,
Swisher.. and Oakley
Hello Ms. Sasha, we weill spread the healing love for you! be safe and we miss you :)
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Oh, I thought seeing that bubble was just a dream!! So wonderful of you to think of me. I'm so grateful for such wonderful friends!
Oh, I thought seeing that bubble was just a dream!! So wonderful of you to think of me. I'm so grateful for such wonderful friends!
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