My pals welcome to Olympic Boxing.
Our special guest performers tonight are:Malvina Reynolds and Pete Seeger sing Little Boxes and Simon and Garfunkel,( who got back together just for this event)sing The Boxer.
Let the Boxing games begin!
I asked you to be creative and decide for yourself what boxing means.
You were all outstanding and thank you for participating.
We are all gold medal winners here.
Our special guest performers tonight are:Malvina Reynolds and Pete Seeger sing Little Boxes and Simon and Garfunkel,( who got back together just for this event)sing The Boxer.
Now sit back, relax, grab some munchies and a drink and enjoy the show. Mommy made possum pizza for everyone(she really does make the best homemade pizza).Enjoy!!
Boxing Round 1
1. Material used for boxes.
2. A boxlike covering or enclosure.
3. The act of enclosing in a box.
Group 1
Dougall and Floyd, I am afraid Floyd, being a Boxer, may have the advantage here, but Dougall is giving it all he has. This is a great show of working together and thinking your way through a problem.I do hope Dougall is ok now.
Benny and Lily are hoping to avoid a bath by hiding out. Nice job! "Lily you keep looking that way and I'll look this way" "Do you see her?" "Duck"
Chloe is a cutie sitting in a cutie box. Her beautiful furs blend right in.
Chloe is planning a sneak attack on Cecil. Shhhhhhhhh.
Doc has a full belly after eating all the fancy feast. Time for a nap.
Posie is pretending to be a gift and surprise everyone. Unfortunately Posie ran out of snacks and had to come out before the surprise.
Pigeon is blending in and trying to catch her opponent off guard. Great tactic, I hope it works. Wait, where is Pigeon?
After a day at Bed Bath and Beyond, Oskar can't decide if he should paint his box, blue or brown. Does it need carpeting?
Nola told me that sometimes "a girl just needs her own space" and also needs a break from her new baby sister Phee. After a few minutes she will be ready to go again.
Molly got a little too excited to open her package from the Queen and got, well, stuck. Tuck and roll girl.I have 911 on stand by.
Mitch is having a little fun with Molly. I know he won't really mail her to London. Right Mitch?? Mitch??
Mitalee and Levon demanded their own living space. We all need our personal time.Manny Boy is getting his game face on! I don't think I will mess with him.
Madi is ready to settle in with a good Diva magazine and then a nap. Sweet dreams Madi.
Lassiter Chase and Benjamin have actually become boxes by putting their images all over. Great idea, now where are the real doggies?
Lily Belle may have taken things a little too literally here, but what a great job. Hang in there Lily Belle, help is on the way.
KC proudly showing the colors of her country. You can see her sniffling, as the anthem is played. A true patriot.
Jazzi is making sure that this box, never, ever hurts anyone again. Good job Jazzi!
Einstein has become the box and the box has become Einstein.
Darwin is only half sure and is still thinking about what to do next, or his butt is stuck.
Dip Dip has picked a box that expresses her "true" size at heart. In my eyes you are "magnum"!
Dexter looks concerned, because Mango has a big roll of tape and lots of stamps. Hmmm...
Roo is certainly proving that he is the worlds biggest ham and is quite proud of it. Way to go Roo
Reuben found a great place to snuggle. Don't let anyone close you up in there my pal.Puddles was unaware that the blankets were plotting an attack. I am not sure who is going to win, Puddles or the blanket, but nice left hook Puddles. Keep fighting girl and your hairs look great.
It looks like Puddles won that round and she has found a very good use for a box, which is to trap her opponent to avoid any payback.Can you see that keen look of confidence in her eyes? Did we ever doubt she would win?
Winston is trying this one on for size before he decides which one to keep. Decisions, decisions.
Willow smells treats and is searching for the opening while using her tail to hold the box down.
Sweet William must be packing a box with pressies for his sweet Jazzi. Is that a dreamy look in your eyes?
Spunky Doodle has the right idea, if you are going to box, make it a pizza box.
Sissi Cat looks to be hiding from the flashy beast, which her Mom is pretty much an expert at. You go girl!
Scribbles is making sure that nobody tries to close him in the box. He is sleeping with both eyes open, another amazing talent.
Sally Ann is trying to play hide and seek from Andy, but can't quite get her head all the way in there.
Rubie displays her flag proudly and is ready to represent. Now if she had only remembered to bring snacks with her.
Boxing Round 2
Ooops how did this picture of my handsome Remington get in here?? Oh well, moving right along(hehe).

Asta is getting into shape while shadow boxing herself. Wow!
Cecil is boxing...well...air? Nice job and watch out for Chloe.
Corbin, Maggie Mae and Bethany are giving each other tips for the next round. Corbin has a great right hook.
Ginger and Shadow are discussing the next move.
Houston Pittie Pack are practicing comforting the non winners. Great job, I love the pat on the head. Great sportsmanship here.
Mindy works on sneaking up on a balloon and catching it off guard.
Nikki and Derry are showing great form here with excellent foot positioning.
Sarge looks very fit and handsome as he spars before the match. It is easy to see why he is in charge of the law here in blogland.
Oh dear, I think Stormy may have gone too far and has to take time out in the penalty box. Better luck next round Stormy.
Please accept this gold medal and my thanks for participating in Boxing. Everyone here is gold!! Thank you all for visiting and participating. Thanks to Mayor Frankie, for being so cool and organizing all of this! Please visit the remaining events daily.
Loveys Sasha
p.s. I hope I didn't miss anyone or mispell. If I did please let me know and I will fix it right away.
I don't see any errors, but then again, I is not very alert doggy.
The event looks like fun!
Those athletes have it all boxed up. That was GREAT!! Job well done inthe hosting. You should get a GOLD medal for hosting. It was flawless.
Boxes is just the best! The box a thing comes in is always better than the thing itself. Great job everyone and thanks to our host too!
Can you hear us cheering for all the athletes? Those are the best examples of boxing we have ever seen.
Thanks for hosting Sasha!
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
Excellent competition Sasha! KC would just like to point out the she is a girl! not that she get's easily offended...hehe! Deccy xxx
What a great event Sasha!
We loved looking at all the photos and captions - so funny!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
Wonderful event. Loved all the pictures.
hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles
Sasha that was smashing good fun! I luved both boxing rounds :D Sarge's tattoo cracked me up. Studly that one BOL! Great show by All! Thank you for doing a Grand job of Hosting this Event Sasha! :D
Waggin at ya,
How wonderful!!! I love all the entries!!
Well done Sasha. We really had a good laugh. Brilliant event. Have a great day.
Best wishes Molly
Great post!! Loved the first video.
This is too much fun.
{{{huggies}}}.....Mona & Weenie
Sasha OMDs we loved the 'possum pizza, the music was superb and OMCs
not only do we have talented athletes BUT they are also very very creative when the Box!! Sasha your Mom deserves a BOX full of chocolate chip cookies. Thank you for being such a good hostess too
Please give her a hug from us
Madi your BFFF and her MOm
WOWSERS all dem pawesome boxers cood givs Mr Tyson a run fur his money fur sure
Da K Krew
xxx xxx
OMD, I am likes totally blown away by these athletes, everybuddy was so dedicated and stuffs fur their event. Every single last one was very impressive...I am in awe! I was laughin' so hard dat I was cryin'...hehehehehe.
Hey, dis pizza is your mom makin' more? I thinks I ate da last piece. I hope her has more possums. Lemme knows if not.
Your commentary was absolutely BRILLIANTLY done!
I rushed right in when I saw that pizza....... but I think Puddles just ate the last slice!!!!! GGGggggrrrr - that dawg is FAST!
Great event everyone!!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
Oh My Dog! This event was so fun to watch, loving all my furiends in boxes! Those athletes really showed their skills! Incredible talent! I was especially amazed at Casy doing some REAL boxing! BOW-WOW! Good job and thank you for hosting this wondful event! Love, Licks and Hugs from Frank xxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations to all the competitors; we agree, everyone is a winner!
We had a great time participating, thank you for your hard work in putting it all together and being such an awesome host!
-Nicki and Derry
Wow Sasha! You and your Mom sure did a great job with this boxing event! A bunch of winners there for sure!
Lovies, Miss Mindy
What a round of champions you have in the boxing rings, Sasha! Great job and lots of fun for us to watch. Of course, we just loved that shot of Remington.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Hey Sasha!
Wow, this was a really great competition! Those kittie furiends sure can box like crazy! BOL/MOL Looks like we all trained really hard and got in tip-top shape for you. Thanks so much for hosting this and congrats to you and all of your athletes!
BTW: My Mom is a huuuuuge Simon & Garfunkel fan and she's singing all over the house now...not good! ahem.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Athlete
I have a Slab of your mom's AWSOME Possum Pizza and am ready to sit..If I can stay in my seat.. and Watch the grrrrreat athletes.. BOX !!!
Awesome post! Thanks for slipping me in there....ha ha! I love that rocks! My company has left but now I have to focus on sorry, my sweetheart.... Packers start playing tonight but not "real" football.... I promise to call you while I take a short break....I miss you and I will make time for you -- I promise! Hugs!
Lots of creativity! Congratulations to all the athletes! Oh, and we didn't know Sarge had a tattoo. LOL.
Oh My Dogness!!
Now this was amazing!! We didn't nose there were so many amazing athletes pawticipating in the Boxing competishun!!
From the feather weight division all the way to the biggie boys..this was the Event to see!!!
Your furiends,
Winston, Chloe and Cecil
Woohoo, what an amazing job by everyone! That was exhilarating. The athleticism, the grace, the strength -- I'm just in awe!
A special shout-out to my kitty sister Pigeon. This was her ONLY event these Olympics, and I think she did grreat!
Oh Sasha ~ the hostess with the mostess with a spectacular event.
Lee has not heard Little Boxes forever her teacher use to sing it in kindergarden, oh my! The athletes were perfection at it best in this sport. Is there any pizza left?
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot
OH SHASHA... your COMMON TATERing on each and Every Athlete is a PERFECT BLOW BY BLOW account of the SKILLS.
BRAVO to YOU and your Contenders !!
WAY to GO... I'm gonna be hearing that BELL Ring fur 87 DAYS.
I am giving you a Rousing ROUND of Apaws.
Three cheers for you Sasha! An amazing Event and such a tough one too. We're all so lucky no one got broken noses or black eyes. I did however see a few teeth on the mat.
Your smack-down commentary was the best. I think Michael Buffer better watch out!
Lily Belle
What a fun event to see. Every contestant really put their heart into it. Thanks for hosting.
Terror-ific boxing post! Just luvs all da contestants! Such great form!
What a host! We think the athletes are wonderful! Whooooa!
Benny & Lily
WOW!!! What amazing athletes!! Seriously, strong contenders there... glad we aren't voting cause they are all crazy good!!
Thanks for hosting the event!! :) You did FANGTASTIC!!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
What an awesome event! We loved everyone's creativity!
Thank you for the possum pizza and beer, Sasha! It was the BEST!
Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly
Wow what an amazing bunch of athletes. All winners of course, but I mst say I am particularly struck by Sarge's entry. The next Mohammed Ali, for sure.
Congratulations to all the entrants and of course to Sasha for organising such a wonderful event. I can't believe that Gail didn't get around to entering me.
Toodle pip!
Way to go, Sasha! I loved the captions
Oh, Sasha, you are a true Champion when it comes to throwin' and event! Kudos! Just loved all the commentary ~ spot on!
Time to head back to the refreshment stand.....gotta fight Puddles for more pizza and beer!
Clap Clap Clap!!!!1 Bwave! what a tewwific event
such amazingly skilled athletes i loved the styles of boxing a twoo knock out pawfowmance by evewyone
loved that so may kittehs entewed the event..they awe tewwific boxews..of couwse some of those wight hooks wewe pawsome to see
loved the videaos and'we a most wondewful hostess and plees tell youw Mom that i've nevew had a mowe delishuss possum pizza in my life thank you
smoochie kisses
Sasha ~ My Lee just came back from Kroger and she told me that there was an Expressions Card with a picture that looked just like you!
Girl check it out really it looks like you.
Sweet William The Scot
Hey SASHA do you have any of that AWSOME POSSUM PIZZA left? I could REALLY use another slice... Ernie STOLE my Pizza Bone from the other slice.
Fantastic event!!! Well done to all the competitors. We learnt lots of new stuff to do with boxes.
Cats and boxes just go together don't they...
Also a huge thanks and well done, Sasha--and Personal Assistant!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy
Woo hoo, that was quite the competition. Thank you so much for putting on such a fun event.
Sally Ann
What a great event!! Max is a little jelly cuz I wuz in it helpin' Corbin and him wasn't! Thanks fur hostin'!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and my jelly brudder Max
Good job Sashy! So many competitors and you captured every second!
What fun everyone had, and wonderful team spirit.
Every one was so cute doing their boxing.
The snacks were great too
Oh Sasha!! That was GREAT!
That Roo is shameless.
Excellent competition. Now where is that boxing tape?
great job guys, this was our favourite event xxx
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boxing rings
OT: Boxing fans check this out! You can watch all of Manny Pacquiao's training videos only at the Manny Pacquiao Official Youtube Channel here.
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