I have my paws crossed in defiance. I will not put up with this, I am the boss of this house.

Katy, please I am warning you as nicely as I can. The brush is evil.I am not responsible for my actions.

BOL, BOL, I warned you didn't I. Take that you brushy devil thing.GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I will still be happy to visit Ammo and I will let you know how it went.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
P.S. This is how Sashy is every time we try to brush her, we have used many different types of brushes and many different methods. We are fairly certain she was punished by her first (evil) family, because she reacts so strongly to the brush/comb. The second she even sees one she starts to bark and gets upset. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Anne( don't tell Sasha I put this on here)
P.S. This is how Sashy is every time we try to brush her, we have used many different types of brushes and many different methods. We are fairly certain she was punished by her first (evil) family, because she reacts so strongly to the brush/comb. The second she even sees one she starts to bark and gets upset. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Anne( don't tell Sasha I put this on here)
Have fun with your friend Ammo, Sasha!
I hate that brushy devil thing too!
Try offering her fave snack, before, during and after brushing, then slowely go to just the snack after brushing. Have fun with Ammo!!!
Oh, I have the same red brush that you have, I don't like it either.
My mom brushes me on my back first and rewards me with treats after every few strokes! She rubs me gently on my belly with the brush, boy, what a pleasure, from that I surrender!
Love ya
Hi Sasha,
Ammo looks like a great friend. He looks friendly but we understand that since you are so small he might trip over you. Heis tall & you are short so he will just need to learn to watch out for you. You can run underneath him and he couldn't see you.
Maybe after awhile you will learn to not mind the brush. We have a rubbery thing called a Zoom. It works better on our Sasha than me. I like grooming and baths but am not crazy about just being brushed. Mom tried a small soft people hair brush. I don't mind it too much when she uses that. It's not too bad - - some brushes scratch my skin even if Mom tries to be gentle. I don't like them.
Ernie & Sasha
I hope woo and Ammo have fun!
I understand the grooming thing...Mom khan't groom me fur too long without the evil me khoming out!
Hi Sash, it's Dory ..let's go play...yeah...over here!! I have this nice shiny squeaky toy!
Whew..Hey Anne, Bilbo is also like this with a brush and my only recourse is to have the G-R-O-O-M-E-R cut in really short most of the year. Bilbo is not treat oriented (unlike Dory)so they don't help at all. During the winter when I have to let Bilbo's coat grow longer it take my husband and I both to get him to sit still and not nip. Good Luck! Dory's Mom Beth
Thanks for playing with me Sasha!
Happy Friday Smileys!
Hi, Sasha!
I am sure you are going to have lots of fun with Ammo! enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs
I have short hair and I don't like being groomed either. Nor my feet touched. But mom kinda makes a game and I get treats if I am good. She worrys I will get to be 500 pounds with al the treats. I have to be careful of big dogs too. they are a little rambuncuious. Best to be safe.
Bye cutie pie
Oh Sasha..that is why Pawpa and Mom make me get my hair cut every 3 months. They SAID I look cuter with hair but...they won't let me keep it.
Have fun with AMMO. Show him how good dogs act and maybe he won't be crazy with you.
Grrrs to you
You are looking so soft and beautiful after brushing your fur :)
Have fun by Ammo and play lovely together ;)
Kareltje =^.^=
Hi Sasha,
Have fun with Ammo but let him get used to you first so you won't get steped on or something.
When Miss Cindi Lou first came to live with us she was afraid of the brush. I found one that fits on the hand (it has a little strap that you slip you hand through). There is no handle, it fits against the palm. It is more like petting, just start very gently. It worked for her, now she loves to be brushed.
Hugs & purrs,
Judy and Cindi
Sasha, brushing coat is just fine. I liked being combed it tickles my scalp and I sometimes fell asleep. Just tell them to be gentle in doing so, so you won't be hurt. And have a nice time with Ammo sure you'll gonna have fun!
You're invited to play a new meme on Tuesdays called The Queen's Meme with Mimi Queen of Memes.
It'll be fun! Please join us!
Hi Sasha
Your friend looks very handsome - thank dogness he now has a nice family to care for him as every dog should!
We have alerted the dog squad about the brushing you are having to endure at the hands of your humans.
We agree it is a disgrace although you look all cute and fluffed up after!
Sometimes you just have to suffer to be beautiful we guess.....
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
ps we are sending your human some basset slobber as a punishment!
Sasha! I LOVE to get brushed. Maybe I could get a Shih Tzu disguise and come over to your place. That way when your mom gets out the brush you can hide and I will sneak in and your mom will brush me and never know the difference.
Hi Sasha,glad your off to see Ammo, hope you both run & play.Now,be good and let mum brush you or she may give you a haircut like Ammo's.
Anne i think Judy's tip may work.Have a great weekend.
Oh we hope you have a great visit with Ammo. You will have fun we are sure.. Puppies are a bit wild, we certainly know that with that Callie girl around here..
We love our brush. Mom hits all the right spots..
Big Sloppy kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sasha, I can't wait to see the photos of you and Ammo. It sounds like he has a great home now and he is very fortunate. As for the brushing, I agree with the others about your mom giving you lots of treats to make it more pleasurable. I also think she should only do it in short increments of time...maybe start with just your behind and then stop and try again the next day. It will take time but if your mom goes slowly you will learn it is a nice experience. Also, has your mom ever done clicker training with you? If so, she could apply that to your brushing time.
Let me know if you have questions.
Love and hugs,
Oooh. Evil brush. Bad and evil. I tried calling the President for you, but they thought I was some sort of crank caller and threatened to give my name to Animal Control so I hung up really quickly!
Thanks for visiting my blog - I will be back to see if you can ever beat the evil brush!
*kissey face*
Oh I don't abide the brush. No way, I say fight the power.
Sasha, my name is Oskar, I live in Waterford, MI too!!
Stop by my blog www.oskarsblog.com.
I'm off to click over so I can start following you!
That sounds like an excellent mix! ...unless you're trying to catch it!
Good luck with the brushing. Try also rewarding good behavior by not brushing long. Just a stroke or two after she behaves.
Sasha!I've wagged over to see you. Thanks for visiting me. Sorry you have to endure the evil brush.I agree with the others who said treats and a couple of brush strokes. Tell your Mom T T ouch is good too for calming and might help when she is grooming you. Tell your leggeded to google it!
Have a fun time with Ammo! Wiry wags n kisses, Eric xx
we love being brushed - but we understand your pain
hope you had a nice day on your visit
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Zeke isn't too fond of being brushed. The groomer told me to put him on the washer or dryer (some place high) to brush him. Also, I was told to take long strokes like you're petting him. Finally, I found a brush he'll tolerate. I could send you a photo if you like. Zeke understands totally Sasha!
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