Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5 is Cheese Pizza Day!!

Hi my pals, today according to the very informative calendar that our pal  Ranger has on his blog is none other than...


Yes and I will be serving FREE Cheese Pizza all day long.

Come one and come all.

Bring all your pals and stop by for plenty of foodables.

No Pal leaves my truck hungry, if I can help it!

Fresh homemade sauce.

Fresh mozzarella.

Whole or...

by the slice...

or just enjoy the pizza bones.

Here is my newest creation...
 "Mac and Cheese Pizza"

Eat it here or take some home or do both!

There is plenty of fresh cold water to wash it down. Sorry no alcoholic beverages since I want you all to get home safely...wait just a minute...is that...

Ruby showed up with a pitcher of her famous

I will give Susie and Sidebite a call for safe transportation for those of you joining Ruby.

Ritas and Pizza sound good to me.

Save one for me Rubes!
 To add a little more fun to this day, Mommy and I are having a contest.


1. Eat Cheese Pizza

2. Guess the number of my home grown teddy bear snacks in my canning jar.

3. Tell me your guess in the comments.

That's it for the rules, pretty easy, right???

Thanks to my mentors Frankie and Ernie, I grew a bumper crop of peach teddy bear snacks.

Frankie also taught me how to can them and I think I did pretty good.

The whole jar is filled, there is nothing else in the middle.

I think I will have a good store for winter.

Thanks Frankie and Ernie

There will be a first and second place winner.
Whoever comes closest.
Mommy will donate $25 to the favorite animal charity of the winners choice in their name.  

 I hope you enjoy "Cheese Pizza Day"!

Lily & Edward are hosting the 2nd annual Hugs and Kisses Day on 9-6-14. 

I can't wait for this fun event in honor of Angel Benny. 

I am ready with my hugs and kisses.

Are you???

See you there!

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD..Best Cheese Pizza EVER!!!! Nom...Nom..nom...
We had to stop by for a late night snack before bedtime!!

We guess that there are 39 teddy bear snacks in your jar!

Happy Cheese Pizza Day....we are just going to take mone slice home for Daddy....
Thanks Sasha!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo

Kinley Westie said...

Yummmm, dat pizza were tasty! And da margaritas too!

I are guessin 52 treats in da jar.

Scooter said...

You certainly have a good supply. Id say 55 in the jar.

bichonpawz said...

That pizza looks awesome, but truth be told...those RubyRitas are a MUST too!! Thanks for hosting a most excellent Pizza Day!! You did a great job with the treats in the jar. We will guess 47. Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

Simply well YUMMY. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

We need extra napkins, Sasha. We have cheese pizza all over our beards! We guess 87 teddy bear snacks!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We'll have 3 large pizzas, please.

We think there are 37 teddies in that jar.

Julie said...

Oh pizza, I has never had pizza before, tasty, tasty.
42 teddies ?
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD Chef Sasha you did a GRAND job of Canning your teddy Bear Snacks. they look so nice and FRESH. Bravo on the excellent Job.

HEY ERNIE... Stop PUSHING you are gonna get your pizza.
Sheeesh, Sorry Sasha. He gets really excited.
Could we each have a Slice of your Cheese Pizza and a Side of Pizza Bones?
I would like a RubyRita.. and a VIRGIN RubyRita fur ERNIE. He can't hold his LICKER.

OKAY Ernie... YOU can make our Guess... How many Teddy Snacks do you think are in the Jar?
I know Frankie... I know...
THERE ARE 87 in the jar.
Oh and THANKS Chef Sasha fur the PIZZA.

Frank The Tank said...

Owwwww Yummy, the pizza sure does look DELICIOUS and the "Rubyritas" are a wonderful pawty drink!
Hmmmm How many Teddy Snacks do I think are in the Jar???? I think that there are 105 Teddy Snacks in that jar!
Love, Love, Love and Licks from your Frank xxxxxx

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh my - such a crowd already. So furry much glad we Beaglebratz stopped by now. NOM NOM NOM NOM - an'we will take TWO LARGE pizzaz tue go pleeze. An'we r makin'an edchukated guess - 55 treatz in the jar.
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Wow you did a good job canning the snacks we thinks you has about 50 in your jar.

May we have 4 cheese pizzas and some Rubyritas, the pizza smells delicious.

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, this mac & cheese pizza is the BEST!! Thanks so much for the pawesome food. I think I'll have another slice, and then wash it down with a Rubyrita!

I think there are 57 teddys in the jar!

Ranger said...

I'm going to guess 59 TBs.

All dat guessing made me really hungary. Dang…. I smell PIZZA! AROOOOOOO.
Can I have 2 pieces of your new creation Mac & Cheese pizza wiff a Rubyritas?
Thanks Chef.

Cowspotdog said...

Cab we have 3 slices of that mac n cheese pizza - even Mom wants to try that one! We will be gobbling pizza today for sure.

We guess 63 bears in that jar :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We will gladly accept some whole pizzas, some slices, AND some bones:) And we are going to guess 54 of those yummy-looking bones.

Thanks for the fun time.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, your Pizza Truck has the bestest foodables in the land! Could I please have a whole one to go...my Mom insists I share with her. humpf BOL I'll be back for more of my own later.
Oh, your contest is such fun! Great job canning your treats. I'll guess 45 bearables in the snackables jar.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

My Mind's Eye said...

YUMMMMMMY Mom says...she and Dad love cheese...I might but I've never been allowed to try it. I do love Brummel and Brown margarine. In the not so distant past I was caught on the table with my head in a tub of B&B...and it was so good
Hugs madi your bfff

stellaroselong said...

We guess 41 bears in that jar. We were so hungry smelling that pizza way across the lot...we would love to try some mac and cheese pizza...maybe 3 slices, and a water on the side.
stella rose

Anonymous said...

can I get a pizza lite too? maybe then I fit into my tunnel lol. there could be 52 teddy bears in that jar.... is that correct?

Idaho PugRanch said...

We would like to try a piece of every kind of Cheese pizza that you have Sasha.
And water will be fine for us, we have to keep our wits about us during the campaign season you know.
Lets see we will guess 60 teddy's in the jar!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Anonymous said...

Okie Dokie, theres 62 and 1/2 slices in that jar, we know you sampled a half.
Any who, we are here with our truck for a dump truck load of every kinda pizza you got, HAND THEM OVER.
OK, will take everyone home, but we are taking a jug of Margaritas with us!

The Mad Scots

Golden Daily Scoop said...

We would 3 large cheese pizza please! Our mouths are watering!!! We think there are 52 Teddy's in the jar!

Ranger said...

Dat Mac & Cheese pizza was da best pizza dat I ever did have! I'm back for more.

Can I now have an x-large mac & cheese pizza to take home to Mom?
Thanks Chef.

Pees… Mom is watching da Chew on TV and dey are celebrating pizza's too.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Wow this is going great and I am so happy to see all my pals enjoying...Ernie please don't push and thank you...enjoying my pizza!

Ranger, Mommy is watching The Chew also! Isn't that cool. What is that green stuff they are putting on it. Ewwwww, might be (gagging) veggies.

Ok keep the line moving, there is plenty of pizza for everyone.

Loveys Chef Sasha

Murphy said...

A great way to celebrate the holiday!! We think there must be 187!

Murphy & Stanley
Mayorz For All Paws
"Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle!"

Ruby said...

OMD!!!! This is FABulous Sasha!!! I don't knows what to start with...hmmmmm, I thinks I'll take a WHOLE mac and cheese pizza, and some of those pizza bones, and a PITCHER of MARGARITAS!!!! (of course!!! hehehe)
Mmmmmmm,thse r dolishiouss Susaha! I cuan't bulives ho gooood thezze tastte!
Oh, sorry, Ma said not to talk with my mouth full....ummmm, okays...Sasha, these are FABulous gurl!!! Wows, your homemade sauce is just delish!! I thinks I need another one!!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

No, we Beaglebratz r not tryin'fur a 2nd entry fur the contest - we furgot tue try the mac & cheese pizza - got any left? Also need a couple of them Rubyritaz - can we get sum tue go?
Just askin'?
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Oh my gosh that pizza looks good. We are going to ask Mom for some now

Ziggy Stardust said...

Rubes, thanks for the Rita's girlfriend!. Now grab some more pizza and let's PAWTY!

Two French Bulldogs said...

This is one of our favorite days Sasha. Our bellys are rumbling
Lily & Edward

Ruby said...

WooooHoooo!! Okays, now not to say I'm an oinker or anythings, butts Ma has had me on the CREEEEZY DIET thing, and I thinks I just have to let GO!!! I'm gonna take another pizza Sahshy!! And how abouts a cheeze pizza with extra cheeze!!!! Oh, and I'm done makin' the 87th batch of Rubyritas!!! I have ones without the tequila and the strong ones, so the youngins can indulge without their peeps gettin' their undies in a bunch!
Okays, I'm makin' thermos's for those who want to take them home for laters!
Let's PAWTY!!!

Ruby said...

Oh shoot! With all the FABulous foodables, I forgots to put in my guess on the TB's!! Okays, I guess....78
Okays, on with the pawty!

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Sasha,
I'm back for MORE pizza, ok I'm totally busted, I wanted to share a slice of your heart and I'm actually back to see if you wanted to be my date for Casey's Oktoberfest? The way to this Puggys heart is definitely through my tummy! Love and Licks your sweetheart Frank XxxxxxxxX

Idaho PugRanch said...

We came back for more of the Mac & Cheese Pizza Sasha! and wahoo! we see that Frank has invited you to Oktoberfest!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi... AGAIN Chef Sasha... Do you happen to have any of that MAC and Cheese Pizza left? If you have PLENTY... Ernie and I would like to give it a whirl... along with another of those RUBYTINIs.
PeeS... we saw what you said to Ranger... and We are gonna TRY and help you out a bit... don't know if it will work... butt we are gonna give it a Shot.

Elgor82 said...

We just wanted to say THANKS ... because of you we get some pizza for dinner tonight. Actually the pawrents are having pizza but we always get a bite! YUMMY ...

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

PS ... We were going to guess 58 bears in your jar!

Millie and Walter said...

We hope we aren't too late for some pizza. We would like two slices of the Mac and cheese please. Our guess is 107 treats in the jar.

Ranger said...

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooo! So happy dat it worked out wiff Frank. He's a really good guy.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Mommy actually forgot about Cheese Pizza Day but we actually had Pizza today. What a pawsome coincidence. The stars must be aligned in our favor. We guess 105.

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! I think I've had more than all I could eat. You make the bestest cheese pizzas in all of Blogville! What a bumper crop of bears this year! It looks like you did a great job of canning them. I'd guess there are 57 bears per jar.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We love pizza. Better make some more!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sasha its dennis the vizsla dog hay oh no i missd the free pizza!!! maybe their ar stil sum bones left!!! ok bye