Sunday, June 23, 2013

Magic Bubbles Journey With Tweedles

Hi my pals, I hope you are all having a nice weekend. I have been worried lately about some of our pals who aren't doing good right now. 

I was talking to my best pal Tweedles"Through the eyes of Tweedles"  about it and we have decided it is time for a magic bubble journey.

A while ago,  Tweedles showed me about magic bubbles that she found in her forest. 

Magic bubbles spread love, joy, hope and all kinds of good feelings when a pal needs it most.

I was so excited when we took our first magic bubble journey. It feels so good to help  our pals.

 We have some right now who need a little extra loving.  "Are you ready Tweedles?"

"Yes Sasha I have loaded as many magic bubbles as we could carry, now lets GO!!!"

Our first stop is for Benny in California at Two French Bulldogs. I know that we all know that Benny is pretty sick "Fighting Like A Frenchie" to kick the big C in its butt!!

 "Sasha, Lily is being a very good nurse to him and she needs extra love too". 

"I agree Tweedles, Lily needs us as well".

"That felt good, now who is next?"

"Tweedles, now it is time to go visit our pals The Chronicle of Woos." Thunder, Ciara, Phantom and Lightning all live in Kansas. 

"Sasha I have heard that Thunder is not feeling well and I think a huge dose of bubbles might help him" 

"Dropping bubbles on the Woo's"

"Sasha that was a great journey, I will drop you off at home and then I am going to rest" 

"Thanks Tweedles, I am gonna rest too and lets close our eyes and cross our paws that our pals will be better"

"That sounds good Sasha, sweet dreamzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Loveys Sasha


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sasha and Tweedles... that is an OUTSTANDING Magic Feel Good Bubble tour. We know that Benny and Lily and Thunder and the rest of the OP Pack will feel their POWER. What a grrreat thingy fur you two to have done fur our good furends.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
I am feeling sooo happy that we are on this journey together of sharing the magical world found in the magic bubbles of love and caring joy, hope and all kinds of good feelings. I see some butterflys and they are also following us on our magic bubble. Do you see them? I think the butterflys are going to swoop down and kiss our friend who are in need of healing love
Thank you Sashy
your tweedles

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are all feeling the love raining down on us from those special bubbles sent from our two very special furiends, Sasha and Tweedles. We wish we could tell you that Thunder is a lot better, but that isn't the case. He did eat a tiny bit better today but he is so lethargic. He wants to eat but when he gets to the food, he just walks away. Mom has gotten him to eat some chicken, peanut butter, and some treats, but he needs a lot more than that to get well. Thank you so much for your kindness.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh Sasha I looooove that idea. I know our friends need some visitors and you are the perfect one to go and brighten their day!

Unknown said...

That is so sweet of you Sasha and Tweedles. We are sure your magic bubbles will make both Benny and Thunder feel warm and glowing. We say bubbles and POTP will brighten up their day.
Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's a lovely thought....we are very worried about our friends, too.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

GOOSE said...

Sasha you and Tweedles di an excellent job of spreading the good cheer and healing magic bubbles. I know our friends felt much better.

Millie and Walter said...

We're sure your bubbles will make everyone feel better.

Millie & Walter

Idaho PugRanch said...

what a special, wonderful thing to do with lovely Tweedles. I know our furiends in need felt the love from the magic bubbles
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Matilda the Boxer said...

What a great way to spread the power of the paw!

Ruby said...

Oh, that was BEAUTIFULS!! Oh guys, I usually pop all my bubbles, butts I thinks I will take your lead, and send them up to rain down on our furends in need.
You guys are sooo special...thanks for helpin' our furends!! I know they just feel the loves....
Ruby ♥

Duke said...

You and Tweedles are the bestest, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Mollie said...

We are sending all our pawrayers to Benny and Thunder..Loving the magic bubbles, just pawfect xx00xxx

Mollie and Alfie

tubby3pug said...

you have been very busy making everyone feel better Sasha! Great job

urban hounds

Lovable Lily said...

That was a beautiful and thoughtful Tour!

We didn't know that Thunder wasn't feeling too well. We will stop over there right now.

We've got our paws crossed for them all.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

That was wonderful Sasha and Needles - magic bubbles are the best cure!
Have sweet dreams!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are looking for all our magic bubbles and we hope our friends find them too. Thank you sweetie
Benny & Lily

The Websters said...

That was so good Sasha. We are praying wellness over everyone.


Sketching with Dogs said...

What a lovely idea!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Piappies World said...

Awww such a sweet pair you are, Tweedles and Sasha. The shower of love and bubbles sure warms the heart. We really pray that Benny and Thunder will be better really soon.

Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie