Monday, June 24, 2013

"Mini-Me" Goes To Work Day

Hi to all of Sasha's friends.

 My name is MiniSash. 

Last Friday was "Take Your Pet To Work Day" and since Sasha is sometimes a little too "protective" of her family, she couldn't go for fear she might do something not very ladylike.

 I volunteered to go in her place.

Here I am at Sisters desk ready to perform my duties.

I like to use the "jump and pounce" method of typing. It takes longer but the results can be very interesting. I am showing her about Etsy.

Sister was pretty impressed.

The "mouse" was much easier to use and I was quite helpful there. I don't understand why it is called a "mouse". I am going to have to ask Sasha to ask Mayor Madi about that. She might know, being a kitty and all.

Using the headset was a bit difficult because of my size. I did give it a try, but lets just say, it didn't go well. 

It was a big day and I am very happy to be back home in my chair. It is time for a nap. I hope you enjoyed my day at the office. Thank you Sasha for letting me have your blog today.

You are welcome MiniSash.

 I love my Sister!!!

 Maybe next year I can go.

Loveys Sasha
and MiniSash


AnnStaub said...

Oh Mini Sasha looks like a great helper in the office!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD MINI Sasha you did a SUPER job of work today. We suspect your sister LEARNED LOTS of skills from you.

So did you get PAID??? Perhaps a new LINT BALL fur you to chase and chew. That would be nice.

Bravo Mini Sasha.. "JOB" well done.

Ranger said...

What fun Mini had in your place. I got to go to Mom's workplace too. But is looked just like our house. We didn't even get in the car. Sigh. Mom says her workplace is home. Hummmmmmmmm…. I'm gonna have to give that some thought.

Anonymous said...

Well Mini, you had a most productive day, so did Sasha just lay around and load up on treats & naps?

The Mad Scots

Tweedles -- that's me said...

oh MiniSash.
I have a feeling everyone enjoyed you at the office! You are so cute, I bet no one could keep from looking at your cuteness!

GOOSE said...

Well I think you did a fantastic job at the office. And if you find the answer to the mouse question please let us know.

Millie and Walter said...

Way to represent Mini Sash! You did a great job filling in for Big Sasha at the office.

Millie & Walter

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Nice of you Sasha allowing MiniSash to go to work. We can't imagine Sasha doing anything unladylike...just sayin'.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

SquirrelQueen said...

Very impressive MiniSash, looks like you were lots of help. We don't understand the mouse thing either. It does have a tail and all but it doesn't taste like a mouse. MOL!

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Unknown said...

Mini Sasha what a pawsome day at the office and you'd better be careful or they will be offering you a job. Sasha wise move and we hope you had a good day napping. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Sketching with Dogs said...

That was such an excellent post, we loved it!
What a fun day MiniSash had at work, it will be a great day when the mini's will replace us at work and just give us the money, he he.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Lovable Lily said...

After all that hard work, I hope that they brought in coffee and donuts for you.

Your method for typing was pawtastic! I bet you sent out some very interesting memo's.

I don't know Sasha, I think you were smart to stay home and relax. Who wants to work anyways! It looks exhausting.

Lily Belle

Anonymous said...

Your mini-you needs a doggy-head set :o)

Anonymous said...

OMD Mini Shasha that is super cool that you got to go to work with your big sis. I love the headset. I am sure for next year, they can find one in your size. Make sure they pay you for the day!

Two French Bulldogs said...

That mini Sasha is very talented
Benny & Lily

Idaho PugRanch said...

What a fantastic job you did MiniSasha! We loved this post
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Ruby said...

Wows, MiniSash sure did a FABulous job Sasha!! Not as good as YOU could have done, of course! Butts, wows, her typin' skills are furst rate!!
I hopes she didn't pee on anythings....
Ruby ♥

Duke said...

MiniSash is a great helper and she's so adorable!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

bichonpawz said...

Whoa! I bet miniSash did an awesome job and attracted tons of attention!! Great Going!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

The Army of Four said...

Your mini-me did a GREAT job!

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha what a great idea..your mini can be your understudy for things like that. Hey maybe my mini can go to the mall w my mom
Hugs madi your BFFF

tubby3pug said...

what a good helper your mini me is

urban hounds