Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Dream Date and Circus News

Hi my pals. My sweet dream date Remington and I had a portrait done. Do you like it?? I am snuggled in his strong manly arms and my head is in the clouds as usual when I am with him.

Valentine's Day will be our one year anniversary together. I will never forget how excited and nervous I was when he picked me up. It was a magical night, I will never forget it.

I had some snacks ready for us, chilled water, fresh apples and bacon bits. Look at the beautiful blanket he sent me.

I have been trying on dresses for this year. I am thinking of just blinging out my Packer cheerleading dress. I think he would like that. I can't wait for Valentine's Day.


Please don't forget that the Circus is coming to Blogville!!! There are some reminders below the big tent. You don't want to miss a minute of this wonderful event

Attention BLOGVILLE and surrounding Areas....
If you would like to Join    ASTA    in her House of Mirrors   please send your PICTURE to
To enter Madi's Contortionists   please email your pictures (no photoshopping) to
For entering  Tuiren's Clowns    email your pictures to
To have your Fortune Read by Molly the Wally ...  leave a comment on her Blog at
Folks you will NOT want to delay....   the DEADLINE for all entries is February 1st.
Come ONE Come ALL!!
Come Short   or Tall !!!

      PLEASE   send   pictures to Join the FUN.

Everyone LOVES a House of MIRRORS      the Ooooohing and AHhhhin over Contortionists  and CLOWNs are a Circus MUST HAVE!!!     Do you want to be ready for what 2013 will be bringing you???  Molly will lay out your fortune and you will KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT!!!  

         Also .... be SURE to have added   the    CIRCUS BLOG to your list of blogs that you Follow..

   Here is the   URL for you          http://blogvillefun.blogspot.com      

PLEASE come Join All of US !!!       It will be Easy and    F U N   !!!    

Have a great day.

Loveys Sasha 

p.s. Is it Valentine's Day yet???


Millie and Walter said...

Sasha you sure are a lucky girl to have landed Rem for your boyfriend.


bichonpawz said...

You really are a very lucky girl...Remington is a very handsome guy!! And super sweet too!! We love the spread you had for Valentine's Day!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Unknown said...

Sasha what a stunning couple you and Remington make!

We are so looking forward to the Ball.

Wally & Sammy

GOOSE said...

I love your portrait of the two of you. I'll say it again, he is a lucky dog to have a sweet you.

Sketching with Dogs said...

You both make a lovely couple Sasha!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

tubby3pug said...

What a sweet picture of you and Remy

urban hounds

Unknown said...

Oh Sasha Valentines will be extra special for you this year. We know it is going to be epic. You will look beautiful and Remington will be the happiest pup on the block. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

The perfect couple that is for sure

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You make such a nice couple. Are there wedding bells in your future?

Lovable Lily said...

Don't you just love it when LOVE is in the air? You and Remmington are a perfect couple.

We're hoping to get to the dance but Mommy has been very busy. Now that I'm feeling much better, she has a lot of catching up to do (i.e. picking up after Grandpa Bob)

We're going to try and get some stuff done around here today.

Lily Belle

Anonymous said...

you look great together ;o)

Remington said...

I cherish that picture of us Sweetie! It was so nice when they took it of us....just think one year together....and it has been the BEST year ever! There are going to be SO many more....I'll call you later! BTW -- your Packer cheerleading outfit will be just perfect!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Sasha you look beautiful and all that god stuff. Remington will be pleased
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Well I must say, you sure look smitten with that Man of yours!! You are one lucky girl!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

The Websters said...

OH yes! Just bling the Packers dress. That will look fantastic!


Anonymous said...

Sasha, not sure Remington will be looking at the dress, cause by his look he just like being with you!!!

Your Pals
Sus & Bites

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Almost a YEAR??? ALREADY???? Seems like 87 seconds ago. TIME FLIES when you are in LOVE doesn't it?
I love your BLING DRESS.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Happy anniversary! Cinderella is spending ALL her time trying on pink dresses for her date with Dave and Zim. Maybe you two can trade fashion advice.

Ruby said...

Oh, that is a FABulous portrait Sasha!! What a purfect couple you two make!!
I don't thinks it's gonna make a difference WHAT you wears for Remington, you could even go in your FURS!! BOL


3 doxies said...

SQUUUUUUEL!!!! Oh how I remembers your furst date withs Remington...seriously how could I furget, you talked bout it fur hours...weeks...months...hehehehe.

I also remember cuz dat is hows you and me met, through Rem. So your anniverasry is purty special to me too.

I LOVE da portrait of you two.


Jan Mader said...

You and Remington go together like peanut butter and jelly!

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha the portrait is breathtaking...just like you and Rem

Duke said...

What a beautiful portrait of the two of you, Sasha!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

3 doxies said...

Yes, no needs to panic...I has everything totally under controls...now wheres did I put dat lighter?


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Sashy
I love the portrait of you and Remington. Your just so beautiful together!

SquirrelQueen said...

We love the portrait of you and Remington! Know how romantic he is we can't wait to hear about you Valentines Day.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew