Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Weekend and POTP for Puddles

Hi my pals, I hope you are all having a nice weekend. Things are pretty good around here, except Mommy has a chest cold. She is coughing and coughing and her voice sounds all squeaky when she talks.

 I am taking good care of her. The only good things about sicky Mommies are, she can't yell at me and she just needs to rest so there is plenty of snuggle time.

First I want to ask for POTP for sweet Puddles. She got a vaccine and is having a bad reaction, even though her Mommy gave her benadryl first. I hope she is better by now and resting in her girls arms. Lets cross paws for her to get all unpuffy and feeling better.

This is our penguin "Snowy", she loves the snow that we have right now.
Here is a nice picture of our house with snow. Can you see the Wisconsin flag that Daddy had up on the house for the Rose Bowl? The Badgers lost and he was pretty sad.
I know its kind of hard to see, but my Sister and I were building a snow fort. I love when Dave and Zim @ Army of Four Digest  show their fort, so I wanted to let you see mine. Its not done yet, we got too cold.
Look I had some visitors in my back yard. This is Fawna and Callie. "Hi, do you know Remingtons secretary Daisy??". They were  busy and didn't have time to talk. 

I need to get back to Mommy now. Take care my sweet pals and have a nice weekend.

Loveys Sasha


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing those great scenes from Sashaland!

PeeEssWoo: We hope your mom feels better soon!

GOOSE said...

Those sickies are going all around. I hope your mom gets feeling better soon. But with you taking care of her I know she will. And that is a way cool fort. Zim would be very impressed.

Ruby said...

Oh Sweet Sasha, you takes good cares of you Moms. You know the peeps can gets all whiney and all when they have the sickies. I know it's annoying ~ Puddles had a good suggestion....she said if you turn ups the TV real loud, it drowns outs their moanin' and whinin'! BOL (she cracks me ups!! Oh, she be doin' betters, too!! YEA!!)
Okays you have funs Sasha, and take good cares of your Moms!

AnnStaub said...

I hope your mom is feeling better soon Miss Sasha! And your friend too!

Millie and Walter said...

I hope your mommy feels better soon. I'm sure with your care she will bounce back quickly.


Unknown said...

Sasha we hope mum is better soon. We also hope Puddles is ok. Say warm. Have a super Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Your house looks so beautiful with all of the Christmas lights, Sasha!
We hope your mom feels better soon.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are on it for Puddles, just waiting to hear how she is doing. You take care of Mom, amybe her voice will stay that way, Heeheehee (no yelling)

Your Pals
Susie & officer Bites

Sketching with Dogs said...

We send our love to Puddles and hope your mum is feeling much better soon too. Hopefully the warmer weather will be here soon, although your snow looks very pretty.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

The Army of Four said...

Oh, WOWZERS! That is a mighty impressive snow fort!!! Mine are all melty and stuff ... so maybe I could come up there and help you finish yours? How cool would that be!?!? (I'd get Remington's permission first --- I don't want to intrude!)
Sorry about the Badgers. Our Wildcats lost their Bowl Game, too.)
Play bows,

Cowspotdog said...

you take good care of your a Mom and we will keep Puddles in our thoughts.

Alien said...

Just flying by to say Hi!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

I hope your mommy is better soon Sashy. Its no fun to be sicks.
And we send healing wishes to Puddles too.

Two French Bulldogs said...

your houe looks so pretty in the snow. Glad you are taking care of every buddy over there
Benny & Lily

tubby3pug said...

Look at all that great snow

urban hounds

The Websters said...

Taking care of your mom AND building snow forts? Wow! You are one busy gal.

I've been working on the squirrel situation for you. Keep an eye out in the mail.


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I's sendin your Mommy some nice warm Florida vibes so her gets better really fast. As fur Puddles, her probably just needs a beer and a bag of Cheetos.

Mary Lou said...

I just sent a "FEEL BETTER SOON" message to Puddles!! Poor baby!! :-(
Fawna and Callie are beautiful!! I imagine that they do, in fact know Daisy!! ;)
Be a good "Comfort Dog" for your Mommy!! And tell her to FEEL BETTER SOON, as well!! Enjoy your cuddling time!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

KB said...

Your penguin looks so happy! I hope that Puddles feels happy again soon...

bichonpawz said...

First of all, hope your mom is feeling better real soon Sasha!! It seems there is alot of that going around. Secondly, hoping Puddles is getting better soon!! We love looking at your penguin and your snow...it looks kind of like our snow! Happy Monday! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

3 doxies said...

Girl, I SO DON'T do snow but I does like your snow fort. You should prolly put a mailbox and flag up too...to make it more homey.
I so hope your mom is betters by nows. IDat coughin' mess is awfuls...and loud. My mum's caoughin' disturbs me when I is sleepin'. Trust me on dos...just turn da TV up so you can't hear...hehehehe.
And thank you fur da well wishes, I is back to my normal self. Well, I is back to myself anyways, I not knows bout NORMAL.


Dexter said...

Your house looks so festive. Kind of gloomy when the decorations come down, isn't it?
You did a great job on the snow fort. Dave and Zim will be impressed.


Matilda the Boxer said...

That's a grreat start on a snow fort! I can't wait to see when it's done.

SquirrelQueen said...

Hey Sasha, we are sorry to hear your mommy isn't feeling well. But under your care she should be better in no time.

We really like your snowy yard and those pretty visitors. Wish we had some snow.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

ps, we are sending healing purrs to Puddles.