Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mayor Madi

Mayor Madi @  Madi and Mom,   may I say it is an honor to be hosting the buffet to celebrate your special day. I hope you will enjoy everything and have a good time. 

I would like to take a moment to thank Mayor Frankie for all his hard work. All together now.

Paw Paw Pawraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

Please put Frankie down now and thank you.

Mayor Frankie, you are quite an inspiration, Madi has some big paws to fill.

Now on to the festivities

The drink of the day is a "Hamtini", this is inspired by Mayor Madi who is very fond of her ham. It is topped with a slice of fresh pineapple.

I am starting with shrimp on a bed of greens.
There is a salad bar for those guests that might be boring vegan or vegetarian.

 This is a dish I created just for Mayor Madi, it is filet of cod and  sole over a bed of fresh shrimp with a lovely catnip sauce.

We also made some special squirrel and rice sliders for guests that have special dietary needs. The buns are gluten free

Plenty of chilled bottled water. You will find a dish with your name on it. Please try to use your dish only for your beverages.

I talked Mommy into some remodeling and I hope you like the relaxed atmosphere to enjoy the feast.

For dessert I have a selection of individual cakes to enjoy and each guest will have some to take home for later. 

              Special Announcement !!!          

I have a special room set aside for Puddles, any guests Pip who feel the need to hang from the chandelier and drink beer, Goose. It has a tree made from beer bottles, plastic table and chairs and utensils and a pool of cheetos to jump in and get crazy. The walls and furniture are rubber, as well as the floor.There is also a dance floor in this area.
There will also be a large selection of everyone's favorites, possum pizza, squirrel bites in beer cheese dipping sauce and mousatoillie. 

I am also adding squirrel tacos. Please enjoy!

I hope you are pleased Mayor Madi and it was my pleasure to provide this for your very impawtent day.

Thank you to Puddles, Ruby and Nora for providing the squirrel and possum. I hope you will all have fun and enjoy the goodies.

  What was that  crash??

 PUDDLES!!  Oh dear, I have to go, please have fun and go back for seconds...

Pip, not the cheese dip...

 Ernie, watch out...

Frankie is gonna be mad, when he sees what you did to your clothes. 

Can somebody please pull Goose and Bert out of the cheetos. 

Ruby, be careful when Nora takes you on a sled ride, she tends to wander pretty far away...leave a cheeto path.

Madi...um Mayor Madi, your Mayorness, Diva... you might want to let go of the...oh no...somebody grab Madi...don't let her got outside...Oh Wow cats really do land on their feet.

Thanks for the help getting Madi down,  Remington, my sweety. You are always there when I need you.

Lets keep this pawty going all night!!!

Loveys Sasha


GOOSE said...

Oh Sasha!!!!! You out did yourself. It is all amazing! Oh and I don't mind being in the Cheeto pool. I can make sure no one drowns. Wowzers this is just amazing. Oh look puddles is about to do a triple off the chandler in to the Cheeto pool. "I'll catch you Puddles."

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, Sasha you have outdone yourself. This is one mega party. Mayor Madi will be so pleased. We know everyone is going to have a great time.

We hope you don't mind if Spooky brought a bag of nip. We promise not to let Puddles have any this time. Mixed with beer it makes you do really strange things.

Let's pawty!

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

haopee said...

Hello Sasha!!! Happy New Year!

We wanted to drop by immediately after new year but life is so soo busy that I suck at keeping tabs of my bloggy friends.

Huggies and Cheese,


Scooter said...

YEs, you did outdo yourself Sasha. Everything looks great so I am gonna help myself and enjoy the FUN!!

jazzi and addi

bichonpawz said...

Awesome!!! You really,REALLY did a great job with the party prep Sasha!!! You should be a professional at this!! We are going to hire you for our next pawty!! Have a FABULOUS weekend!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Unknown said...

Nice one Sasha. Wow what a swell spread. This going to be great. You have done Madi proud gal. We too have started off the day because of the time difference. Thank you for your contribution. Have a super Saturday and enjoy.
Best wishes Molly

3 doxies said...

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Oh my dogness I is havin' so much even if I is in da rubber room. Girl da foodables is just way beyond delish, I am so really likin' dis filet thingy you made withs da cat nip sauce. I must go gets me anudder one of these Hamtinis!

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh I do likes dis chandelier, swings great. Glad Goose caughted me....hehehehe. Oh shucks, I needs anudder drink.

PS I wanna see Madi land on her feet again, dat was purty darn cool.

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh Sasha!! This is PAWSOME, I don't know where to start!

My Mind's Eye said...


OMDs I knew you were a fantastic Dpchef but I had no idea you were so CREATIVE w your dishes whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa that breeze about swept me off my paws. My balloon bouquet
Is spectacular! Girlfriend I will be going back in for seconds on that signature dis of cod, sole and shrimp w catnip sauce superb!
Your selection of foodables for the masses was spot on!
Please file all of your recipes for future use.

Anonymous said...

GREAT dinner Sasha, me and Susie &Ranger have had some of very food, Sorry about that Puddles thing, was to busy eating.

Your Pals
Susie & Bites

Pees: I got the keys to the pizza turuck attached to my collar, OK!

Lovable Lily said...

A feast fit for the Mayor Madi! Beautifully done Sasha. You've totally outdone yourself as everything is just pawfect. We better keep dancing because with all of that food, we will need to keep our girlish figures.

Newby, Marley and Snoopy just went in to get some beer and cheetos and to hang with Puddles and Goose for a while. Us girls are gonna socialize and make the rounds now but not before stopping to get a Hamtini.

Thanks for hosting this pawsome party for Mayor Madi.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

What a pawsome day it is! You sure made some nice foodables Sasha! They sure are yummy! Thank you so much! I am not even going to count calories today!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Idaho PugRanch said...

Oh Sasha you have really outdid yourself! Everything looks sooo yummy, where do we start! Greta is ready to dance, she really hopes someone will ask her!

Bailey, Hazel & Greta

The Websters said...

Oh my word! These tacos are by far the BEST I HAVE EVER HAD. The sleigh rides start soon. I just need to have a few more beers to really get me going.


Millie and Walter said...

Sasha this is all so good. I hope I don't ruin my figure eating all this wonderful food.


Anonymous said...

Sasha this is our first time attending one of your catered pawties & all we can say is: you are one talented chef! Sammy & I couldn't help ourselves & had a bit of everything!

Thank you-arooo for the pawsome spread - we are off to hit the dancefloor. Sam is desperate for a dance with Mayoress Madi...don't see it happening but I don't have the heart to tell him.

Wally & Sammy

Sweet William The Scot said...

Food, glorious food!
Magical food, Wonderful food, Mavellious food. Thanks Sasha
Sweet William The Scot

Remington said...

You have out done yourself Sweet Sasha....this is fantastic! Sorry I won't be here tonight....big game and all but I may stop back in after it's over....I certainly hope we win! GO PACK! See you this afternoon before I fly out....hugs!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD...... SOMEBUDDY Pinched my BUTT when they held me up in the air... I hope it was Ruby or Penny.

HOLY GWALK A MOLEY... the FOODS OH THE FOODS... YOU did an INCREDIBLE OUTSTANDING FANGTASTIC job. It is all so BEAUTIFUL and {{{{drool}}}} nobuddy knows WHERE to BEGIN.

We have NEVER had a BANQUET before... just Pot luck Buffet. OUTSTANDING I say.
Sorry that Ernie is being a pain... I'll TRY to settle him down a bit.
OMD Madi and her Balloon booKay is just out of this world!!!
THANK YOU for installing the RUBBER ROOM... fur THAT bunch. We won't mention any Names here. BUTT they certainly did NEED it... the REST of us will be much more ... at ease... knowing where THEY are. I'm just sayin.
What a DAY... and NIGHT THIS is gonna be!!!
Madam Mayor... MADAM MAYOR... wait up I want to sign your DANCE CARD...
OH YES... Sasha... if Remington doesn't mind... could you pencil me in on YOUR card too???

Anonymous said...

Good gravy! Have you been slavin in the kitchen fur days or what?!!! NOMMERS! Now I worked real hard not to drool through the ceremony butt I will admit there is a pool of drool at my paws now :D

Waggin at ya,

Alien said...

*Looks around the room he was quickly ushered into.*

Hmmm. I suppose it was only a matter of time before I wound up in a rubber room.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Chef Could I please have my HAMtini freshened up a bit... It is DELICIOUS.. and could you fix me a LIGHT One fur me to take to Alien?

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow Sasha, you have really outdone yourself with the foodables this time!
We can't wait to gorge ourselves like pigs/ have a dainty nibble - everything looks delish!
Welcome to Mayor Madi.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Alien said...

*Takes martini with piece of ham on it from Frankie and gives him a strange look*

I thought they served these with olives?

*Takes a tentative sip and flinches*

I think I'll stick to my space martinis.

*Tosses the piece of ham up towards the chandelier*

3 doxies said...

Hahahaha....I caught Alien's ham...dang I is good!
Can somebuddy bring me a beer up heres?


Cowspotdog said...

Seriously - have you all gone crazy??? The new mayor is a C.A.T !!!!!!! We are doomed - there will be catnip and kitty litter all over blogville!!!

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, girl, you are super-talented with the foodables! Everything is totally delish and I've had two hamtinis and a pawfull of those individual cakes. OMD my tummy is so very stuffed. I'll have to run around the hall a few times before I can eat more. I'll be back!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

NO Puddles you can NOT have a beer until you have all four feet on the RUBBERY FLOOR!!

Hey Sasha.. Sarge was tellin me that he thinks it was MADI that Pinched my BUTT. SHESSSSSH how many HAMtinies has SHE had???
I thought what with a FEMALE FELINE as mayor... thingys would IMPROVE around here, BUTT maybe NOT.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles please be careful girlfriend. I think the tree made out of beer bottles was a bad idea now. What was I thinking...crash...lucky those were not glass bottles, but there is beer everywhere! Ok let's start lapping it up. Wow somebody is gassy in here. Open a window please...what is that...ok who made on the floor? Open all the windows NOW

Ruby said...

HOLY CRAP! I hopes I didn't miss all the funs!! I'll take two HAMtini's and some squirrel bites and I'll meet ya'll in the rubber room!! (Great idea Sasha!!)
Oh, all this food looks incredables!! I don't know how to choose!
Oh, this rubber room is SO COOL!!
Hey Puddles, you started without ME!! Sasha ~ I'll need, what, 10 beers in here! I have to catch up with Puddles!! No Puddles, I don't thinks that chandelier will hold BOTH our weight! (I'm still tryin' to loose a few lbs, OKAY??!!)
I'll join Goose and Bert in the Cheetos pool....

Ziggy Stardust said...

Please no eating on the chandelier. Frankie I believe as Mayor, Madi has a right to pinch your cute little butt. In fact I think she made it the order of the day. Ok ladies the first to pinch the former Mayors butt gets extra dessert!

3 doxies said...

Da question is...how did Madi FIND Frankie's butt withs all dat hair...BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Hey Ruby, girl you betters start drinkin' cuz you is late to da pawty and ummmm...hmmmm, actually, is there any beer left? Oh, I think Goose has some mores, thank dog cuz I gets so thirsty on dis chandelier...WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Dis is fun!
Oh by da way, when I eats too many peecans I gets gassy and has to fart.


Maggie Mae and Max said...

We is FINALLY here to pawty!! You did a great job on all da foodables and drinks Sasha!
Max is lookin' fur his sweetie girl Puddles, has any buddy seen her lately? I needs a beer!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Alien said...

What goes on in the rubber room, stays in the rubber room.

*Takes sip of martini*

3 doxies said...

Alien, you is nekkid...you could at least has worn your bra or smokin' jacket....is you gonna finish da rest of dat martini?


Ruby said...

OMD! I've never seens a nekkid Aliens before! What is that?.....
Puddles, I thinks we have to makes another beer run...Sasha, can we borrow your car?? I promise, I'LL drive!

Alien said...

Hmm... Your, right, Minx. I should have found something festive to wear for the occasion.

*Rummages around the rubber room and finds a plastic cup, some string, and some tape. Sits down and makes himself a party hat, Macgyver style.*

Is this better?

3 doxies said...

Oh my, Alien you is so smart to make sumptin' out of nuttin. You always do McGyver stuffs just brilliantly! Now make me sumptin, I'll takes a hat...with duck tape.

Okay Ruby, let's me grab my purse and we'll go...bwhahahahahaha....I not has a purse, dat would be too girly fur me.


Ziggy Stardust said...

I am having beer delivered. NO one is driving anywhere, especially Miss Puddles. The police force is in the other room with hamtinis so there will be no one to patrol our streets.

Puddles I really don't want to see another peecan come out of any of your ends please and thank you.

Ruby please don't encourage her. The DJ will be here soon with more beer

Ziggy Stardust said...

Alien you are crazy talented! That was a nice triple jump off the chandelier into the cheetos.

Ladies I think we should give Frankie a break now, he is gonna be all bruised and his wives will be mad at us. Sorry Frankie

Ernie please go outside to the designated areas to make

Ruby said...

BOL BOL BOL!!!! Oh, pee-cans out of BOTH ENDS!! Oh, Sasha, you be funnnnny!! Oh, I needs another beers over here!
Wells, I guesses it's a good thingy no one is drivin for the beer, I thinks that last one made me a pit tipsy...Oooo, nice hat Puddles! Alien, why is your hat down theres????
Is there more Cheetos??

Ziggy Stardust said...

Watch out Alien that isn't beer by Ernie there

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wowser this has been the most fun ever!! I am too young for the beer but all this yummy food has been great!


3 doxies said...

OOOOOOOOOOh my hat do be purties huh? I likes da duck tape, nice touch.

Good golly where is da DJ? Hey, can we dance on da tables or did your mom say not too? Surely hers won't mind it is me after alls.

Hey Ruby, hold my beer while I goes pee...I has been holdin' fur evers!

Puddles...goin to pee.

The Daily Pip said...

Somebody PLEASE save the cheese dip!!! I need it to dip my squirrel sliders in!!!!

Oh, and I will have one of everything, please.

Your pal, Pip

Duke said...

We have just now arrived! What a spread you have here, Sasha! You have thought of everything!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Alien said...

Party hats for all!

*Takes sip of his fourth martini*

Now where did I put that duct tape...

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Sasha....dat was some really good grub! {burp} {fart}..Good ting me was late gettin here. Now me's ready to pawty. Me lost brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) butt last time me saws him, him was starin at neked Mayorness Madi!

3 doxies said...

Hey Alien, can rig up some of them cute little blow horn thingies?

Buuuuuuuurp, oh scuze me...I thinks these martinis is makin' me burrp.


Mary Lou said...

Crack. Me. Up!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

All this burping and farting is making the conga line pretty unbearable. Who closed the windows? Open all the windows. I need another hamtini...burp oops it came out of both ends...woooohooooo let's get nekked and jump in the hot tub. Well its the bath tub but I am sure we can all provide bubbles.

If you have to puke make sure you clean it up please

Matilda the Boxer said...

You really outdid yourself, Sasha! This has been such a WILD pawty!! I've had so much possum pizza I can hardly walk. But what the heck, you only live once! Another hamtini, please!

3 doxies said...

Girl, I ain't gettin' in no water...fur anything! It will surely mess up my hairs and they looks SOOOOOOOO good tonight.

Seriously, somebuddy needs to open da windows cuz I can't breaths...aaaaaack.


Ruby said...

Ooooh, sorry evereebodies, butts these Hamtinis are givin' me the farts....Who wants ta conga AGAIN?!!
Oh Puddles, your furs DO looks spectactualars tonights! And, is that sparkily nails polish your Girls puts on you??? FABulous!
Sasha, is there more beers comin'??
We's run outs AGAIN!

Unknown said...

This is the bestest catering me has ever seen! Yous is going to be the hostess with the mostest of the whole year! And boy oh boy yous has made my grrl friend Madi's special day even more sopecila!
THanks yous Sasha!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What did you save for me Sashy? Am I too late? Look at all the good and all the fun- oh gosh,,, you must be exhaugsted!

Anonymous said...

This party is awesome

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow what a blast. Girl you really know how to serve some foodables. Weenie ate like there was no tomorrow and since Mommy went to her own party he was able to get away with it.

Puddles made the day. She's so entertaining!!

I was too busy checking out all the guys that I could barely eate.....not!!

We did take some of those little cakes home and Mommy don't get none cause she didn't bring us any birthday cske home.

{{{{ huggies }}}}......Mona