Today is Wednesday and I have been wanting to join KhyraKhyra's Khorner - Khome On By! for Walking Wednesday. It is a great idea, thanks Khyra. Unfortunately my Mom is electronically challenged and still hasn't figured out how to put a video of me on here. Seriously Mom, they probably have a "Dummie" book for you to teach you those things. Sheeesh. Oh well, here is my version of walking Wednesday with my big sis.
Here I am starting off, eager to be on my way. I hope to run into my friend Maverick a cocker spaniel and Pugsley, a Pug(duh), but they are not out today. It has been pretty hot here lately.

Oops better stay clear, my Mom is having enough problems with her back, I don't want to step on any cracks today.
I will walk on the lawn instead.

You are looking very beautiful in your pictures today! I'm glad you had a nice walk!
What's your favorite flavor pupsicle?
my goodness.. you get a Popsicle desert upon returning from your exercise? I will need to try that myself!
Sasha that looks like fun and you are just so cute.
But I don't understand the going for walks with that thing they call a leash. Cats like to walk, or we call it prowl, by ourselves. And if mom ever tries to put on of those leash thingies on me .... well let's just say the bad kitty would come out.
Miss Cindi Lou Who
Hi Sasha,
Nice walkie you had there. A popsicle a day keeps the heat at bay.
Licks, hero
We loved the pics of your Walking Wednesday - a popsicle is an ice lolly over here - sounds ideal in the heat.
It is easy if time consuming to upload a video on blogger. Either hitting the wee video sign on the tool bar in the post which gives you the small blogger video or alternatively your mom could upload to You Tube - you then get a copy and paste code.
If we can help let us know - our email is on the blog in our profile.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hey Sashy,
How's the walk, was it fun?
You know AL has been training me to walk without a leash, but sometimes she still has to because I go out of the way, you know sometimes we dogs are curious on something. Until now, Oreo is very afraid of leash and I don't know why, he keeps on crying whenever he see a leash. Did I hear you say popsicle? Yum!
Hey shasha I hope you had a good walk.
I love Popsicle too...
you look good to day.
have a nice day sashy..
Your pictures are so beautiful! What a fun day!
purrs and love
I changed my URL here's my new URL I hope you follow me too here..
thank you.
The Basset Babes beat me to it: it is khwite easy to do!
Please let us know if woo need some help!
Furry khute pikhs!
I hope woo enjoyed the after walk fun!
Seems like the walking wednesday is really catching on. Might have to convince my mom to try, even though he isn't the most coordinated two-legger around!! It's been too hot & humid here for any walkies this week, maybe next week will be better!
Brutus the Frenchie
great walkies - we are trying to participate too - but we are having trouble with momma and her video camera
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
We've avoided the video thing too... my assistant thinks pictures are quick & easy to post and more importantly... quick & easy for others to look at! Hope you got your popsicle after your walk.
YUMMY! popsicles!
I'm so glad to here that Paddy is home and doing fine!
Sasha, your new do looks fabulous in the photos!
As for the popsicles... Mom used to give me frozen pumpkin cubes. I love them. I think she forgot about them. I'll have to remind her...
Hi Sasha! It looks like a very nice walk. But we totally feel you on the temperature and mugginess. It is very hot and humid here ALL summer.
Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus
What a great walk! We think that the best part is the popsicle☺
Hey Sasha you are looking especially scrumptious today on your walk. I get ice cream bars sometimes, in fact I try to get them out of the freezer if she leaves the lid open. My mama says to tell your mama to just get the video on youtube and the last address it gives you is what you need to put in the html on your post.
Have her email my mama @ tcscarlet at yahoo dot com if she needs help.
Nice to go for a walk with you. Really it is too hot, don't you think?
I load all my videos to my YouTube account and then link to them on my bloggy (unless they are really short and then I just upload to blogger directly).
What a nice walk Sasha!! But in the heat?? Outside???
Glad you got a treat for it!!
Growley Kisses,
Hi Sasha from Dory...
You GO girl..I think walks ROCK!!
She is so cute! Oh my goodness!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww.....sweet Sasha!!!!
What a great walk you had with your sis...
And you look soooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!
Wish were with you and walking together!!!!
Have someone open the door and gave you water sweet girl????
If you need help...Call us ok??!!!!!
We love you alot!!!!
Have a great day!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!
The puffy bit at the end of your tail is really a nice look for such a pretty pup!
Hi Sasha
It looks to me like you had a good time on the walkie! And I hope you got the popsicle flavor you wanted!
Sasha, thanks for sharing your walking Wed with us. It has been hot and icky here too so I have been getting short walks as well. I like your idea of a popsicle after your walk....might have to try that out myself.
We LOVE to walk... or run is more like it! We leave the walking to our Mom who is slow because of her back and hip... She says to tell your Mom that she can sympathize! We are so lucky that most of our outings don't require a leash because we just get to run in the pastures around here. You are sure looking spiffy in your new cut! We are also very happy to hear about Paddy, too! Catch ya later, Sasha! OC and the Country Corgi Crew
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