This has been a very exciting week for me. It started with my friends helping me write a story. It turned out so good, thank you for helping me. Next there was a huge party over at Tanks house. I ate so many cookies and now I am tired. So far my "layout" is working cause we still have the old floor. Yahoo. Mom said something about rotten wood and men coming to fix it next week, but I am not buying it. I am winning and that is that.
Ok, Mom and big sis both say my feet look like bunny feet and they call this position "training wheels". I don't think so.
My feet are perfectly fine, thank you.
I am going to play Twix's name game. My story isn't very exciting though. My name was Sasha when my Mom and Dad rescued me and they didn't want to confuse me more so they kept it. My Mom really likes the name anyway. She says it suits me. I do have lot and lots of nicknames.
The Baby
Momma's girl
Bunny feet
I don't care as long as I am loved as much as I am, they can call me anything they like.Tonight while I sleep I am wishing for a lonely doggie to find a forever home. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Great work!
What a khute list of nikhknames!
Your pawrents were khorrekht: Sasha suits woo!
I hope your dream khomes true tonight and evfurrynight!
Awwh Sasha, you are sooo sweet.
Riley and me think your feet are beautiful and your mommy is right about your name.
Now you hang in there girlfriend, and don't give in!!! And you can tell them Riley told you so. Hee, hee! I luv getting him in trouble.
Thanx again for the beautiful story.
Sleep tight tonight,
Sasha is a perfect name for you. It's a pretty girl name too. When Dad and Mom got me, my name was Maevis. I never did really like it. So when they said I could go by Sadie if I wanted... Heck yeah! I also answer to 'go lay down'.
Sasha seems to suit you well, oh and I love your story!
Any nickname will work, but Sasha really suits you well. You're such a beautiful girl and I LOVED your story!!!! So did Annabelle, Maddie, and Tango!
HA! We say the same about our babies feet! They look like rabbit feet! Awwww! Think I will go love on them now! :)
Jack says I can't tell you his nickname, he's too embarassed!
No matter what name your momma and dadda call you, we think that you are a cutie patootie!
We love all your nicknames! We do think Bunny feet suits you!
These were very good pictures of you standing up!
You are far too cute little Sasha!
Martha & Bailey xxx
i agree too that 'bunny feet' sounds so cuuute and i'm glad you settled for 'Sasha' as it's as pretty as you
You have such adorable nicknames!But Sasha is perfect for you!
purrs and love
Yeah, I am not bothered even when momma calls me BadDog if she says it with her happy voice.
Sasha is a good name for you. I am glad your mom kept it.
Hey Sashy,
Anyway they call you, you're still Sashy, isn't that classy?
They call me Max before AL adopted me but when AL took me home she started to call me Coffee! And I like it!
Hi shasha,
Your name really fits your looks, a very cute and lovely shasha.
take care
Sounds like an exciting week - it was a great party and tanks!!
And yes you are doing a great job holding down the old floor - with your bunny legs!! - they do stick out a little - but are very cute!!
great names
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
That story came out great, Sasha!
I liked hearing about your nicknames :-)
Your pal,
Hi Sasha
Friends are good that way. They usually like to help when you ask'em. They like posting
Benny & Lily
Woo Hoo!! Good job of STOPPING CHANGE Sasha!!! You so rock!!!
Growly Smiles!
PeeEss..What a wonderful dream to have!!!
I don't think your feet look like training wheels @ all but bunny feet is a pretty good nickname.
Sassy Sasha is the perfect name for you!
Wags & wiggles,
Sasha you're sooooo cute and lovely that makes me want to hug you!!!!
I loved these nicknames.
Much love my dear!
Oh sweet Sasha!!! I have missed you so much! I'm sorry it's been awhile since I got over here to see you. As soon as I opened your page, I said, "AWWWWWWWWW!!!" How do you do it little girl? Melt me like that????
I call you Pretty Girl. Everything about you is pretty, bunny feets and all!
Big hugzzzzzz and love from Opie and me
Thanks for being so patient for me to get well. :-)
Hi my sweetie
Lovely words and very cute shots :)
kareltje =^.^=
LOVE the lit! Especially Sassenheimer :)
xo martine
To us you are just the one & only Sasha!!!
Brutus the Frenchie
We think you have perfect feet. What are they thinking. Perfect feet for a perfect girl..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
My grandpawrents dog, Buster is a shih tzu and he stits the same way.
We should all get together sometime!
You are just perfect as Sasha - it really suits you. But we do love Sassafrass too.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
We like Sassy Sasha, too... it fits you to a T! Sassafrass is cute too. Do you think, though, that you could give your Mom a break and not be quite so sassy about the floor? Think about it, you might LIKE the new floor and it would make your Mom really happy and maybe make her and your Dad feel better so they don't think about their health issues. You would like to help THEM wouldn't you? Sometimes we give up something WE like because we love others so much, and then, we often get the reward of finding out the NEW something is better for us anyway! Guess it's my age talking.... OC
Thanks for playing my game, Sasha! I don't care if you don't find it interesting how you got your name...I like it! I appreciate that your Mom and Dad rescued you! I love all your nicknames. I keep thinking of new ones that I should have added to my list...oh well!
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