Sunday, August 30, 2009

Camera Critters

Please visitCamera Critters Meme for all kinds of cool pictures Things are slowly getting back to normal around here. I found the box with my toys in it! So far they are all safe, I will get back to you after a complete inventory.
Mommy is having problems with her back again, so far she had 2 shots in it and it hasn't helped. She hasn't been able to take many pictures so we are using this older one, it was right after one of my horrible haircuts. Mommy is moving a little slow on blogging, but she knows her bloggy friends understand and we will keep up the best we can.

Licks and sniffs, Sasha

Friday, August 28, 2009

An Award and EyeWatch Friday!!

Look what I got from Martine at I need a Sugar fix . She is my friend and I love her, Martine has new puppies that she rescued, they are so cute and technically I am related to them(Sugar and I were twins, separated at birth), so I am very protective. Please go and visit her. The only rule is to name 5 bloggers who visit at least once a week. Most of my friends visit often(I am a lucky pup) so this will be hard. I will send the love this time to A Wiener Dog Blog aka Twix, she has been under the weather, I hope it cheers her up. Next my pal Jan at Animal Talk who is an animal lover and children's author had someone steal one of her stories(butthead). I hope this will make her smile. Checkers at Checkers The Peek A Poo has been out working hard with his Mom(I hope he is getting lots of yogurt drops) so I think he deserves an award. My Mom is getting the insurance that his Mommy sells for me, it was a good deal and will be nice in case we might need it. Mango at Mango's Great Adventures always makes me feel safe, just knowing that there are Mango doggies makes the world safer for us little dogs(plus he is sooooooo handsome).Finally to one of my best pals ever Tweedles at http://tweedles-georgie.blogspot.com/, Tweedles and I go on many magical adventures together. I will have to stop, I love you all but that's 5 for today. Thank you again for the award.
Please visit the very cool Norwood at norwood unleashed! for more good eyewatches!! Look at this eyes, how can you not love this face?? This is my Mommy, I didn't mean to be sassy face. It works every time.

Have a nice weekend everyone, it is raining here, but at least it isn't making boom-booms so I don't have to hide yet.
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My battle with the new floor ends!

Lets start with a quick game of "Where's Sasha?" Can you find me in the messy jungle, I used to call home. If you follow my blog(and I hope you do) you may know that our kitchen had a flood and evil men have been coming here every day FOREVER to fix things. When they are here, instead of protecting my Mom, I get locked upstairs in a bedroom. Mommy does come and play with me a lot, but how can I protect her if I am locked up??

Next the potty thing the humans use broke when the men were fixing the floor, so that made a mess and more men had to come and more time locked up!Will my house ever get back to normal?

Well, guess what? I lost the battle of the floor, in spite of my constant objections, crying, barking and whining, somehow a new floor got put in along with a new potty. Next my Daddy was nice enough to surprise my Mommy and took some money from a special account and bought her a new stove and microwave oven. Mommy had the same stove for almost 30 years. One of our friends bought a new house and already had a dishwasher, so they gave Mommy the Maytag dishwasher that came with the house for free and it is almost brand new! Ours was broken.

My Mommy is about the happiest Mommy in the world right now, with her new kitchen, so I guess I will be happy for her too. Especially now that it is all over. The new floor is pretty cool, it feels good on my tummy and I can do good zoomies on it. I just hope nothing else goes wrong, I can't take anymore, and I hope all my toys are going to come back now. I think the evil men might have taken some.

licks and sniffs, Sasha
p.s. Mommy doesn't want you to think she is bragging, it has just been a really long time since we have had anything like this done and she is soooooo excited to have a new kitchen. We were kind of lucky that insurance will cover some of the damage.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sashas Awards

I have some awards from friends that I would like to share with you. I like awards, I think they are fun and make me feel special. The first 2 didn't have any rules that I could see, and the last one did have a fun rule.

I got this one from my friend and neighbor the very handsome Oskar at The Daily Oskar . Thanks Oskar, us Michiganders have to stick together. I pass this one on to Brutus the Frenchie . Brutus is a handsome boy, who is having a said time in his family right now. I hope this will cheer him up. I found this one on Martha and Baileys blog atMartha & Bailey's Blog, they offered it to anyone to share so I took it, since it is one I don't have . Thank you Martha and Bailey, my beautiful basset friends. I pass this one on to Al and his animal friends at Burnt Chicken Republic . Al is a great lover of animals and takes in kitties and dogs that need loving homes.

This one is from Dory at Dory's Backyard , thank you my beautiful Dory. The rules for this one are as follows:

When accepting this award, you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must have been a really good pup! You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving a message on their blogs."
Well I think we all know that I am not a really good pup. I am a food thief, whenever I get the chance. Don't get me wrong, my family feeds me very well and healthy food. It is just that these silly people leave so much within reach, whats a little angel to do? I have so many stories but I will go with this one. One time last Christmas, Mommy(who is an outstanding baker) was frosting some cookies at the kitchen table. The noisy box made a silly noise and she went to talk into it ( how nuts is that,talking into that little toy box). I jumped up on her chair, nobody said anything, so I assumed the delectable cookie at reach was for me. I ran off, but unfortunately because it was freshly frosted, I left a trail and was caught. I did finish the cooky first though. This one I pass on to my new friend Frodo at Sixteen paws . Frodo is a shih tzu like me and a puppy so I don't know how much food stealing he has done so far, but I would love to read about it.
Thank you all for the awards, I will just leave it open to anyone else who wants to take and post on any of them.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pet Pride

Please visit Pet pride for more great pet photos and storiesMom got over to Target and unfortunately they had some pet costume supplies already in the dollar area. Mom loves the dollar area, she can spend forever there I am told.
This is how I choose to wear my princess hat. It is my interpretation and I think it looks better this way.

Now if I could just get it off and hide it somewhere.

My Mom wants me to tell you that I have been a good girl lately and am improving in some areas. When the bad man was here to check on the kitchen progress, I did bark at first, but after Mom made me sit and told me to shush a few times, I did give in and sit quietly next to her. This is progress for me. We have also been playing a game called "targeting" Mommy puts her hand out and calls me, I touch her hand and I get a small treat or a scratch behind the ears(my favorite). Well now when they open the door and I accidently(on purpose) run out without my leash, Mommy just calls me and puts out her hand and for the past 2 weeks, I come right to her or my sis or Dad. I can't go out without my leash in the front because I have this crazy obsession with chasing cars or bikes or anything going past me fast. Mom is afraid to ever let me out without a leash because I might chase and get hurt or worse. I did get out once, when I first came to live here and it was very scary for her. She just wanted me to show you I can be a good girl and not sassy all the time.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
p.s. I do still like sassy though(giggle)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Camera Critters

Hi my friends, its Camera Critters! Please visit Camera Critters Meme for lots more critters. This week, Mom has chosen to show some older photos of me in a favorite pawsition of mine that my family likes to call, simply"paw-foot-paw-foot" or "foot-paw-foot-paw" depending on how you look at it.
A furrier version

Standing at attention

More relaxed, chew bone at my side.

Mom has a question for all of you: I want to buy a new camera. We have been relying on my daughters camera phone for a while, but as you know the photos are not as good a quality as they could be. Our other camera died. Do you have any suggestions for a camera brand? I look at your blogs and the photos are so good and clear. I can't afford a huge lot, but I have seen some around $100.00 or just a little more or less is even better. Please let me know what kind of camera you use and what you suggest. Thank you. Anne
Have a paws up kind of weekend my friends and sweet dreams.
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Eyewatch Friday

Its Eyewatch Friday! Please visit Norwood at norwood unleashed! for more great eyes. Shhhhhhhhhhh please be very very quiet. Not a sound.
I am watching out for "The Scarlet Puppynickel". So far he has only struck schnauzers, but the last known attack was just minutes from my house at my friend Oskars
http://thedailyoskar.blogspot.com/2009/08/scarlet-puppynickel-strikes-again.html. He also tormented Sasha in Australia. So since my name is also Sasha and I live so close to Oskar, I am afraid, he will attack me just to throw everyone off his usual pattern. So far he has caused severe damage to other friends, which they in turn probably got blamed for. There is nothing that this fiend will not do to cause mischief.
I am the queen of mischief and sass and no one is going to take that title away from me. I am certainly not going to get blamed for the mischief of another. For now I will keep vigilant watch and hope that he has chosen another victim far from Michigan.
Beware all and thanks for the heads up Oskar
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

This has been a very exciting week for me. It started with my friends helping me write a story. It turned out so good, thank you for helping me. Next there was a huge party over at Tanks house. I ate so many cookies and now I am tired. So far my "layout" is working cause we still have the old floor. Yahoo. Mom said something about rotten wood and men coming to fix it next week, but I am not buying it. I am winning and that is that. Ok, Mom and big sis both say my feet look like bunny feet and they call this position "training wheels". I don't think so.

My feet are perfectly fine, thank you.
I am going to play Twix's name game. My story isn't very exciting though. My name was Sasha when my Mom and Dad rescued me and they didn't want to confuse me more so they kept it. My Mom really likes the name anyway. She says it suits me. I do have lot and lots of nicknames.
The Baby
Momma's girl
Bunny feet
I don't care as long as I am loved as much as I am, they can call me anything they like.Tonight while I sleep I am wishing for a lonely doggie to find a forever home. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sasha and the Magic Unicorns

Hi my friends, this is the final edition of the story we all wrote together(see my previous post). I tried to include everyone who helped, but if I accidently missed someone, please tell me and I will fix it. I know it it kind of long, but I wanted to include everyone's great lines. Thank you
The day began like any other day, a nice early walk outside with my Dad, heading for my favorite spots, when all of a sudden out of the blue a beautiful unicorn stepped in front of us.
My Dad called me to his side, afraid that the unicorn would harm me." I told him not to worry because unicorns have magical powers and are sent to those who need their help." What is your name unicorn?" The unicorn said his name was Uno and I am looking for some most yummers foodables." Sasha wasn't at all sure what unicorns ate and had to ask her Dad. Dad told Sasha," I don't want to tell you but you must know for your own safety. Unicorns eat small dogs and then he burst out laughing, I don't know but lets ask Uno." In a shy voice with an unmistakable southern drawl Uno said "I eat Unicorn chow of course, do y'all have some?" Dad said "no we don't have any, would gum be of any help?" Uno looked at Dad and then Sasha and said"only if its special unicorn gum."" We magical creatures must be very careful what we accept from strangers, even kind ones like you. It could affect our powers. So whats a unicorn to do for fun around here? "Then all of a sudden appeared another unicorn named Dos. Daddy said "oh no now there are 2 of them". Dos said"what could be more fun than 2 unicorns? "Next he stomped his hoof and shook his rainbow colored mane causing glittery stars to scatter. Sasha ran over to the unicorns, just as the stars fell, she was covered with them. As she stood there trying to shake the stars off a wonderful thing happened...she finally saw her magic bubble. She climbed into one and headed off to see all her bloggie friends. "Ohh magic bubble I have finally found you. Where will I go first?"
"I know I will visit Tank, the best dog in the world. Oh now that is going to be a tough act to follow. Who wants to fight over that title? I know it must be Lassie. Maybe Tank knows Lassie, I will ask him when I get to Kansas. I must remember to follow the yellow brick road and bring my red shoes." Sasha was riding happily along in the magic bubble, she thought she could almost see Kansas, when suddenly a big wind came along and started blowing the bubble towards Missouri." My friend Twix lives in Missouri, I see her, she is outside in her beautiful yellow dress."
I started singing, "Somewhere over the rainbow", but just as the words came out of my lips, the bubble began to spin and started sailing higher into the sky right before Sasha's eyes she saw the most splendid colors of all , it was the rainbow. Every one's wish is to go over the rainbow, isn't it? Higher and higher the bubble went until the Sasha and her magic bubble landed right on top of the rainbow.She thought the rainbow was nice, but knew it would have been way more fun to go see Tank." Wizard, hey Wizard! Where are you??"
The rainbow was nice for sure, but what was nicer was that somehow, the two unicorns, Tank, Sasha, and Tweedles were suddenly all together again. And right before their eyes they saw something that was better than even the rainbow itself. The two unicorns gasped. Tank looked at Sasha and Tweedles. Sasha said, "How did Mango ever find a big enough bubble?Look, we ARE back in Kansas, it's Phantom and Thunder of the OP Pack. Sasha smiled her cute smile, "I think I know what makes this rainbow special. It's coated with bubbles that are made from bubble gum and not soap."Tweedles said, "I think that means the bubble won't pop for a very long time." We can travel this rainbow until we find the pot of gold and then we can take it home to play with!"But what is gold and anyway, who's home should we take it to?" This magic bubble is very strong, we could go very far together even all the way to California to see Martine and her new puppies and then we will ride like the horses below toward the great state of Texas to see Dory, and my kindred spirit BILBO!!Tweedles whispered shyly,,,,well I think we could maybe donate the pot of gold to somewhere special that helps feed hungry animals around the world. And then, I would just love for us to let this bubble rise high above the roaring ocean. What a site to see!and then, because all bubbles are magic," said Sasha, "Tweedles, Tank and I are going to use the gold to help other dogs who aren't loved as much as we are.""That's right, said Sasha. "The first dog I want to help is scrawny 11-year-old at the shelter. No one wants him.""Our strong magic bubble can take us anywhere at all. Let's go," said Tweedles.Sasha, Tweedles and Tank got to the shelter. They found the old dog and put him in their bubble. "We're taking you to a new house we built just for you," said the two friends. "You will be loved in your new house." The old dog smiled. Sasha and Tweedles had lots of work to do. After they got the old dog settled into his new home they began to ride on the Unicorns Uno and Dos," oh my it is so beautiful up here."" We have seen so many of our friends so far Tweedles". "Wait down there, I see a some dogs in a pen, do you think they would give us some foodables if we visited them?" I am hungry now. "Oh look it is our friends, "what are you doing here?" Twix said "We have been brought together by the magic unicorns to help animals that need homes, but first foodables to give us all strength." Phantom and Thunder what did you bring, that looks good "It is steak and kibble, now lets eat." While we ate Uno told us a story. "Do y'all know that there was a time when there were lots more of us unicorns?" But then we became fashionable and humans started painting us on vans and made us into Barbie toys and put us in a book series." "We got totally overexposed, so we thought it was high time to skeedaddle for a spell." " Now we only come out when we can help other animals who need homes and love. The need is very great now and that makes us sad, now we only have a few more hours and then we have other animals to help so we best get moving."" First lets go find your friend Clive because he does actually know some unicorns."
Clive stepped forward and said "I never wanted to tell anyone because I was afraid no one would believe me" Riley and Star are here now too "We believe you, can we go with you now please. "Well of course you can, the more the better. We only have a few more hours and then Dos and I have to move on to help another group of pets, kitty cats this time."Just because the 70's van means peace on earth to all animals and humans." "Perhaps we can pile foodables in the van for all the hungry animals, along with some peace, love and understanding." Uno gave direction,"Now listen to me carefully. We will split up, we have the van full of food to deliver to all the shelters we can until it is gone."" Is that Mango fellow big enough to reach the peddles and drive? ""Sasha and Tweedles will ride on our backs with any other smaller dogs. ""Dory, Bilbo...please don't growl Bilbo, this will be fun." Riley and Star, can you ride up by Dos's horn?"" Tank, Brutus, Twix, Lorenza, Martha and Bailey and Eric, Sedona y'all climb on me. Now there is plenty of room and you will be safe, I haven't drop anyone yet he-he-he. Oh look its little Miss Cindi Lou Who, the kitty, why I can use you on my next adventure to rescue cats. All you big guys, the OP pack, Clive, the Blue Heelers, Sadie, Norwood, Dexter, Khyra please get in the van with Mango." "I sure hope the tires don't pop." Tweedles said with glee" I have never seen so much food in my life and so many willing to help." Star said" I can see the whole world from up here" "Oh my something just fell on my head" said "oh my it is a gumdrop, yummers." For the next few hours, Uno and Dos took the dog friends over the homes of people willing to adopt a stray and marked the houses with rainbow glittery stars which made them stand out in a magical way to the rescue helpers. The rainbow van worked hard also delivering food to needy shelters. That pot of gold we found sure went a long way. Uno and Dos told us it was almost time for us all to go back to our homes. Tweedles and I looked at each other and all of our friends and smiled. We have done a good thing and now we were tired and ready to go home. I think this calls for a celebration! Sasha said, you mean like a party? Dos said yes in deed! But first we will need everyone to pitch in and help plan it. Tank said, I'll make the place cards I'm good at writing. Star said I'll bring the paper lace doilies for everyone to tear up! And I make a mean desert said Norwood, "Chicken Ala Mode"! Then Sasha said, Oh, this is going to be so much fun and Oskar will greet everyone with party favor dog toys, love & extra kisses! The whole gang then headed for little Mango, Chubs and Ximui's pool to dive in for fun and make a big splash. What a hot and cool party at the same time!"

"Tweedles", said Sasha, "what a great celebration this is, but I am afraid we do not have enough foodables for Mango so I think it is time to go home. I miss my Mom and I bet you do also."
"Yes I do "said Tweedles" and I am tired." Uno and Dos delivered all the doggy friends back to their homes one by one and I, Sasha was the last to be dropped off. I was sad to see them go, but anxious to see my family. Tweedles and I hugged and promised to visit each other soon in magic bubbles. I saw Tweedles running to greet her Mommies. My Dad was frantic, he had been looking for me for a long time and my family was most grateful to see me again. I was tired and went to sleep and dreamed of my friends. Uno and Dos went off into the night and left me some special gumdrops for very special occasions, not to be used too often. "They have a power that you will need sometime, when the time is right you will know" said Dos. As I drifted off to sleep I thought "Look at all the good we did in just a few hours, we did have the help of magic unicorns I know,but if only humans could spend a few hours helping animals in need, perhaps they too would feel the magic. I think the magic fills your heart with love and you want to keep doing more. " Always believe in unicorns and the power of magic, (oh boy I have gassers I wonder what was in that kibble.) Good night all Love Sasha
Thank you everyone for playing with me.Thanks to Jan Mader for this great idea. Thank you to Mara and jabblog and Karen also
Love Sasha

I hope I didn't miss anyone, if I did tell me and I will put you in.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Please come and join Tweedles and our friend Jan and Me for a game.

Please visit Camera Critters at Camera Critters Meme for lots more great pictures.
I caved in on the protest and they gave me water and yes a little piece of hard bread. I will have to think of something else to keep me busy.

Tweedles and I want to tell you about a very, very cool and fun blog that we visit.
Our friends name is Jan and she has one pet blog Animal Talk where she shares great stories about her horse Tango and lots of great rescue stories. Jan is a children's author and also has a writing blog calledJan Mader Ignite To Write . Every time we visit there are really fun writing games that anyone or anypet can play along with. A little while back she played a game that we would like to play with my pet friends with Jan's permission. Please go to Jan's page to check out our first storyhttp://ignitetowrite.blogspot.com/2009/07/lets-write-story-together.html.
How the game works is I will start the first line of the story and in your comments you help write the story. It can be a line or just a few words that will help the next commentor to keep the story going. I am going to leave it up until Wednesday. Please come back as often as you can to check on the story and add more to it. Make the story funny or silly or whatever you want and we will keep it going. After Wednesday I will type it up and with Jan and Tweedles we will give it a finish and then put up the whole story all together in a new post. This is gonna be so fun you guys and it will help me take my mind off of the awful disruption in my house. Please, please play along. I am so excited I am spinning in circles...getting dizzy...ok must lay down for a moment.

Ok here goes: The day began like any other day, a nice early walk outside with my Dad, heading toward my favorite spots...

Ok now its your turn, keep the story going. Have fun and come back and check on it and add more to the story. It will be so fun and maybe someday we will all be famous and live in Disneyland with Pluto and eat steaks and play and never get baths.
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pet Pride

Please visit Pet pride -for more cool pictures.Ok HELP. There have been men in my house every day this week, banging and walking all over and making noise. As if that isn't enough, everything is boxed up around here. I can't find my toys!! HELP!
These noisy men must have taken them and I fear I will never see them again. Look at this place, it is a mess. Why are Mom and Dad allowing this. I don't like change.

I am staging a "layout". I am going to lay here so they won't take away this floor and put another one down. If you can, please send water and food, as I think I might feel faint already.

Please note the button in my sidebar that we got from Mollie Jo and Bobo at
Dog Eared . Thank you I will display it proudly.
If anyone can help me, please, seriously I haven't eaten for minutes now. This protesting is hard work.
licks and sniffs, Sasha.
p.s. We had a leak in the kitchen, so we are getting a make over. We have had additional problems with leaky toilets and rotted wood but I think finally next week it might be done. I know its not the end of the world, but it is frustrating. Sasha, needless to say, doesn't do well with change. Her toys are safe and we are feeding her and giving her water. She is a drama queen. Anne

Friday, August 14, 2009

Eyewatch Friday and some Awards!

Please visit Norwood at http://norwoodunleashed.blogspot.com/2009/08/eyewatch-friday-9-pet-pride.html for Eyewatch Friday. Norwood is way cool. Thanks Norwood

Joei-Alvond at My Days and Night gave me this cool award. Please visit her beautiful blog soon. Thanks for the award and for being a pal.
My friend Twix at A Wiener Dog Blog and my friend Dory atDory's Backyard both had this award on their very cool blogs. They said anyone could take it so I did. Thanks my friends. If you are nut lucky enough to know Dory and Twix yet please go an visit them. I would like to pass my diamond to Paddy at Sally as a get well present. Paddy was very sick but is better now. Next to Walter at http://walterthepug.blogspot.com/ he is a friend of Tweedles and now of mine who needs some extra attention right now. Now on to a new friend I met on Mango's blog Mango's Great Adventures who needs loving, Max at http://danesview.blogspot.com/.
P O W E R of the P A W to all of you, you are gems!
Happy Friday my friends
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for my Dad. Well I am always, but today is my tribute to him. My Dad is on kidney dialysis and we are waiting for a kidney transplant, I would give him one of mine but the doctor said no. I am so proud of him. When he comes home from work, the first thing he does is pick me up and hold me. Next we go for a walk and then treats, of course. Every morning he takes me out first thing before he goes to work and then treats , of course. I love to snuggle by him and watch tv. We like to watch fishing shows on Saturday and mostly I sleep. Sometimes I sleep with him and sometimes my Mom, I need to share the love. Dads are great!

licks and sniffs, Sasha
p.s. I need to point out(well Mom is making me) that when I first came to live with my family, I accidently, well sort of, kind of bit him pretty bad and at first we didn't quite see eye to eye. We grew to love each other and that is why I appreciate him so much more, because he let me bite him and forgave me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sasha's Dog Hero of the Week

Hello my friends, I am going to do a weekly post on a pet hero. There are many pets that go above and beyond the call of duty every day to help the humans. Paws up to all the heroes out there.

Do you believe in canine guardian angels and the kindness of strangers? You just might after reading this story. Early one morning, Yolanda Segovia's neighbor, Stacey Savige, knocked on her door and asked her to temporarily take in a stray dog she had found. The scruffy terrier mix had no collar or microchip. Segovia eyed the pooch -- burrs sticking to his belly and mud caking his fur -- and reluctantly agreed to foster him for the day. An erstwhile hairdresser, Segovia hasn't worked since 2006. At 47, she is a survivor of breast cancer and cervical cancer. A divorced single mother of two, Segovia shares her Port Tampa, Florida home with her 10 year-old son Azaiah and 21 year-old son Christian. Her elder son has Down Syndrome; he cannot speak or bathe himself, and he has had heart surgery and a kidney transplant,
reports the St. Petersburg Times. Azaiah immediately took to the dog, whom he named RaeLee (pronounced "Riley"). Segovia and her sons bought the dog a collar, leash, ball and brown bed from the dollar store, and all that day, Azaiah played with the dog, laughing gleefully whenever RaeLee licked his face. "Don't fall in love with him," Segovia warned.Segovia and Savige made 4,000 FOUND flyers with the dog's picture, stuffed mailboxes and put an ad on Craigslist. When no one called, RaeLee stayed the night at the Segovias' house. His dog bed was placed in the living room, but when the boys climbed into their twin beds, RaeLee dragged his bed down the long hallway and bunked with the boys in their room.By Saturday -- four days later -- no one had called to claim RaeLee, and he was still living with the Segovias. The honey-colored terrier had started responding to his new name. He almost never barked, loved playing rambunctiously with Azaiah, and was tender with Christian.
One afternoon, the dog settled himself on the floor near Christian as he watched a "Barney" video in his room. Segovia was outside watering the plants when the placid moment was shattered by the sound of RaeLee crashing into the screen door and barking crazily. Alarmed, Segovia opened the door, only to have the dog race back through the house towards the boys' room. Segovia followed, screaming when she caught sight of her son. Christian was "slumped over, his body writhing in a seizure, blood streaming from his nose and mouth." RaeLee stood next to him yelping, but suddenly went quiet when Yolanda reached down to hold her son. "If he hadn't come to get me," Segovia said, "the neurologist said Christian would have choked on his own blood and died." The dog, she decided, was a keeper.
But the next day, Segovia and her sons were heartbroken when someone called to claim the dog they had come to love. Randy Cliff, 34, who lived six blocks away said he had been searching for his dog -- real name Odie -- for over a week. Odie had lived with Cliff, his wife, their four children and infant granddaughter. Savige cried, telling Cliff, "That dog saved my friend's son."When Cliff came to collect his dog, RaeLee a.k.a. Odie, leapt off the Segovias' porch and into his arms. Christian watched from a window. Azaiah stood on the porch watching the man hug the dog he knew as RaeLee. "We're going to miss you," he said, tearfully. Looking up, Cliff took in the scene -- Christian looking scared, Azaiah looking downtrodden -- and asked, "Is that your brother?" Azaiah nodded yes.With a sudden change of heart, Cliff put the dog back down. "Maybe Odie was supposed to find you," Cliff told a stunned and delighted Azaiah. "Maybe you should keep him."And that is how the kindness of strangers -- Savige for rescuing a lost dog, Segovia for taking him in, and Cliff for giving up his pet to a pair of brothers who needed the dog more -- brought RaeLee to live with Azaiah, Christian and their mother.
THE P O W E R of the P A W!!!!
licks and sniffs, Sasha