Sasha is having a bad day. Our sub division is having a rummage sale. My daughter is out front trying to sell some of her art and Sasha does not approve of the traffic on our front lawn. She is beside herself, crying and pacing. We have taken her out a few times, but unfortunately she barks at everyone and scares away customers. I know that she is just trying to protect us. I have been in the house with her most of the day, trying to distract her. I will be glad when its over that is until tomorrow when it starts again. My poor baby, she just wants her family to be safe.
rut roh.... bring that lil girl ova here.... I'll baby sit. ooxxooxx
Awww I can picture her barking all over the place to keep the strangers away ... just be patient, okay :)
Such a darling! I'm still having problems though... On my dashboard your ComfortFood shows up, but no post previews??? Well, at least you're still on there! I'll just have to take the long way until I figure it out! Maybe Sasha can tell me when to click over...
Poor Sasha, maybe she's afraid her favorite toy will be sold!
Maybe by tomorrow she will be a little calmer, such a cute little girl.
Maybe Sasha just wanted to be the cashier! I have he same problem like MizzLily, you're blog title shows up but it's not updating, but I sorted it out a while ago. I found out that I'm not in the list of your followers so I clicked follow then it's all okay now!
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