Hark, the footsteps get closer, maybe I should take a look. Its only Mom, what does she want, are we going outside or maybe I can just humor her for a while running after one of my toys. Why is she picking me up, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Thats a warning Mom I am not in the mood for any grooming today so just forget right now! She is going towards the sink, oh help my friends, rescue me from her grip.

Well Mom wins again, I got my face trimmed and washed and she trimmed my other end, you know the area that we dogs sniff each other. She trimmed and washed that part, how degrading. Well I must now tell you that I did get one good bite in. Ha-ha Mom take that. Oh dear she looks upset now and there is a liquid coming out of the part of her thumb that I bit. She put me down. Now I have that "bad dog feeling". Next time perhaps I will just let her do it. Or not.

This dog is scrumptious! Look at those eyes!
Sasha, bath time should be fun you shouldn't be so grumpy.
Miss Cindi Lou Who agrees, baths are not fun.
Hugs and purrs,
Judy & CL
that is such a cute dog
Hi Sasha, you bit your mom... oh dear and she is not mad... coz she loves you :) You look nice after the trim.
Sasha you must let mom give you a trim or else we won't be able to see your sweet face,and do let her bath you.
Your face looks pretty, but she washed your other end too...Where's the dignity?
Wrooo wroooo
Oh! congrats on your win at blogs of note... Sasha is now world famous.
oh dear. do not bite, sasha, for that is your master. i beg of you, bite the old drunkard who bangs around our neighborhood instead.
love minky
You should not bite your mom..not nice..imagine how bad and itchy you would feel if she didn't keep you clean and cute!
Hi Sasha..I sees you came to my place this morning. Nice to meet you! I gots to go to see the groomer this morning cuz I don't like goin' to the sink. I go GRRRRRRR..and Pawpa tells Mom.."hey, waddya want ME to do?" so there you have it.
I like you. Yer feisty! Grrrrr
Aww I really miss you, Sasha. You;re just so adorable.
Btw, Anne, thanks for stopping by too :)
You made Blogs Of Note!!! Congratulations! That is so wonderful for both you and Sasha! How cool is that!!!
Awww! LOL Precious! The are like children when you wake them! Especially when they are cozy and in a deep sleep.
hello sasha its dennis the vizsla dog hay i gess yore mama has never herd that saying abowt letting sleeping dogs lie ha ha ok bye
Oh Sasha - baths are okay. I don't like them either but I do just stand there and take it - that is if I can't get away in the first place - but Sasha, don't bit your mommy's finger - remember that is attached to the hand that has all of those treats you like!
My Sophie does not like getting groomed either.
Hmmm.....I think you must be friends with my Billy! He hates to be groomed.
Baaaad Sasha! She's just trying to make you presentable for your blog post! Sadie loves baths. She won't let us water anything without attacking the garden hose and drowning herself!
Oh what an indignity Sasha - there is nothing worse than a human obsessed with cleanliness!
We dogs like to smell - who wants to look all groomed and be sweet smelling.
We do hope your mum's finger gets better soon!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Hi, Sasha!
A bath?? I love them!
Ouuchy! I hope your mom's finger is ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
She is just the cutest dog ever :D ooooh its like a little baby, so sweet!
Aww that's so cute
You bit? Oh no Sasha that's bad. Al trimmed my coat on face last week and it doesn't hurt. Mom will always be gentle. Or do you wanna be tossed by the groomers? Think about it.:)
You have to be brave for baths!! Chance never bites during his bath..it is not polite:)
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