Friday, July 24, 2015

I Am A Lucky Pup!

Hi to all of my buddies out there. I am so happy here in Blogville and I am one lucky pup to have such great pals.

I got a special package from Ciara and Lightning at ♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥
I was so excited I could hardly stand it. 
Feast your eyes on these yummies! They are so delicious that I can't even believe it. I wish you could taste them through the blog. 
Ciara's Mom told us that Phantom loved these and that made Mommy very happy(she really loved Phantom)
I have a new squeaky stuffy elaphantee(thats what we call them), I named him Phantom.
I am crazy for stuffies and crazy for squeakies so I am one happy pup. 
I love Phantom, we play a lot together and he is getting along very well with my other toys so far.
Thank you for thinking of me and I love everything!
Ziggy Out!!


Samantha said...

You are so lucky!
I need to find these for the pugs....those look amazing!
xoxo MaddiethePug's mommy (Maddie is sleeping :) )

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What marvelous pressies Ziggy!! Those cookies look delish and we just know you'll have a blast with Phantom!!

Aunt Dory, Uncle Bilbo, Uncle Jakey and Uncle Arty

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Phantom the elephant. We loved Phantom, too. Don't know that those cookies would get much lickin' around here....we're into CRUNCH! The look scrumptious.

Kinley Westie said...

Looks like pawsome pressies!

Scooter said...

That was so nice of them.


easyweimaraner said...

oh of course you are a super lucky pup! now you have Phantom always on your side and that treats look delicious... are that "oreo's" for dogs, because of the lick n' crunch? (without the milk of course lol)
easy rider

Julie said...

Oh Ziggy how wonderful!!! What a great giftie fur you
Don't you just luffs Ciara and Lightning, they are pawfect furfriends
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

Ciara and Lightning are just the bestest and Phantom is the perfect name for your new elephant stuffie, Ziggy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cowspotdog said...

wasn't that a wonderful surprise - blogville had the best of friends

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
No doubt about you Ziggy - you scored! What great gifts. Have happy times with your Phantom. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ziggy, we are so happy to hear that you like your elephantee so much. Phantee was one of those silly nicknames Mom used for our Phantom. Enjoy your cookies - they are really tasty. It was our pleasure to welcome you to Blogville.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

What a lucky pup you are! Ciara and Lightning and their peeps are such sweeties. Phantom the Elle is really cute too!

My Mind's Eye said...

Ahhhhhh Ziggy that was a very special gift and what an honor to Angel Phantom to name your new toy after him!
Hugs madi your bfff

Matilda the Boxer said...

What grreat furiends! Phantom looks like a real fun buddy, just like his namesake!

Murphy said...

How sweet of them to send a great treatie to you! We sure hope you can come to the retreat next year!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oooo, what a great package Ziggy, hope you enjoy them!
We are sure Phantom's mum will be very happy you named your elephant after him.
Dip and Elliot x

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cool. Getting presents are the best
Lily & Edward

Idaho PugRanch said...

Cookies!!!! How nice of Ciara and Lightning to send you some pressies!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

The Daily Pip said...

How sweet! It's like you Phantom sent you a special gift. We loved him, too!

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

OMD those cookies look delish! Have fun playing with Phantom :)

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Those are amazing looking cookies.

Duncan said...

Special prezzies for a special pup. Lucky you!!

sprinkles said...

My boys and I really love the OP Pack's blog. Phantom was always our favorite too.

How thoughtful of them to send you a package.

bichonpawz said...

That is awesome that you got a surprise package from Ciara and Lightning! Phantom is the perfect name! Enjoy those treats!!
xo Chloe and LadyBug

The Army of Four said...

That was so sweet of Lightning and Ciara! And you named your special stuffie Phantom!??!? That is so wonderful!