Sunday, July 5, 2015

I Got A Pressie From Uncle Bilbo!!

Hi my buddies, I was so excited cause a big huge package arrived for me, it was just outside our front door. I am told it came from a magic land called "Chewy.com". 

This must be an amazing place.

This one was sent from my Uncle Bilbo who lives in Dory's Backyard

Mommy wants me to tell you at this point that I have not been very cooperative with the flashy beast.

Angel Sasha showed me in a dream to run when the flashy beast comes out and I do, so Mommy had a hard time getting pictures. 

I love stuffies, especially when they squeak, so I got one sniff of this guy and took off running. His name is Marty Moose. I showed him who is boss.

I slipped up a little a got caught posing for this one. This is a kind of comforting guy and Mommy can warm him up if she wants to so I can snuggle when she is away. I just like to chew on him. 

His name is Bilbo.

Thank you Uncle Bilbo and your family for making me feel so special. 

I got a special toofy brush and paste, some wipes for when I am too stinky between baths, some chew bones and some puppy chew treats along with Marty Moose and Bilbo.

I hit the jackpot and I love them all. Mommy is trying to get better pictures and will post them when she does. I am pretty quick(snickers).

I am getting pretty excited for my first big event here in Blogville. Angel Sasha will be at my side, cause I don't really know much about cooking yet. 

She will help me and we will have a root toot tootin good time y'all.

Ziggy Out!!


Samantha said...

Ziggy you are so cute!! And you deserve all those pressies!

Murphy said...

Ut oh . . . Sasha was planning on having a real tooting time BOL! Looks like that will still be the plan! Great pressies. Bilbo and his family are the best!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Marty Moose....we just rewatched 'Vacation' the other day....

Great package for a special pup!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Crikey Ziggy, you getting spoiled already??!! quite right too...
only four more sleeps till Rodeo day... whhheeeeeeeeeeeee.. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We can see that Uncle bilbo is taking good care of you, Ziggy - that was quite the special gift. You will learn to love all thing Chewy.com:)

Just a little tip - we don't like the flashy beast either, but we have learned that we can get a really tasty treat if we cooperate, and you know, it really doesn't take very long to please the Momster:)

We love that last shot of you, you have a great smile!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Aaawwww....thanks for naming your toy Bilbo, Ziggy!! I am sooooo glad you liked your pressies!!

OH...and it was MAMA's idea to send those wipes and the toofie brush...I say you need to run whenever you see them!!! BOL!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Poodle At Play said...

That was so nice of your Uncle and his family! I can't wait for the Rodeo either...it's going to be so much fun! And I am sure you will do fine with the Chuck Wagon, especially with Angel Sasha guiding you.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Ziggy ..... looks like your settling in well. Getting plenty of attention and even pressies. Well done!! Sasha's sure lookin' out for you, aye?? Looks like you're a quick learner. You'll be cookin' up a storm in no time.

Idaho PugRanch said...

What great pressies from your Uncle Bilbo, he is pretty great guy.
We are so excited for the Rodeo too, we think you will like the mutton bustin event
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Sully said...

O-M-D could you be any cuter, I think not.

Aroo to you,

Ruby said...

OMD!!! Ziggy!!! What a FABulous pressie package!!!! You sure did make out like a bandit!!! I loves the squeaky stuffs!!! Anythings with a squeaky is a-okays with me!! I likes makin' noise..and lots of it!! BOL
Nows, abouts that flashy beast..here is my pearl of wisdom......
"No cookie, No lookie"! Do NOT look at that camera without a treatie in hand!!! You're welcome. ☺
Ruby ♥
pees: you are just adorables!!!

Kinley Westie said...

How pawsome!

sprinkles said...

My boys have learned how to avoid the flashy beast too. And when I do manage to capture them, the qualify of my iPod pix aren't very good. That's why I don't share them more often on my blog.

You sure got some nice stuffs! How nice of your furiend to send them.

Unknown said...

You lucky duck!! That is a pawsome welcome gift.
Wally & Sammy

Julie said...

Oh Ziggy that's just so wonderful...you haf an Uncle Bilbo to look after you and give you a helping paw, just like my Aunty Freya.
Yous gonna haf great funs...enjoy!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

Uncle Bilbo is just the bestest! That was so very thoughtful!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Piappies World said...

That so sweet of Uncle Bilbo to send you those pawesome pressies. And we love that you named your new toy Bilbo too. We also love your photo though it was quite a challenge for your Mom to take the shot. We sure hope you got some tasty treats for that, too.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

My Mind's Eye said...

Ziggy you might not like the flashy beast but OMDs that last photo is spectacular!! What a million dollar smile
Hugs madi your bfff

Two French Bulldogs said...

We bet Sasha showed you all the tricks. No more posing, run
Lily & Edward

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What cool prezzies!!!!