Friday, March 6, 2015

Preparation For Marathon Lesson #2 by Chef Sasha

Hi my Pals and I hope you are doing well with your marathon training. Here is Lesson # 2 in my series to help you keep strong during training.

First and I will say this to you each time, keep drinking fresh water. Do not let yourself go for too long without water.

3. Fresh Berries

Your legs can take a pounding from high-impact activities like running; soreness you feel after a hard run may be caused by micro-tears in the exercised muscles. That's why, in addition to their high fiber content, berries are a good option for runners: the vitamin C and potassium they contain help the body repair itself.

I read many articles on berries for cats and dogs and they all seemed to agree that berries are safe for pets. Please be careful how many you eat as they might cause stomach upset if you have too many. 

4. Yogurt

Low-Fat Yogurt

Running and other weight-bearing exercise can help you improve your bone density. But calcium is essential part of the equation, and many runners don't get enough. One cup of yogurt contains a third of your recommended daily intake of calcium. Plus, yogurt has protein — important for building muscle and recovering from tough workouts.

 Greek protein has been placed into the limelight, because it is said to contain more protein as opposed to regular yogurt. A cup of Greek yogurt has about two times more protein content than the other. If a cup of regular yogurt gives you around 10 protein grams, the least then that Greek yogurt gives you is 20 protein grams for the same yogurt quantity.

Banana Berry Yogurt Smoothie

6 oz greek yogurt

1 banana 

4 frozen strawberries

1/4 cup cold water

4 ice cubes

Place all in a blender and mix until smooth and yummy in your tummy!

Keep up the good work!!

My next lesson will include, lean beef, salmon and broccoli(tooting time).

 Once again, if my sweet BFF Ruby suggests adding anything extra(if you know what I mean) to the smoothie, do this after your workout. I don't suggest running after Ruby fixes you a "RubySmoothie". They are delicious, but you won't get much done.


 Thank you to

 Nancy Clark, RD, MS, and author of the Food Guide for Marathoners for my information.

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Chef Sasha


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

That is some pawesome information Sasha!! So many great tips!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & growly kisses from Bilbo

Unknown said...

Wow those are some pawsome tips. Now as for those smoothies peeps is drooling. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE love Yogurt.... and we LOVE Berries... so this is a Double Whammy... As soon as it gets WARMER we are gonna FORCE mom to make us one of those Smoothies....
We are SURE that the ATHLETES of Blogville will all be adding this one to their Training Bowls...

THANK YOU Chef Sasha...

Murphy said...

Weill you be serving those smoothies at the finish line? Thanks for the great advice!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - We could use a smoothie today after our run!

Kinley Westie said...

I luv berries, and yogurt too! Runnin, uhh, not so much.

Idaho PugRanch said...

We love yogurt here at our house! Thanks for all this good info Sasha
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Millie and Walter said...

We just put lots of new things on mommy's shopping list. We want to make sure we are in tip top shape for the marathon.

easyweimaraner said...

Oh I will wait till your next lesson :o) maybe it keeps me fit too when my momma eats a truckload of berries?
easy rider

Duke said...

We just love all of your great yummy tips, Sasha. Thank you!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yum! Do you deliver? Because there's no way SHE's going to make us that good stuff.

My Mind's Eye said...

Chef Sasha I kinda wish I was running in the marathon...all these healthy foods look most delicious...and quite frankly I never expected pink beverages to tickle my taste buds but they do
Hugs madi your bfff

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Mmmmmm, we are gonna have to make that so we are ready to run!

KB said...

Great idea! And Shyla already does that. She shares my lunch smoothie with me every day, and it almost follows your recipe!!!!!! It's delicious.

As for those Ruby Smoothies, be careful :)

The Army of Four said...

Yogurt, bananas, strawberries ... all my favorites!!!

sprinkles said...

I went shopping this morning and have everything in that recipe except for the ice cubes. Those are easy enough to make though! I think I might just have to make that smoothie.

Taffy said...

Oh, those berries look fantastic! I will have to try out that smoothie! It looks wonderful!

Ruby said...

WooooHoooooo!!!! these RUBYSMOOTHIES are FABulous!!!!! What? Oh...sorry Sashy...forgots about the 'waiting til AFTER' the workout to 'indulge'...BOL!!!!! Wells, i guess training will have to waits til tomorrows!!! hehehehe
Ruby ♥