Monday, March 4, 2013

Run Free my Sweet Remington

Run Free My Sweet Remington. I will always love you to the moon and back and no other. 

Loveys Sasha

I will be taking a short blogging break


3 doxies said...

My dear Sasha, our heart have broken into a million pieces about Remington. My heart hurts along with everyone else.
You were the love of his life and he yours. I will be here for you during the days ahead and be your shoulder to cry on, we will go through this together. I will be by your side.

Thank you Remington for introducing me to Sasha and I promise I will keep her safe. Rest now my friend.


The Army of Four said...

We were so sorry to hear about Remington! Sending you lots of hugs,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such a very sad day, Sasha. Hugs to you and your Mom on the loss of your very special guy. He stole all our hearts too - he was much too young to have to leave his family. We will always remember him for his goodness and kindness to all.

Soft woos and gentle hugs to his family.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Lovable Lily said...

We're wrapping our love and paws around you Sasha. It's such a sad, sad day. We will light a candle for Remington tonight in his honor.

The blogging world has lost a great furend.

Lily Belle & Muffin

GOOSE said...

Oh Sasha my dear. My heart hurts for you and for Mike and Beth. I thought of you right away. I will forever look at the moon and think of that big special lovable guy of yours. He will be missed terribly. Along with Puddles I am here for you girl.

Grady and Leonardo said...

Our hearts all hurt today.Remy was an amazing brother, and I know he was an amazing boyfriend to you.
He will forever be in our hearts.


AnnStaub said...

Remington is probably frolicking in the snow right now as a little puppy. See you when you get back Sasha.

Oskar said...

My dear Sasha, please allow me to offer you a shoulder of friendship to rely on as you struggle with the loss of your one true love.

Words are hard to come by that express the depth of our sadness. Beth, Mike & you sweet Sasha, are all in our prayers.

Hugs & love,
Pam & Oskar

Sketching with Dogs said...

Such heartbreaking news, we cannot begin to say how sorry we are. Run free beautiful boy.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Millie and Walter said...

Sasha my heart breaks for you as well as Remington's family today. He was a special guy to all of us who knew him. We are here for you when you are ready to come back.

Millie & Cindy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Sasha,
We are here for you in your time of great loss.
We are all thinking of Beth and Mike and You.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Sweet Sweet Sasha, hope you feel our loving pughugs coming your way. Your handsome Remington left way too soon but he will be in your heart furever.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Anonymous said...

Oh Sasha, we hope you can feel us hugging you and kissing you from here. We are here for you and we were so sorry to hear the news today.

Duke said...

Our hearts are breaking for Beth and Mike and their family and for you, Sasha. We will never forget Remington. He was one special pup.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Scooter said...

Sweet Sasha I'm so very sorry about losing Remington. He was such a wonderful furiend and I know you'll miss him tons, but remember him always. Loving vibes to you.
Grr and a Mournful Woof,
Sarge, Furiend

Ruby said...

Oh my Sweet Pal, I am so very sorry to hear abouts your sweetheart. Just know that he is watchin' you from the stars, and playin' football in the snow over the bridge. He was a big guy,with a bigger heart, and you were the center of it. Til you meet again, kiss the sky, and dream of him happy in your arms.
Kisses, and {{{hugs}}}

Maggie Mae and Max said...


We are sendin' you extra luv tonight. Such a sad time in Blogville...

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

When we first heard the sad news about Remington, we immediately thought about you too. We know how much you're going to miss him. But he'll always be there in your heart and if you look really hard on the night there's a full moon, you might see him there too.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Awww Sasha Remington is no longer in pain. He is free and looking at the moon from his side of the bridge.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

My Mind's Eye said...

Dearest Sasha..
Bless you for loving Remington and making him smile. He did so enjoy planning all your dates.

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

We are in mourning for our dear friend Remington...who we met through you and your bloggy. Wesa wishing you and his parents much love and sympathy at this time.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Unknown said...


You take your time my dear. We will understands if you take a longs break. Time will heal your heart.



Unknown said...

Dearest Sasha,

We are so terribly sorry to hear of Remington's passing.

Please know that you and his family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Wally & Sammy

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Take your time sweet Sasha, we all know how Remington felt about you. He DID love you to the moon and back.

Huggies from Dougall and Floyd

Maureen said...

Tears are falling....

SquirrelQueen said...

Sasha, our dear sweet friend, we are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts broke this morning when we saw the news of Remington's passing.

Take your time our friend, we will all be here when you return.

Sending a million soft kitty kisses your way.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Unknown said...

Sasha all we can say is a part of our heart feels broken. We are in shock. Likewise, run free dear Remington. Hugs to you.
Best wishes Molly

tubby3pug said...

Oh no I cannt believe he left so soon

urban hounds

Kari in Alaska said...

We hope he rests in peace and is pain free

Stop on by for a visit

Thirty Something Girl said...

RIP Sweet Remington. x

Anonymous said...

My heart sinks and I'm so sorry. That's so hard.

Unknown said...

Dear Sasha, My heart is hurting for you so. We all have lost a very dear friend in Blogville. He sure gave us a lot of food for thought though huh? May you be comforted by the sweetist memories of your dearest Remington! Love and hugs,
Miss Mindy

Mary Lou said...

I just heard about your Boyfriend, Remington. You instantly appeared in my mind. Mmmm.... Please accept my most heartfelt condolences. I know how much you loved him, Sasha....
If words come and my Brain Juices flow, then I'll do a Blog post in memory of dear sweet Remington.
--Raelyn and Rose

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We are all crying Sashy. We are all very sad- and we are sad with you.
Together we can all sit - side by side and help each other- and comfort each other- with love.

Carolina Cats said...

Dear Miss Sasha, we are sending our most gentle, comforting purrs to help soothe your heartache. Mr. Remington was a sweet, lovable furiend to so many. We will all miss him and think of him with efurry full moon.

Lots of love and purrs,
Finny, Buddy and Jazzy

Mollie said...

We are breaking our hearts this end, I think most of blogville is. Sending you lots of love and you are in our thoughts xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Piappies World said...

Hi Sasha,

So sorry about Remington. We are also saddened by his leaving. He was one of the sweetest friends of the Piappies, too. We send you lots of hugs to comfort you somehow.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

KB said...

Oh Sasha, I am so so sorry. Remington had a heart of gold and is watching over you from above.

Reuben said...

Oh my. I has just come back from dogblogging break and I has just learned of this sadness. I is so very sorry Sasha - I knows that you loved Remington with all of your very big and brave heart. Stay strong lady. It was very brave of you to make the pizzas for Pee and Pee day. You is a good dog.


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