Here is a picture of last weeks cherry pie that Mommy and big Sis made and I got to share it!! It was soooooooo yummy.

Ok on to this weeks menu:
1. Pulled pork sandwiches(this is one of Mommies favorites)
2. Veggies and dip (no green veggies this week cause of Michigan State)
3. Assorted cheeses(duh from Wisconsin) and cocktail breads (the cheese I get to share)
4. Homemade apple-peach sauce(Mommy went to the farmers market for the fruit)
5. Homemade coconut angel food cake with coconut frosting.
I can't wait. I hope you all have a nice weekend and enjoy your football games. Brutus I wish you luck my friend, October 10th is coming fast(giggle), getting nervous?
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Go Badgers, Sasha, and enjoy all those goodies. I just may have to come to your house to eat tomorrow, nothing good here:(
Hey Sahsa!
OK, we'll root for your squirrel this week, but only because there is not a drop of Michigan Blue in our blood!! ON WISCONSIN - Beat Michigan!!
Sorry we didn't do football Friday today - it was our 100th post, so we have something fun to celebrate! Come on over to check it out!
Oh, and don't worry, we're all still going to do our part to support the Buckeyes - we are going to OSU bright & early tomorrow! At teh very least, tailgating in Big Earl, maybe even get some game tickets if we can scalp 'em!!
Scarlet & Grey Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie
Of khourse, I wave my tail fur all the husky teams!
Where I live, lots and lots of humans all skhream and yell fur mountain khytties with blue and white paws -
Where, the hawkbirdies are going to play in the khytties litter box tomorrow night - and it is supposed to rain! Won't that be fun!?!
I hope woo get some of the yummy snakhkies!
We hope your team wins. Menu sounds great - especially the apple peach sauce. How did the Mom and big Sis ake that cherry pie - the top is so cute.
Woos and happy weekend, the OP Pack
Well Sasha,
I live in Michigan and I also went to MSU. So, I am gonna say Go Green, but I hope your Mommy and Daddy have fun.
The pie you helped make is cool. I like the design on top of it.
Boy, that sure was a PRETTY pie, and we KNOW it was good after watching you munch it down!
We got up the first part of our Puppy Shower that you sponsered tonight, and will post the rest next time! You and your Mommy are such WONDERFULLY, FANTASTIC, SWEET, ADORABLE, friends to us! You chased away all the wisps of any post-partum blues I may have been feeling! Thanks again, SO MUCH! ALL of us enjoyed our everything SO MUCH!!! Love you, my BFF! Dott
Hi Sasha
We hope your favorite team wins and that everyone enjoys all that food! YUM
Wow..Go Wisconsin!! Mama would just like to crash your tailgate parties!
Mama actually gets to go see Colt McCoy and the Longhorns in PERSON tomorrow with some friends from church..she is not sure what she is going to bring to tailgate, but I think she may "borrow" some of your Mama's ideas!
Happy Football!!
Homemade coconut cake? Sasha, you are one lucky pup!
That cherry pie looks delicious!
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Sasha, are you protecting the Wolverine or trying to keep him from getting your cheese?
Great menu, I want to come to your tailgate party. Coconut angel food cake? That sounds super yummy.
Hugs and Go Team,
I meant to tell you, I love the Spooky new decorations.
The pie is AMAZING! I think it will help your team win for sure.
Sounds like a great menu for a football game..
So where in Wisconsin are Mom and Dad from? Our Mom and Dad are from Reedsburg it is a little town close to Wisconsin Dells..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Sweet Sasha,
Boy, you guys really know how to throw a party!
OMD!!!! That is the prettiest cherry pie my mommy has ever seen and she's seen a lot of pies in her life cuz she is rrreally old!
Your mommy is a wonderful cook!
Can we come to your party too? We're Cowboy fans but now we think we like the Badgers better.
Have fun and we hope they win!!!
See ya soon.
Riley and Star.
That menu makes me have schnauzer drools!!!
Oh, dear Sasha, it seems this week you had such a varied and yummy menu! Lucky you!
purrs and love
Sasha I know you were Jumping around today with that game. GO BIG RED ON WISCONSIN
Hi Sasha,
Thanks sooo much, you are very sweet! We will do our best!
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
That pie looks delicious! Fred would love to have a big bite of it!!! =) Sasha, we're all in love with you and mom tells all her friends to come and visit you too. We love it here. Your wallpaper is so cute!
Love from Brazil!
The pie gets a little sniff and a big bite.
Yea team! We want your team to win and we wanna come over for some of that good chow!
Domi, the therapy dog, has passed to the Bridge this weekend. Our blog contains her last letter to her friends. Please come to visit. It would mean so much to our momma and then go to Domi's blog to offer condolences. Momma is crying a lot today.
Hi cutie Sassy,
I love your background, is Halloween around the corner yet?
Sassy, I'm back!
Oops, you have not noticed that I have been missing in action lately?
I'm so excited to visit all of my friends again.
I read all your previous posts that I missed, thanks for the ASPCA newsletter!
Yes sweety, when it comes to pie, I won't dare to mess with the Sasha!
Love ya!
I'm assuming you wore a cheesehead today and polka-ed around the room with the Packers win.
Dispatch and his mama don't believe in football due to his daddies addiction but you have officially made us both ravenous. Pulled pork!!
We love your menu so much!! Just wish watching sport here involved so much yummy food!
That cherry pie top is fantastic.
take care
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