Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Picking Up My Toys???

Hi Mommy!

"Hi my Ziggy, I think it is time for you to start picking up your toys by yourself."


I think they look better all spread out, then I can play with them whenever I want.

What do you think my buddies???

Do you have to pick up your toys???

Ziggy Out!!


Samantha said...

Haha, I've been trying to get BabyBelle to do this!
But alas, no thumbs.
Get mommy to do it! Haha...you need to be spoiled.

Sully said...

Nope and as soon as mom gets them in my toy box I start pulling them out.

Aroo to you,

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Nope. My brother Own and I shred all our stuffies so there are stuffie guts everywhere. My peeps pick and sweep up after us. Besides we like the little bits of cloth and stuff strewn all over the house. Makes it look lived in with dogs :)

Little Miss Titch said...

Hehehe I'm with you,get you mum to pick them up if she wants them put away,xx Speedy

Kinley Westie said...

I spread em out EVERYWHERE!

Julie said...

I spread them out fur the peeps to pick up....that gifs them a bit of exercise and then I haf funs getting them spread out all over again!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

NO WAY! That's a job for 'thumbs'.

Duke said...

Nope - that's our mom's job! We don't do clean-up duty!

Charliedownunder said...

Definitely a Moms job. Our job is to spread em all over the house!!

easyweimaraner said...

toys love it to run around in the house... they don't like to be locked in a toy box... and it's a colorful house decoration too :o)

My Mind's Eye said...

Brudder here is a little sisterly advice!!
I think there is a term when training pups to wait or drop something, 'leave'. Tell your mom you are practicing your 'leave' command....and until it is perfected the toys must stay.
Hugs and loving advice from your Sis

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Crikey Ziggy - tell 'em they have to do some work for your love!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

NO WAY..... don't let HER manipulate you that way Ziggy... this is ANOTHER example of how Peeps try to get US to do ALL their Work FOR THEM...
We already do ENOUGH fur them... DO NOT pick up your toys... Unless it is to PLAY with, naturally. NEVER to put back in the toy box.
Now about that BOX... ANOTHER example of THEM wanting us to do thingys THEIR (insane) way... Toys should be FREE TO ROAM not Stuffed in a Box.
Don't fall fur her silliness, Ziggy!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Why would we pick up our toys?? We put them where WE want them. If Momma wants them someplace else, SHE has to do it!!

Cowspotdog said...

Just tell your Mom it is excellent exercise for HER and she will keep doing it :)

C.L.W.STEP said...

My squeaky toys are safe in their basket under the TV. I know where each one is and can quickly find which ever one I want. I have my humans well trained!

Murphy said...

The only way I pick up toys is I pick them up from downstairs in the toy jail and bring them upstairs. Does your mom think you are a housekeeper or something? Next thing she will want you to dust and vacuum!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

Idaho PugRanch said...

Mom picked up most of my toys the other day and it did not take me long to have most of them back out so I just don't see the point
Bailey & Hazel too

Sketching with Dogs said...

Elliot thinks you have the right idea Ziggy. As soon as mum puts his away he gets them back out again, BOL!
Dip and Elliot x

stellaroselong said...

NO it was in the contract that we signed when mom brought us home. it was number 3, we are never allowed to pick up our own toys, and if we want them all over the floor, even if mom and dad trip and step all overs them, we are not to pick them up and neither are they. Of course if mom or dad breaks the contract they will owe us lots of treats.
stella rose

Noodle4President said...

Look at the pictures on my blog. There are toys and toy pieces ALL OVER my house now that Macy lives here. When it was just me and Khia, we had toys (whole toys, not pieces) scattered just a little but Mom would tidy up and put our toys in our basket. She knows it's pointless with Macy. *ear licks* Noodle

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nope, we love to spread them too, and either Mom or Dad do the picking up. We sure hope they don't get any crazy ideas")

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We think it is much more fun to watch Mama put them in our toy basket....sometimes Uncle Jakey follows behind her and takes them right back out!! BOL
Aunty Dory, Uncle Jakey,Uncle Arty & Uncle Bilbo

Two French Bulldogs said...

Boy oh boy these mommas must talk! Spread them out!
Lily & Edward

bichonpawz said...

Nope. We are bichons...that's mama's job! BOL!

Millie and Walter said...

We don't get to keep any stuffies out because Walter just destroys them in seconds so the only thing we have lying around the house are our Nylabones. There aren't too many of them so we get to keep them out all the time.

The Army of Four said...

They're YOUR toys so you should be able to put them anywhere you want to!

sprinkles said...

Shiver would agree with you. He likes to have toys spread throughout the house so that no matter what room he's in he'll always have one to play with.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Merci used to pick up everyone's toys and take them to her den. But then Buddy came along and he could make a mess faster than she could pick up, so she finally gave up and now no one picks up our toys. Except Jan.

KB said...

Our dogs agree with you, Ziggy. But we humans pick them all up once per week, and then put down a few, trying to rotate them to prevent boredom. I sure hope you get it *your* way!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think your toys should be spread everywhere!