Friday, September 18, 2015

I Got A Package!!

Hi my buddies, Mommy is still sneezing and barking so we are pretty chill over here. Just taking it easy and I am taking good care of her.

I am so excited to show you what I got in the mails from Aunt Dory, Uncle Jakey, Uncle Arty and Uncle Bilbo @ Dory's Backyard

I won it for being the King of the Demolition Derby. 

Look at all this loot!!

Thank you very much for all my pressies!!
 I love you!

It is good to be the King!!

OMD these are both soooooooooooo good. Mommy said the Nathans looks and smells good enough for her to eat(she better not).

 I love my burger, I ran off with this one first.

I have my own popsicle!

Everything is super yummy and I am a lucky pup.

Ziggy Out!! 

p.s. Mommy is making me say this, I am a very excited and active young pup so it is hard to get me to sit still for pictures sometimes. I have no idea why she made me tell you this.


Samantha said...

Aww congrats!!!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Congrats Ziggy! Well mom gets some awful cute pictures of you anyway. We kinda know how the puppy thing goes too. Mom takes about 5 pictures to get one good one BOL!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, what a package of goods!!! But of course, only the best for the King!!! We hope your Mom is feeling much better soon. Our little bipeds T and B will be getting their new little shih tzu Duncan in two weeks - he is very cute. We hope he learns to be a good boy like you fast.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You got a jackpot of gifts!! Hurray for you,,, cute little ZIGGY!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are soooooo happy you like all your pressies, Ziggy!!! Your Mama is getting pretty good at clicking that flashy beast, cause we think she did a great job capturing your handsome self!!
Aunt Dory, Uncle Jakey, Uncle Arty & Uncle Bilbo

Ruby said...

I am all kinds of jelly that you gots a burger and IScream!!!! They are most cool!!! I kinda remember WAY back when when I was a wee lass and Ma tried to gets me to sit still for pics! hehehehehe
Congrats on your most FABulous win!!
Ruby ♥

bichonpawz said...

That is one AWESOME box full of pressies!! Congratulations on winning and enjoy all of your swag!! (ps...we think you look awesome in these pics...we are SENIORS and mama still has trouble getting us to "pose")

Duke said...

What a haul!
Our mom understands very well about trying to photograph a young pup! Sit still for 15 seconds, Ziggy - PLEASE☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Jackpot!!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

easyweimaraner said...

oh that's a super royal parcel... have fun King Ziggy!!!!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Zig Ziggy why your Mommy would make you say that you are not sitting still for pictures is beyond me. I think you take adorable pictures, why you are so adorable you are the King remember. That box is like perfect, so much stash and those pumpkin chews. Pray Mommy stops barking soon.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

Nathan's hot dog snacks...We must find these ASAP!!

Congrats on all your goodies you really made out like a bandit ;)

xoxo, Ginger, Matt & Matilda

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

OMD! What a haul! Looks like Santa Paws came early to your house (SHE noticed the Christmas cakes and puddings are already on the shop shelves.) You have so many great things....how could you even choose. Hmmmmm though the hamburger does look good. We think your mum should get a 'faster' camera, just sayin'.

The Army of Four said...

WOW, what a great prize package, King Ziggy!!!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Ziggy. Great haul little mate. Have heaps of fun with them. It's best NOT to sit still the first time cause then the treats will stop. Good thinking little one, hehehe. Hope your weekend is grreat.
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Kinley Westie said...

How pawsome! I got my package for being queen, but I hasn't got to open it yet!

Mara said...

I think you got spoilt there! That popsicle looks good enough to eat as well...

Murphy said...

Wow, that was just like Christmas! Is your mom using the BURST shot or CONTINUOUS setting on her camera? It really helps. BUTT we think your photos look great!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

King Ziggy u got so much stuff! Pawsome!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Bro Ziggy...my peeps are finally home. I missed you so much.
I'm sorry to read your mom has the sneezes and the coughs. I sure hope she is feeling better today.
Dory and the boys were so nice to you
Hugs madi your cyber sis