Sunday, June 14, 2015

Run Free Sweet Sasha

My Angel girl crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. 

Her heart just couldn't go on anymore, there was too much wrong.

Please remember her as the sweet Official Chef of Blogville and pal to all.

My heart is breaking.

I loved my girl so much, but she runs free now with no pain.

Paw Out For The Last Time

Love Anne


The Army of Four said...

Oh, no! Anne, I am so deeply sorry! You are in my prayers.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Anne, there just aren't any words coming out right now. I loved Sasha as if she were my own and I feel I have lost one of my own pups. In 2010 my baby, Angel, crossed the Bridge with the same condition as Sasha had. I know they are together now but the pain and the hole in our hearts will never go away. Remember all the good times you had with her and that will help to get you through the hard days to come. Take comfort in knowing she is no longer in pain. Run young and pain free pretty girl, and please don't forget to continue supplying all that great food to Blogville. You are the best Chef ever!

Always in our hearts.....

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So very sorry. Anne, our hearts go out to you. We have no words. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us. We are sure Sweet Sasha was met at the bridge by Dakota, Thunder, and Phantom as well as many others of our furry pals. And we bet she will continue as our Angel Chef Sasha in all her glory.

Hugs and Woos - Ciara and Lightning and Mom Kathie

Murphy said...

Our hearts are broken. Sasha is well loved and no doubt rejoined in her daddy's arms. You are in our prayers. We have lit a candle for her on our blog.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sasha its dennis the vizsla dog hay run free my frend!!! i no yoo ar alreddy helping tucker cuk up sum noo dishes for his everlasting rainbo bridj buffet but we wil miss yoo heer on erth!!! ok bye

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE are heartsick over this sudden loss... we all ADORED our SWEET CHEF SASHA... She never met a stranger and no one ever left HUNGRY.
We of Blogville MOURN with you... and will CHERISH our MEMORIES of SILLY SASHA... She left us with SO MUCH... Her LOVE and Friendship and Loyality and OH THAT LOOK that she could flash now and then...
OUR HEARTS are HURTING with the LOSS... but they are LIGHT with the JOY she brought us.

RUN FREE AND FAST.... with the Knowledge that there are NO GROOMINGS required On the other side of the bridge.
We send you our Sincere Condolences.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We just woke up. Our hearts are breaking, too. And there are tears in our little part of the world for Sasha and all of you. We know the sadness.

Hugs from all of us to you. Run Free, Sasha girlfriend.

The Daily Pip said...

I am so sorry Anne. Hearts are breaking all over blogville. Sasha was so special to all of us. I know there will many angels and dear friends to greet her at the bridge. Run free, dear Sasha.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Dear Anne - our tears are falling, Sasha was loved all over blogville, such a special girl and special friend to all. We are so so sorry and wish we could find the right words to bring you some comfort. We know she is in her Daddy's arms now, free of pain.
Sending you lots of hugs and prayers
Mr Bailey, Hazel, Mabel & Linda

Marg said...

OH No this is way too sad. We are so sorry Anne but just know that Sasha was so loved by you and so many on the blogosphere. We sure send many many huge hugs. She was a wonderful dog and sure will be missed by all.

Charliedownunder said...

Like Bella, Roxy and Dui Mum and I woke to this news. We too are heartbroken for you all.. Dear sweet Sasha! Our love and thoughts are with you.. The words never come at times like this. Hugs!

CATachresis said...

We had to come when we heard that Sasha has run to the Bridge! We didn't know her, but the loss of a furry is heartbreaking and we want to send purrs and hugs xoxox

M. K. Clinton said...

Oh no. This is a very sad day for Blogville. I cannot express how sad I am for your loss. We have lost a great one today. Sending our love to you. ❤️

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet angel Sasha! We are so so sorry you had to leave your pawsome family but we know you will look after them from the beautiful Rainbow Bridge! Run free now, gorgeous. Take care

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Anne
We are so very very sorry and heartbroken for you, Sissy and big Brother.
Chef Sasha was a beloved friend, devoted pet and had the sweetest personality...just like her mom. I know for sure she has sniffed out our precious Daddy and they are snuggling and pain free.
Your love and devotion to her showed every day...however, today you gave her the ultimate gift...you took away her pain. Don't be too surprise if you have a little visit from your angel to let you know she is ok. That happened to us with our sweet kitty Milky-way...just keep your heart open you'll have a visit...maybe a warm breeze, a butterfly, or just a little touch on your shoulder....but it will be Sasha saying thank you for loving me Mom!
We will miss her but she will remain in our hearts forever.
madi and cecilia

AnnStaub said...

So sad to hear this :( You were a fantastic chef Sasha that will never be forgotten. May you rest in peace and pain free over at the Rainbow Bridge. <3

Duke said...

Our hearts are just shattered. We are so very sorry. Godspeed, Sasha♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frank The Tank said...

I am so sad to hear that Sasha has crossed over the rainbow bridge, my heart is breaking and tears are falling to hear this news because it's such a shock, I'm sure that she is greeted by her daddy with open arms and by all of those from Blogville who have crossed that bridge before her, she will be cooking up a storm wearing glistening Angel wings now, she will always be in the hearts of Blogville as she was such an impawtant person here! All my LOVE to all your family on this sad day, hugs and Puggy snuffles from your furiend Frank and The Momma XxxxxxxxX

Millie and Walter said...

We are so sad to read this news about Sasha. She sure was a sweet gal and we loved everything she made for every Blogville event. We will be thinking about all of you, her family, and holding you close to our hearts. Run free Sweet Sasha. We love you very much.

Scooter said...

Oh no I am so sorry to hear about sweet Sasha. She has been such a wonderful friend and I have loved every minute we shared with her. I'm so sad for all of you and my heart is broken for you. Run free Sasha, and lots of hugs and warm vibes to all of you.
Grr and a Sorrowful Woof,
Sarge, Lori, Stan.

Anonymous said...

Oh doggies........not our Sweet little Sasha....oh we are gonna have some tears today...........The little Chef has gone...but no one will replace her as the greatest chef we ever had.....we will cross our pals and say many prayers for You and you gal......we know she will hev those at the bridge eating good!

The Mad Scots

Finn said...

Oh Anne, we are thinking of you. I know how much you loved Sasha and we loved sharing her with you.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Miz Anne, we are so heart broken to hear this news. Miss Cindi Lou is taking it especially hard since she and Sasha were friends for so long. We will all miss our sweet friend and the best Chef in Blogville. Run free our dear, sweet Sasha.

Love forever,
Cindi Lou and the Kitty Krew

Duncan said...

We are so sorry to hear this news. Sweet Sasha the famous chef and friend to all will be dearly missed. Sending hugs your way.

Dexter said...

Run free, little one.

Mango Momma and Dexter

Samantha said...

I saw this on the Idaho Pug Ranch blog. So sorry for your loss. Sending my pug hugs xoxo MaddiethePug

Scooter said...

Oh Anne, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm heartbroken and tears falling here. She was loved by all and she was so special. We will miss her terribly but yet she will never be forgotten. She is with her daddy safe and sound and we will see her again someday.
I'm sure that Jazzi was waiting for her with a taco.

Run free sweet Sasha

Diana and Oreo and Addi

Julie said...

Oh no this is such sad news, we loved Sasha and her wonderful and amazing cooking abilities.
Sending you all loads of loves and hugs we will truly miss our sweetest furfriend
Loves and sad licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
what can I add but my love and blessings to hold you through this difficult time... I was just getting to know Sasha and am so very sad that you have lost such a sweet (and talented) pal. Warmest hugs (with wags for the angel), YAM (aunty) xxx

Yamini MacLean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lovable Lily said...

Oh dear Lord NO!!!! Not our furend Sasha. Our hearts have just broken into a million and one pieces hearing this news. We know you've been through so very much and no one should have to deal with all this heartache. Please lean on us bcuz we are all here for you.

Sasha we will remember you with all the love in our hearts and for the pawsome furend you were to us.

We love you baby girl!

Lily Belle, Muffin, Kim, Rolf & G-Pa Bob

Sully said...

Anne, our hearts are aching for you and will be praying for you as you grieve. We loved Sasha she was such a sweetheart. I wish we weren't so far away so I could give a big lick and mom could give you a hug.

Aroo to you,
Sully and Robin

tubby3pug said...

I'm so so sorry

pilch92 said...

I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. xo

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so sorry. Sascha was a real cutie. (((hugs)))

KB said...

My heart went to my throat when I read this news. Sasha was wuch a very sweet girl and such a fountain of love in your family. I know that you've been through more than any one human should be able to bear... so my heart is breaking for you. Please lean on all of us in Blogville. You are very loved, and many (including me) will be thinking of you and sending our deepest condolences. Hugs from KB, Shyla, and R.

Run free, sweet Sasha. You are missed by so many of us.

LBJ said...

"Everything worth meaning is made up of so many small parts, its moments, its words, its acts, the skin and bone and the nucleus within us that contains its own fire, somewhere deep inside. Were our own walking fate, and we're our own little miracles, the atoms from which we're made, not so different from the atoms of the earth,the air, the water, all of us formed from that blazing nucleus of the stars - Heaven, binding us together" - From The Book of Barkley

Sasha was such an integral part of this community, made up of so many gentle souls and those that were their family, all of us bound together by love and friendship. When we lose one of them, it's like losing part of our own family. We will miss Sasha greatly and we will be here as needed to offer supports, prayers and comfort - for Blogille IS community, one that is diminished when one of its own leaves us.

LB and Abby the Lab

Brian's Home Blog said...

We just heard about your sweet girl and we are all so very sorry. Love and hugs from all of us. Run free beautiful Sasha.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Our hearts are broken over this sad news. The last get well card Mommy got was from Sasha and there were 2 pictures of her in it. We will cherish those pictures. You will be missed dearest girl.

God bless...Sarah & the girls

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Our hearts are breaking. We are sorry to hear of your loss. Rainbow bridge is gonna have the bestest chef ever! We will miss her so much.

zoepheedogs said...

We are so very sorry for your loss! Sasha was a beautiful girl.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We are so terribly sorry. There are few pains in life greater than the loss of a beloved pet. Sasha was truly special and you helped make her known throughout the world where she was loved. May yo find comfort in your time of sorrow.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So much sadness 'here' but so much celebration at The Rainbow Bridge -

We are sure both of the males in her life are SO happy to see her again -

Phyll and The Others At Khyra's Khorner

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

We want to send our deepest warm thoughts and love to you Anne .... such a sudden loss ... Focus on the fact that she had such a blessed life with you and is no longer in any pain.

Rubie and her mum xxxx ooo xxxx

Ruby said...

Oh My Sweet Pal...I can't even begin to tell you how very much I'm goin' to miss you! My heart is breaking into a thousand pieces and I can't even begin to think how your Moms is feeling right now. You knows that you are the glue that keeps Blogville together. Yes, I said, 'keeps', because you are STILL going to be a part of Blogville furever and evers. Your heart is with us everyday, and in every postie.
I am goin' to keep you in my heart furever.

Til we meet again..

Ruby ♥♥♥

FiveSibesMom said...

I am so very sorry...

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so sorry that Sasha has left for the Bridge. We know our Angel Cubby was there to show her around.

(((hugs))) purrs and prayers at this difficult time.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

I am so very sorry to hear this. Sasha will definitely have a special welcome when she gets to the bridge. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

-Fiona, Abby, Dr. Liz, and Gary the silent husband

GOOSE said...

Anne I am so very sad about Sasha's passing over the Bridge. I will miss her. Her fun loving spirit brought so many smiles to so many. My prayers will be with you friend. I know Goose is showing her around heaven and they are romping and playing together. Your in my heart.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so very sad about Sasha. We always looked forward to the incredible dishes Chef Sasha prepared for us. She was such a vital part of our blogville community and will be sorely missed.

You has our deepest sympathy, healing purrs and paws of condolence from Fenris, Tuiren, Scylla, Socks & Alasandra

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sashy,, it will never be goodbye,, because you and I are soul mates... and BFF'S.. that means we will still talk,, and I will always feel you close,,,

Sashy, I know you had the bestest home in the world.. your mommy and daddy and sissy and boyfriend,,, and all of blogville loved you.

And right now I know your with your daddy at the Rainbow Bridge,,, and he is so happy to see you!

You always made us smile Sashy,, - always,,
I will love you forever,,, your part of my life,,
Tonight I will look for you in the sky,, on your new star.
I am sending love to your family,,

haopee said...

Oh, Anne... We're so sad to hear this news. Indeed, Sasha was the Shih Tzu chef. I don't visit you guys often but it breaks my heart to hear the news.

Don't be sad. We're all here for you. Sending 36 paws your way...

haopee said...

Oh, Anne... We're so sad to hear this news. Indeed, Sasha was the Shih Tzu chef. I don't visit you guys often but it breaks my heart to hear the news.

Don't be sad. We're all here for you. Sending 36 paws your way...

Elgor82 said...

We are so sorry ... we just heard!
RIP Sweet Sasha - you are loved!

Love, Ellen & The Pugs

Agnes B. Bullock said...


please accept our condolences. Sasha was a well loved friend and we will always mis her. If you need anything, just ask and it is yours

Debra Taylor said...

My cat, Panther, just passed Friday. My heart is aching with you. Yes, we are glad they are pain free. But we miss them so very much.

So sorry you lost this one so precious to you.


Kinley Westie said...

I's so sad to read this. Sendin big hugs.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Words can never express how sorry we are.....Sasha, will be forever in our hearts.

Brinley Westie said...

Such sad news.... sending hugs and prayers...

Sweet William The Scot said...

Anne I am so sad reading this and I am sending you hugs. Sasha has to be riding one of her magic bubbles right up to the Rainbow Bridge. Sasha will always be the famous chef of Blogville.
Sweet William The Scot & Lee

sprinkles said...

OMD, I am so so so sorry, Anne! I'm shocked and saddened to read this. Sasha was loved by all and shall be missed.

sprinkles said...

Would it be alright if I used some pictures of Sasha from your blog to create a memorial post on my blog for her?

Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Colehaus Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear Sasha was needed so urgently at the Bridge. Sending hugs and soft purrs from us all.

Piappies World said...

We really feel sad that Sasha has crossed the rainbow bridge. We thank you Anne for sharing her adventures with all of us. We will really miss Sasha. We are very sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of hugs from all of us.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Val said...

So sorry, Miss Sasha will be missed. Run free sweet girl, run free.

easyweimaraner said...

Oh no... I'm so sorry ... and I have no words... just tears for a wonderful friend and the best chef of blogville... Sasha, I'm so sad ...and I will miss you...
easy rider

Unknown said...

We have just heard the news and are so sorry for you. Our heart aches for you and we know how hard it is. We have you in our thoughts and prayers and rest assured sweet Sasha will always be remembered fondly. She will be greatly missed by all of Blogville.
Love and hugs from across the pond.
best wishes Molly

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh no... Floyd and I are so sad... :(

Run free sweet Sasha, we will miss you. :( :(

Duke said...

We are thinking of you, Miss Anne. Huge hugs to you♥

Mitch, Molly and Sue

bichonpawz said...

We are sending your prayers and hugs today. No words can convey our sadness on your loss of dear, sweet Sasha. Love, Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

Thirty Something Girl said...

Oh Anne
I am so sorry to hear of sweet Sasha's passing. I love reading this blog and will miss seeing Sasha's face. Especially the flashy beast posts. I hope that you will find it in your heart to carry it on if you can. R I P Sasha and God Bless you all xx

Tootsie said...

We are deeply sorry for your loss. Sweet Sasha.

Much love,
Tootsie and her mom

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh we are so sorry to hear this news. We send you love and gentle hugs. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge Sasha. You were loved around the world. No worries and love Stella and Rory xx

Unknown said...

Oh Miss Anne,
I am just hearing about our dear, sweet Sasha. I am so sorry for your loss...and for our loss here in Blogville. Sasha was a darling girl and she will be missed so very much. We are keeping you all in our thoughts.

Kia's World said...

So sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful pup and a better cook than I ever will be.

Cowspotdog said...

We were so very sad to read about sasha - she will missed so very much and our hearts are breaking for you.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh Miss Anne, our hearts are just breaking at this news!! Sasha meant so very much to all of us. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sasha will be running with Remington up at the Rainbow Bridge!

Cookie's Comments said...

We are having problems posting comments again. Anyway, I did do a post about Sasha!!! Mum and I got leaky eyes when we heard about her going to the Bridge. I never had the chance to meet Remington, but I heard lots about him and Sasha and really think she will enjoy meeting up with him again and cooking something scrumptious for him!!!!

Luv and Kisses

Toodle pip


Unknown said...

We are so sorry for your loss! She was such a sweetheart and she will be missed forever. Sending our hugs and prayers to you!

stellaroselong said...

Oh Anne we are just so sorry, Momma turned on her computer this morning at work, and we saw that sweet sashy has went to the heavens above to be wif her daddy, we have tears in our eyes, and our hearts hurt for your family, we will always remember her when we see good food. Hugs from our family to yours Stella Rose, Maggie Mae, Angus Mc and momma

TimberLove said...

Soft husky wooooooos,


Sketching with Dogs said...

I am so sorry to hear about little Sasha. She was loved by everyone. We will miss her precious little face and the way she always made us smile.
Big hugs from us Anne.
Run free sweetheart.
Lynne, Dip and Elliot xx

da tabbies o trout towne said...

we did not have the honor of knowing Sasha; but wanted to stop
by with our sincerest sympathies. we are truly sorry. hugs & love
from boomer, dai$y, tuna and dude & sauce too ♥♥♥♥♥

Noodle4President said...

Dear Miss Anne,

I am so very sorry to hear about Sasha. My Mom and I are sending lots of love and prayers of comfort your way.


Jake of Florida said...

We didn't know Sasha, but we do know the heartache of having to let one of our beloved furry kids leave for the Bridge. Sending you heartfelt condolences fpr your loss. May Sasha's memory be for a blessing!

Wirey love from Just Harry and our Angel Jake -- and mom, Joan

3 doxies said...

Anne, my heart is breaking into a million pieces...you just have no idea how much joy Sasha brought into our lives. She was definitely one of Puddles BFFs and one reason we returned to Blogville. We will forever hold her in our hearts and love her like we always have. And we we always remember some of the best times of our lives were on the blog with Sasha...pizza truck, insurance, parties galore...god, how she made me laugh.
There is so much i want to say but i just can't do it right now.

Allison and Puddles

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are so heartbroken to hear about you sweetheart. Thank you for all the laughs. Benny is waiting for you. Run free sweet pea
Lily & Edward

John Bellen said...

I didn't know Sasha, but I know the pain of losing a friend. May Sasha's memories remind you of how wonderful love can be. Godspeed, Sasha.

WFT Nobby said...

Oh dear, this was so sudden. Sasha was such a dear sweet pup. She will be remembered across the world for all the joy she brought. Thank you so much for sharing her with us all.
Sending hugs and warmest wishes,
Gail and Bertie.

Monkeywrangler said...

I read of your loss on Home on the Range blog. I am so sorry your friend is gone. I know how it hurts.

Poodle At Play said...

This is such sad news to come back to Blogville too, and it promptly broke both my heart and my mom's. We are so very sorry to hear about the hole that's now in your heart, and echo'd in all the hearts in Blogville. Sasha was a wonderful girl and the very bestest chef...and now she can run free with no pain over the bridge.

Run free, sweet Sasha


We are so sorry we did not get to know Sasha but our heart understands the deep power of love for one to another and sadness that the loss of that special one creates. We are so very very sorry at your loss and we will keep you in our hearts and in our thoughts.

deep purrs
Annabelle, Boo, Ping and Mr Jinx (and Mom Debra)

B'ville Observer said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mom Kim here - All of us at Team Beaglebratz are so very sorry to hear this sad news. I have been offline for several months due to a medical issue - able to post only a couple of times since this past December.

Little Sasha was such a sweet pupper and great furrend and chef to all of Blogville. She will be missed by all.

Play hard and be happy at the Rainbow Bridge Chef Sasha.
Mom Kim, Lord Shiloh'n Lady Shasta

Cap'n Jan said...

I'll be sure to let my guys know to welcome Little Sasha at the bridge. They are all gentle and protective creatures and will always make room for a sweetheart.

All sympathy for you, though we have never met, still, we share a love of those four-leggeds.

Cap'n Jan

Idaho PugRanch said...

Just stopping by to let you know we are thinking and praying for you Anne.
lots of pug hugs and love
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Anne and Family..we are also stopping by to say you all have not left our thoughts since Sunday. We send healing hugs and love Madi and Mom

Marty the Manx said...

Oh Anne and family I don't know what to say. We haven't been around much because of my work and I was just devastate when I came by to say hello and saw that sweet Sasha had to go Over the Bridge. Sending you my love, prayers and huge hug. I am so very very sorry.
Marty's Mom

Mara said...

I am so sorry! As are Miss Oswin and Brom. Hugs from all three of us!

Ranger said...

Dear Anne,
I am soooooooo sorry for your loss. I just loved your beautiful girl and all of her tasty foodables. Blogville will not be the same without her.
Sending love and licks your way.
Ranger and his Mom

Wyatt said...

We have been away from Blogville and just read the news. So sorry to hear about your sweet Sasha crossing the bridge. Sending hugs from Oregon,

Wyatt and Family

Little Miss Titch said...

We are so sorry for your loss,we just heard about Sasha's Crossing,Love hugs and snuggles from Speedy and Rachel

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Anne, I have been out of the country and only saw this now. Sasha was such a wonderful character. I am so saddened to read this. Hugs!