Friday, June 5, 2015

Ready For The Rodeo

Hi my pals, I hope you all know by now that our super cool Mayorz Murphy & Stanley are hosting a real root 'n tootin Rodeo in July!

I will be making the vittles in my Chuck Wagon which the Mayorz gave to me. 

For the Rodeo I will be known as "Cookie" cause that is what they called the Chuck Wagon Chefs back a piece. 

 I am gonna have to practice riding with this horsey. I am hoping that Bilbo will help me with the vittles and just to be safe I asked Puddles to help me with the driving. 

I will be needing plenty of vermin so I will be asking all my hunting pals for help. 
I am already stocking up on baked beans, that should make the Rodeo really root 'n tootin!!!

Have a good weekend
Wooooooooh Horsey!!!!!!!!!!

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You asked Puddles to help with the driving??!! Have you been having too many of Ruby's margaritas?

KB said...

We know any vittles you cook up will be awesome. We can contribute a chipmunk or two. Would that help with the chuckwagon vittles?

Murphy said...

OMD Cookie! That video reminded us of our dad! We know you will do a great job and we are sure Puddles has reformed herself. She was even wearing a cute dress on her post so we think she has fur sure changed her ways! But just in case, good thing Bilbo is there to protect you from her misadventures. You might want her to blow into the breathalyzer before handing her the reins. Just sayin' . . .

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Exactly WHAT is Puddles going to be driving??? A vehicle or all the bulls at the rodeo:)

We will keep trying to find that possum for your possum pizzas, Sasha. And any other critter that crosses our paths.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Sashy, you know I will be there to help you in every way and anyway I can!! I am sure Puddles will be a great big help driving...wait, driving?? Are you sure....???? Well, if you think she will be ok, I am sure she will be great!!
Growlie kisses,

Cookie's Comments said...

Oh Sasha

If you are gonna call yourself Cookie at the Rodeo we will have to figure out a way to distinguish you from me--BOL BOL BOL

Toodle Pip


Duke said...

Oh my - are you sure you don't want to change your mind about the beans, Sasha? Mom is still laughing at the video☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

3 doxies said...

OMD...OMD...I has always wanted to drive horses. Ummmm, just a hyothetical question...is da wagon insured?
Okays, I is your girl fur whatevers kind of meat you need. We can do, chipmunk, squirrel, ground hog, rat, dinosaur, and giraffe. I gots you covered.
I gots to go find my sparkly cowgirl hat now...WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
"...and just to be safe I asked Puddles to drive..."


I LUURRVV beans - as a vego, my gut is adjusted... &*> Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

easyweimaraner said...

oh what a perfect timing... just today I caught two snails... they are a little small but maybe you can use them as a decoration? for a pizza or a cake?
easy rider

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD OMD SASHA AKA COOKIE..... WHAT????? Has all that BEAN Gas effected your THINKING???? You are gonna let PUDDLES drive the CHUCK WAGON???? OMD we will all STARVE... she will either get LOST or Wreck the thihngy... OMD OMD Those Butt Barking Beans have gone to your HEAD.

BUTT... OH the CHOW we will CHOW DOWN on... Ruby and Murphy and Stanley seem to have an EXCESS of Squirrels right now... Squirrel Stew with Flat Bread would be a super supper fur SURE...

Kinley Westie said...

I are off to catch some skwerrils and rats for ya!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

If you need any help getting some rats, I'm your Welsh. I can find them underground.
Sally Ann

Wyatt said...

Fun Fun Fun, see you at the vittles wagon!


Ruby said...

OMD!!!! CHUCK WAGON!!!!! OMD, that is most FABulous gurl!!! Nows, I lets Puddles drive my Margarita Truck at the Soccer game and she only put a few dents in it....okays, she took off a bumper and a side mirror, butts nothin' major! I thinks your Chuck Wagon will be fine!!! Hey, I thinks we should attach a Bar Wagon to the back there, and I can be the Bartender!!! They do that at Rodeos, right?? BOL!! We can call it 'Ruby's Rollin' Saloon'!!!
Whatcha think?! You, Me, Puddles...just like old times!!!!
Ruby ♥

The Army of Four said...

Hey, Cookie! That's our favorite clip from Blazing Saddles!!!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'll catch some bunnies for you, okay? We're INFESTED with them lately in my neighborhood!

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, you will rustle up the bestest vittles ever on the range! BOL Can't wait for your chuck wagon. It will have me chuck waggin' fur sure.

BTW: THANKS SO MUCH FOR MY SWEET GOTCHA CARD! I love it. Perfect for me with the donuts. BOL You're a wonderful furiend and I'll post about your card on Friday this week. :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish