Friday, April 24, 2015


Hi my Pals and here is another great edition of FFHT hosted by none other than 

I have some other special events to celebrate so I am going to include them in my story today.

Welcome to Friday and today is the birthday of a very special Blogvillian 

I was thinking what could I do to help Sully celebrate his big day. I know Sully likes cheese. Should I get him some cheese??

I was out working on my pizza truck when I got a snooter of something. It smelled like...PIZZA.

I know I will drive my pizza truck over to Sully's and bring him some squirrel and possum pizza. I hope he likes it, I think it will be a very good gift. 

I wonder who else will be there. I think maybe I will see our pals   Susie and Sidebite!! They took a little break but now they are home where they belong.

 I think my BFF Ruby  will be there with her world famous Margarita Truck

The truck is ready to go!!

This one is for you Sully but there is plenty more for everyone.

I hope I see all my pals there to celebrate each other and the great place that Blogville is for us.

 Wait now my snooter got a whiff of something else.
It smelled like...

Yikes, I have to go...don't worry I won't bring any burned pizza. Moooooooooommy help!!

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha


WFT Nobby said...

Mmmm. Cheese. Pizza. I can almost smell it through the screen.
Toodle pip!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
....uh oh...... actually I bet that tastes superydupery good! Nicely kneaded together on the theme Sasha! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Kinley Westie said...

I bet Sully will luv his pizza!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

it's okay, we'll eat the burnt pizza! We're sure Sully will love every mouthful of pizza. AND it'll probably drive those dingoes NUTS~!

easyweimaraner said...

that's a super idea and I bet Sully will jump with joy when he smells your fabulous possum-pizza :o)
easy rider

Julie said...

Oh Sasha, I can smells all those wonderful foodables from here, I'm sure Sully's gonna luff your surprise
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate Sully's birthday, with some of your nummilicious pizza!! I'll ride shotgun and help you serve it up!
Growlie kisses!

The Daily Pip said...

Crash, bang, boom ...oops, sorry about the crash landing. I smelled your possum pizza all the way across the bridge and had to pop back for a slice

Matilda the Boxer said...

Don't worry, Sasha, I'll eat that burned pizza so fast no one will ever know!

Murphy said...

We can smell the pizza clear over here! Gonna have to stop by and grab a piece! Great job!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

My Mind's Eye said...


stellaroselong said...

Sashy how did you evers evers evers get a picture of your moms cooking....that burnt pizza is what ours dad often comes home too...Happy Birthday Sully!
stella rose

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HAPPY BIRFDAY to SULLY !!! WOW he gets YOUR PIZZA fur his big Celebration.

WE love the burned kind... it has charcoal in it and it is good fur Digestion...

Darn Girrrrl you are a Grrrreat Cooker.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Even burnt the pizza smell delish! What a great way to help Sully celebrate his birthday
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We thinks anything that smells like pizza is good. We are so lucky our youngest bean works at a pizza place and his clothes smell heavenly when he gets home.

Pizza is a very GOOD GIFT.

Ruby said...

HEY GURL!!!! OMD, I LOVES the burnt pizza too!! I thinks I'll take a slice of that and some of Sully's!!! (He'll never know!! BOL!!!)
You make the bestest Pizza EVERS!!!!
(oh, and lets me know if you need more squirrel and possom...I gots more in the freezer!)
Let's have some margaritas and beer!!!!
Ruby ♥

Sully said...

Aww Sasha you're the bestest, thank you for my birthday pizza. I'm a lucky pup to have a friend like you. Thanks again.

Aroo to you,

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

I think our Mommy would actually try to eat the inside part of the burnt pizza.

Scooter said...

Great job on the food Sasha.


Duke said...

Oh no - that's not burned - just a little well done, Sasha! You cook everything the bestest!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sasha...Sully is more then excited...with that pizza and Ruby's Margaritas his party is a great success.....come on...we gonna go hut Dingos with Sully....Like how you worked in the FFHT

The Mad Scots

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh Sasha, we just know that your friend Sully will be thrilled with his special pizza!!! You are so thoughtful!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Sweet William The Scot said...

Stopped by for Sully's party. Sully has a great heart, well why not he is from The Heart of Texas.
Great fixins Sasha
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Boy! We think we can smell that pizza all the way over here.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oooooh, pizza. We love pizza. Are there any crumbs left?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We like pizza - no matter what- as long as it has cheese on it!

The Army of Four said...

Mmmmm..... pizza!!!!!!!!