Thursday, February 19, 2015

Special Cards and a Mystery

Hi my Pals, in all the excitement of the Heart 2 Heart Dance, I forgot to show you some special  cards I got.

Thank you Bilbo for the most wonderful evening at the dance. I have been sleeping with this card next to me.

Bilbo also sent me this one on Daisy's blog, isn't is beautiful. I am so lucky

This is from my best friend in the whole world Tweedles. She made this just for me!!
I am a lucky pal.

Mommy was kind of sad for Valentines Day this year, but a friend of hers sent her these beautiful flowers which made her happy. My Sissy also got her a box of chocolate covered strawberries, but they were gone before she got a picture.

Look I ate a smurf!!

Not really, I will tell you more about this next time.

Try and guess what I did.

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha


Ruby said...

OMD!!! Those are most FABulous cards Sasha!!!! Bilbo is one romantic dude!!! I thinks he is a keeper fursure! And Tweedles....PAWSOME furiend!!! She is one sweet and thoughtful pal! And those roses are amazin'!!! I bets they made all the difference to your Moms ♥
Nows, abouts eatin' that Smurf....butter or sauce?? BOL!!!!!
Oh, just kiddin' kiddies...
Ruby ♥

Wyatt said...

Those are some pawesome cards and you know how we feel about spring flowers!! BOW WOW.
♥♥ Wyatt and Stanzie

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I think I am the lucky one to have such a wonderful Valentine!!
Snuggly Growlies!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sashy,,, those flowers are beautious! I bet your whole house smells like flowers right now.. And your special cards too,,, how wonderful... Well I hope you did not eat Sissys candy,,?? Or maybe a flower? Was it really a smurf?

Kinley Westie said...

Pawsome cards!

What do smurfs taste like? Just kiddin, BOL!

KB said...

So many nice cards, flowers, chocolate covered strawberries! Wow! I can tell that there's lots of love around you and your mom.

bichonpawz said...

We are so very happy that your and your mom are surrounded by love!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Beautiful cards....you lucky girl.

haopee said...

Hey Sasha. I just wanted to say hi. Those cards look so cute... I bet your mom had lots of fun reading it to you.

Unknown said...

How very sweet Sasha. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

The Daily Pip said...

Lovely cards and messages for a most lovely and special friend like you, Sasha!

Cowspotdog said...

oh oh - we think Bilbo may have a touch of puppy love

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Awwwwww Pawfessor Bilbo is SUCH a romantical guy. We are glad that you two are now a COUPLE... beclaws you are Pawfect fur each other..
OH those beautiful Flowers that your mom's furend sent to her.. How very much Thoughtful.
We can't wait to see what you were up to.

stellaroselong said...

That boy has a romantic heart for sure....we also thought about your momma on that day.
stella rose

easyweimaraner said...

the cards and the flowers are pawesome! you ate a smurf? hope it wasn't the one with the beard... that will tickle your tummy :o)
easy rider

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha...all these years I've know Bilbo and lo and behold I never knew he was such a sensitive romantic....This goes to show the Ms. Right can bring out the best in her beau.

Ohhhh your mom's flowers are so pretty we love tulips
Hugs madi your bfff

Idaho PugRanch said...

Such nice cards and the flowers are beautiful, but what the heck did you eat Sasha ???
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So sweet of Mom's friend to be so thoughtful on Valentine's Day. Nice to have a great pal like that.

Smurfed Sasha??? Can't wait to hear more:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Two French Bulldogs said...

Lots of love in that house
Lily & Edward

The Army of Four said...

We know this had to be a hard one for your mom. All that extra love had to help a bit! We both send hugs, too!

Duke said...

What nice cards for you and beautiful flowers and candy for your mom, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ....... you got all those cards??? You really are LOVED. AND so is your Mom aye???? Sasha ..... you gotta stop eatin Smurfs. They're turning your furs all BLUE.

Millie and Walter said...

You and your mom are two lucky gals. We can't wait to hear the story of your blue lips.

Beth said...

Don't know what you did Sasha....but the blue is kind of interesting!!!!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Sasha, beautiful cards little mate. You are loved far and wide. Your mum's flowers were beautiful too and we hope they made her smile. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

sprinkles said...

I love your blog background!

How sweet of Bilbo to send you those cards. And how thoughtful of your mama's friend to remember her on Valentine's Day.

Can't wait to read all about your blue face.