Monday, October 27, 2014

Highland Games 2014

Welcome to the feast for the Highland Games. 
Hou's it gaun"??

Thank you to Mollie for hosting this wonderful event to celebrate beautiful Kyla. Please check her blog for all the great activities going on today.

Kyla@ is all set with her empty bowl. 

Fill it up!!!
Come wi's!!

I must admit, I needed a little help with this one, as I am not as familiar with Scottish Foodables. 

I hope you enjoy everything.

Lets start with a nice bowl of "Cullen-skink" soup.
No worries, it is not made of skunk, it is fish and potatoes.

"Sasha's Scotch Eggs"

"Nessie sausage pie"

"Squirrel Shepherds Pie"

"Kyla's Kippers"

Here is a lovely dish of "Rumpledethumps" which are cheesy potatoes with cabbage.
I hope you don't have the "rumpledethumps in your tummies later(giggles)

"Horrid Haggis"
I am not sure you want to know what is in here, but I hope you will give it a "Scottish Try"

"Scottish Mutton Pizza with Tatties"

"Shorty's Shortbread and Sheeps Milk Cheese"

"Susie and Sidebites Scottish Peanut Butter Cookies".
This was a special request and the Scotch is baked right in the cookies, so take it easy.

Here is a delicious "Dundee Cake" which is fruity and yummy to finish off your meal.

Find a comfy spot and relax a bit and have a Brewdog  Scottish beer.

The dining hall is all set up with Scottish flair.

These are the servers Angus and Ainsley, but I fear they have gotten into the Ale a bit too early, so service might be slow.

I hope your found this to be a wonderful adventure into some new foods. 

I had fun making everything.

Bless Ye!!

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Chef McSasha


Daisy said...

Oh, my full tummy. Thank you, dear Sasha, for providing amazing foodables (as always). I happen to agree with Mr. Myers.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Another terrific spread, Sasha. SHE's had haggis and it isn't too bad...

Now, we're still thinkin' what we want, so we'll get back to you and you can serve others first.

3 doxies said...

I sees dat I picked a most fabulous time to return. Nows, I want 6 of them beers and some PB cookies and then some of them eggie thingamabobs! I dies like food and beer you know. Do eggs make you fart?
Ill be back for more, i has to go pee right now.


Unknown said...

Oh my word Sasha you really have done a terrific job today. We are drooling all over the keyboard. Nice one. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

What a FABULOUS spread of Scottish foodables! Some of the stuff was scary looking but tasted delish. My Mom and Dad tried haggis when they visited Scotland.....all I can say is it's a good thing they also had a "wee dram" at the same time as the haggis! HAHAHA Thanks for this wonderful celebration of all things Scottish - I know Kyla will love every second of it!

Hugs, Sammy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

ACK Sasha... the place is Pawsitively PLAID... it looks GRAND.

AND the foodables ... we loved the haggis and the Scotch Eggs... butt our FAVORITE is the Kyla's Kippers... DELICIOUS and so CRUNCHY.
No Wonder you are Blogville's TOP CHEF.

Kismet said...

BURP. I just might join Angus and Ainsley after that wonderful meal.Thanks. I never met a meal I didn't like, but this was over the top.

Two French Bulldogs said...

This is for sure the highlight of the games! Foodables
Lily & Edward

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Best foodies EVER!!!! We even tried the Haggis stuffles!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

stellaroselong said...

OH Sashy you have out done yourself....what a great assortment, yummy!!!
stella rose

Sully said...

Wow you have out done yourself Sasha.

Aroo to you,

Anonymous said...

wow Sasha! that's the taste of the highlands. I will try that rumpegrumple-thingy... do you think I should open my window tonight?

KB said...

We are heading over to partake. That feast looks incredible! And so Scottish!

Mollie said...

OMD I am STUFFED, my goodness Girl, you sure know how to put on a banquet. Just pawsome..Off for some more haggis xxoxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Little Miss Titch said...

Great Noms Sasha!don't forget to stop by my Castle for a Wee Dram,xx Speedy

My Mind's Eye said...

Chef Sasha the Scotch eggs and squirrel pie were show stoppers!! Bravo my sweet friend.
Hugs madi your bfff

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! The Squirrel Shepherd's Pie is the bestest we have ever eaten. Everything looks so lovely and tasty. A wee bit of everything should be great! Hmmm, we're kinda scared of haggis, but we will definitely have a piece of cake! Still sending prayers for your daddy. ☺

Sweet William The Scot said...

I will have the Scottish Eggs and a Rip Tide beer to wet my whistle so I can go back and play my bagpipes. I think Scotland the Brave does not apply to me when trying that Horrid Haggis.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Idaho PugRanch said...

Once again Sasha you have done a superb job with the food! don't know about the Haggis though BOL!
Mr Bailey & Hazel

Duke said...

Everything looks fabulous, Sasha! We're planning on trying a little bit of everything!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Marty the Manx said...

Sweet Chef Sasha thank goodness we left your wonderful meal for last or we would have never been able to move! Everything is so yummy that our plates weigh a ton! Heading over to the dessert table in a little bit. Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful meal on this special day for Kyla!
Luv ya!
Marty and the Gang

Murphy said...

Wow, you pulled out all the stops on this one! Job well *burb*, oops, sorry . . . done!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Ruby said...

OMD, Sashy, you have OUT DONE yourself!!!! These egg thingies are FABulous gurl!!! Oh, and KIPPERS!!! OMD, I do love the fishes!! I don't gets them at home cause Ma hates the smell of the fishes, so I'll take 87 of those kippers and I hopes I don't puke on Ma later...that could be troubles...
Okays enough of that ~ I'll take some of those bangers too!! hehehehe..bangers!
Okays nows some cookies!!! OMD, I do loves me some shortbread!!!
Okays, I'll be back for some of that possom!
Ruby ♥

Anonymous said...

Excellent Sasha, Dad went nuts when he saw the Scotch egg, we at till we almost burst then drank it all down,wonderful Scottish food. Hope some others got some of our special cookies cause we grabbed all that were left for the trip home.

Your Pals
Susie & Bites
Pees; Our announcer Max says thanks for the lunch buffet in the broadcast booth!

Braeden and Seth said...

Outstanding selection, Sasha! We have one, probably two, of everything. But maybe not the haggis, we're not sure what's in that!

Braeden, Seth and Riley

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sashy, I would like some snacks if any are left.

Kinley Westie said...

Pawsome foodables!

And haggis, yummmmm!

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, I just didn't know where to start furst. So I had a little of everything, and then a little more! That haggis... DEFINITELY created on a dare! But I ate so much Squirrel Shepherd's Pie that I was sick half the night. It was just sooooo good!

bichonpawz said...

Absolutely awesome foodables!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

My Mind's Eye said...

Dory and her pack just sent us a copy of your FaceBook update on your Dad.
We wanted to tell your mom and your dad and of course you we are thinking of you and are praying very very hard.
Lots of Love,
Madi and Mom