Saturday, June 14, 2014

It Was A Tough Job, But Sasha Had To Do It!

I came, I saw, I conquered that wallymelon!!!!!

Wallymelon 0----Sasha 1

Everything is going good around here, we are all just adjusting to Daddy being home.

Love you all and have a great weekend.

I am helping Mommy by fixing Daddy's bed. Do you like it??

Happy Flag Day!!

Loveys Sasha

p.s. yes I did have to get a haircut and I am too upset to tell you about it now. Next time...


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Congratulations on that Wally melon fight. Well done!

We're glad your Daddy is home. We think he'll love that bed UNLESS he didn't go to the University of Wisconson...BOL!

XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

Idaho PugRanch said...

looks like that wallymelon was very juicy! Good to see your sweet face Sasha and here things are going well
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Sasha, hope you gave your dad some smoochie kisses with that wallymelon face hehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Sully said...

I love watermelon too, it's cool and it taste great. Good job helping your mom.

Aroo to you,

Duke said...

You are making us hungry for watermelon! We bet you have something very special planned for your daddy tomorrow, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha my sweet girl so good to see you back on the air waves. HUGGLES to you and your entire family! Good job on the bed
Madi your bfff

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sasha!
I have been reading your post but I was not able to leave comments.
I am very happy that your Dad is at home now and I am sure he is doing better and better!
Watermelon is yummilicious, right?
Happy Flag Day!
Take care

Ruby said...

Yummers on the WalleyMelon Sasha!!! Nows, I'm gonna be thinkin' abouts it all night! BOL
I loves those sheets!! I bets your Pops loves them too!
I am sendin' him lots of healin' vibes and lots of AireZens for ya'll!
Happy Flag Day my Sweet Pal!!
Ruby ♥

Millie and Walter said...

We haven't had any wally melon this season yet. We will have to put it on mom's shopping list. You're looking cute as ever Miss Sasha.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sashy you are such a good little helper-- to make your daddys bed all comforables for him!!
I know everyone in your house is sooooo happy he is home!
And good for you- getting some wally melon!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE are so happy that your dad is HOME fur DAD's DAY. THAT is spectacular.
OH NO... the DREADED Furs Salon Visit. We WILL want to hear of it, butt will probably PEE a little during the showing and telling of THE HORROR.

Scooter said...

Looks like you do a great job on the bed Sasha. Glad that your dad is doing good.


bichonpawz said...

We are so glad to hear that things are returning to normal at your house Sasha! The bed looks awesome and we sure are happy to hear that you conquered the watermelon!!

Kinley Westie said...

Congrats on conquerin dat watermelon!

Unknown said...

Way to go Sasha with the watermelon.
Happy Farther's day to your daddy and have a lovely serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

SquirrelQueen said...

That must have been one very delicious, juicy wallymelon cause you gots it all over your sweet chin Sasha. We are so glad to hear your daddy is back home.

Sorry we haven't been around much, mama has been so busy with the foster kittens she hasn't had a lot of time for the 'puter.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh, don't sit on the flag, Sasha! They're not ever supposed to even touch the ground. :( But happy Flag Day to you. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

The Army of Four said...

Mmmm... watermelon!!!!!